package org.embulk.output; import; import; import; import; import; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.spi.Buffer; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.embulk.spi.TransactionalFileOutput; import org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.RetryGiveupException; import org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.Retryable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.retryExecutor; public class GcsTransactionalFileOutput implements TransactionalFileOutput { private static final Logger logger = Exec.getLogger(GcsTransactionalFileOutput.class); private final int taskIndex; private final Storage client; private final String bucket; private final String pathPrefix; private final String pathSuffix; private final String sequenceFormat; private final String contentType; private final int maxConnectionRetry; private final List storageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); private int fileIndex = 0; private int callCount = 0; private BufferedOutputStream currentStream = null; private StorageObject currentUpload = null; private File tempFile = null; GcsTransactionalFileOutput(PluginTask task, Storage client, int taskIndex) { this.taskIndex = taskIndex; this.client = client; this.bucket = task.getBucket(); this.pathPrefix = task.getPathPrefix(); this.pathSuffix = task.getFileNameExtension(); this.sequenceFormat = task.getSequenceFormat(); this.contentType = task.getContentType(); this.maxConnectionRetry = task.getMaxConnectionRetry(); } public void nextFile() { closeCurrentUpload(); try { tempFile = Exec.getTempFileSpace().createTempFile(); currentStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); fileIndex++; } catch (IOException ex) { Throwables.propagate(ex); } } @Override public void add(Buffer buffer) { try { logger.debug("#add called {} times for taskIndex {}", callCount, taskIndex); currentStream.write(buffer.array(), buffer.offset(), buffer.limit()); callCount++; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { buffer.release(); } } @Override public void finish() