# coding: utf-8 module ActiveScaffold module Helpers # Helpers that assist with the rendering of a List Column module ListColumnHelpers def get_column_value(record, column) begin # check for an override helper value = if column_override? column # we only pass the record as the argument. we previously also passed the formatted_value, # but mike perham pointed out that prohibited the usage of overrides to improve on the # performance of our default formatting. see issue #138. send(column_override(column), record) # second, check if the dev has specified a valid list_ui for this column elsif column.list_ui and override_column_ui?(column.list_ui) send(override_column_ui(column.list_ui), column, record) elsif column.column and override_column_ui?(column.column[:type]) send(override_column_ui(column.column[:type]), column, record) else format_column_value(record, column) end value = ' '.html_safe if value.nil? or (value.respond_to?(:empty?) and value.empty?) # fix for IE 6 return value rescue Exception => e logger.error Time.now.to_s + "#{e.inspect} -- on the ActiveScaffold column = :#{column.name} in #{controller.class}" raise e end end # TODO: move empty_field_text and   logic in here? # TODO: we need to distinguish between the automatic links *we* create and the ones that the dev specified. some logic may not apply if the dev specified the link. def render_list_column(text, column, record) if column.link link = column.link associated = column.association ? record.send(column.association[:name]) : nil url_options = params_for(:action => nil, :id => record.id) # setup automatic link if column.autolink? && column.singular_association? # link to inline form link = action_link_to_inline_form(column, record, associated, text) return text if link.nil? else url_options[:link] = text end if column_link_authorized?(link, column, record, associated) render_action_link(link, url_options, record) else "#{text}".html_safe end elsif inplace_edit?(record, column) active_scaffold_inplace_edit(record, column, {:formatted_column => text}) else text end end # setup the action link to inline form def action_link_to_inline_form(column, record, associated, text) link = column.link.clone link.label = text configure_column_link(link, associated, column.actions_for_association_links) end def configure_column_link(link, associated, actions) if column_empty?(associated) # if association is empty, we only can link to create form if actions.include?(:new) link.action = 'new' link.crud_type = :create link.label = as_(:create_new) end elsif actions.include?(:edit) link.action = 'edit' link.crud_type = :update elsif actions.include?(:show) link.action = 'show' link.crud_type = :read elsif actions.include?(:list) link.action = 'index' link.crud_type = :read end link if link.action.present? end def column_link_authorized?(link, column, record, associated) if column.association associated_for_authorized = if associated.nil? || (associated.respond_to?(:blank?) && associated.blank?) column.association.associated_class elsif column.plural_association? associated.first else associated end authorized = associated_for_authorized.authorized_for?(:crud_type => link.crud_type) authorized = authorized and record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :update, :column => column.name) if link.crud_type == :create authorized else record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => link.crud_type) end end # There are two basic ways to clean a column's value: h() and sanitize(). The latter is useful # when the column contains *valid* html data, and you want to just disable any scripting. People # can always use field overrides to clean data one way or the other, but having this override # lets people decide which way it should happen by default. # # Why is it not a configuration option? Because it seems like a somewhat rare request. But it # could eventually be an option in config.list (and config.show, I guess). def clean_column_value(v) h(v) end ## ## Overrides ## def active_scaffold_column_text(column, record) clean_column_value(truncate(record.send(column.name), :length => column.options[:truncate] || 50)) end def active_scaffold_column_checkbox(column, record) options = {:disabled => true, :id => nil, :object => record} options.delete(:disabled) if inplace_edit?(record, column) check_box(:record, column.name, options) end def column_override_name(column, class_prefix = false) "#{clean_class_name(column.active_record_class.name) + '_' if class_prefix}#{clean_column_name(column.name)}_column" end def column_override(column) method_with_class = column_override_name(column, true) return method_with_class if respond_to?(method_with_class) method = column_override_name(column) method if respond_to?(method) end alias_method :column_override?, :column_override def override_column_ui?(list_ui) respond_to?(override_column_ui(list_ui)) end # the naming convention for overriding column types with helpers def override_column_ui(list_ui) "active_scaffold_column_#{list_ui}" end ## ## Formatting ## def format_column_value(record, column, value = nil) value ||= record.send(column.name) unless record.nil? if value && column.association # cache association size before calling column_empty? associated_size = value.size if column.plural_association? and column.associated_number? # get count before cache association end if column.association.nil? or column_empty?(value) if column.form_ui == :select && column.options[:options] text, val = column.options[:options].find {|text, val| (val.nil? ? text : val).to_s == value.to_s} value = active_scaffold_translated_option(column, text, val).first if text end if value.is_a? Numeric format_number_value(value, column.options) else format_value(value, column.options) end else format_association_value(value, column, associated_size) end end def format_number_value(value, options = {}) value = case options[:format] when :size number_to_human_size(value, options[:i18n_options] || {}) when :percentage number_to_percentage(value, options[:i18n_options] || {}) when :currency number_to_currency(value, options[:i18n_options] || {}) when :i18n_number number_with_delimiter(value, options[:i18n_options] || {}) else value end clean_column_value(value) end def format_association_value(value, column, size) format_value case when column.singular_association? value.to_label when column.plural_association? if column.associated_limit.nil? firsts = value.collect { |v| v.to_label } else firsts = value.first(column.associated_limit) firsts.collect! { |v| v.to_label } firsts[column.associated_limit] = '…' if value.size > column.associated_limit end if column.associated_limit == 0 size if column.associated_number? else joined_associated = firsts.join(active_scaffold_config.list.association_join_text) joined_associated << " (#{size})" if column.associated_number? and column.associated_limit and value.size > column.associated_limit joined_associated end end end def format_value(column_value, options = {}) value = if column_empty?(column_value) active_scaffold_config.list.empty_field_text elsif column_value.is_a?(Time) || column_value.is_a?(Date) l(column_value, :format => options[:format] || :default) elsif [FalseClass, TrueClass].include?(column_value.class) as_(column_value.to_s.to_sym) else column_value.to_s end clean_column_value(value) end # ========== # = Inline Edit = # ========== def inplace_edit?(record, column) if column.inplace_edit editable = controller.send(:update_authorized?, record) if controller.respond_to?(:update_authorized?) editable = record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :update, :column => column.name) if editable.nil? || editable == true editable end end def inplace_edit_cloning?(column) column.inplace_edit != :ajax and (override_form_field?(column) or column.form_ui or (column.column and override_input?(column.column[:type]))) end def active_scaffold_inplace_edit(record, column, options = {}) formatted_column = options[:formatted_column] || format_column_value(record, column) klass = (column.name == :marked ? 'mark_record_field' : 'in_place_editor_field') id_options = {:id => record.id.to_s, :action => 'update_column', :name => column.name.to_s} tag_options = {:id => element_cell_id(id_options), :class => klass, :title => as_(:click_to_edit), 'data-ie_id' => record.id.to_s} content_tag(:span, formatted_column, tag_options) end def inplace_edit_control(column) if inplace_edit?(active_scaffold_config.model, column) and inplace_edit_cloning?(column) old_record, @record = @record, new_model column = column.clone column.options = column.options.clone column.form_ui = :select if (column.association && column.form_ui.nil?) content_tag(:div, active_scaffold_input_for(column), :style => "display:none;", :class => inplace_edit_control_css_class).tap do @record = old_record end end end def inplace_edit_control_css_class "as_inplace_pattern" end def inplace_edit_tag_attributes(column) tag_options = {} if column.name == :marked tag_options['data-ie_url'] = '#' else tag_options['data-ie_url'] = url_for({:controller => params_for[:controller], :action => 'update_column', :column => column.name, :id => '__id__'}) end tag_options['data-ie_cancel_text'] = column.options[:cancel_text] || as_(:cancel) tag_options['data-ie_loading_text'] = column.options[:loading_text] || as_(:loading) tag_options['data-ie_save_text'] = column.options[:save_text] || as_(:update) tag_options['data-ie_saving_text'] = column.options[:saving_text] || as_(:saving) tag_options['data-ie_rows'] = column.options[:rows] || 5 if column.column.try(:type) == :text tag_options['data-ie_cols'] = column.options[:cols] if column.options[:cols] tag_options['data-ie_size'] = column.options[:size] if column.options[:size] if column.list_ui == :checkbox tag_options['data-ie_mode'] = :inline_checkbox elsif inplace_edit_cloning?(column) tag_options['data-ie_mode'] = :clone elsif column.inplace_edit == :ajax url = url_for(:controller => params_for[:controller], :action => 'render_field', :id => '__id__', :column => column.name, :update_column => column.name, :in_place_editing => true) plural = column.plural_association? && !override_form_field?(column) && [:select, :record_select].include?(column.form_ui) tag_options['data-ie_render_url'] = url tag_options['data-ie_mode'] = :ajax tag_options['data-ie_plural'] = plural end tag_options end def mark_column_heading tag_options = {:id => "#{controller_id}_mark_heading", :class => 'mark_heading', 'data-ie_url' => '#', 'data-tbody_id' => active_scaffold_tbody_id} content_tag(:span, check_box_tag("#{controller_id}_mark_heading_span_input", true, false), tag_options) end def render_column_heading(column, sorting, sort_direction) tag_options = {:id => active_scaffold_column_header_id(column), :class => column_heading_class(column, sorting), :title => column.description} tag_options.merge!(inplace_edit_tag_attributes(column)) if column.inplace_edit content_tag(:th, column_heading_value(column, sorting, sort_direction) + inplace_edit_control(column), tag_options) end def column_heading_value(column, sorting, sort_direction) if column.sortable? options = {:id => nil, :class => "as_sort", 'data-page-history' => controller_id, :remote => true, :method => :get} url_options = params_for(:action => :index, :page => 1, :sort => column.name, :sort_direction => sort_direction) link_to column.label, url_options, options else if column.name == :marked mark_column_heading else content_tag(:p, column.label) end end end end end end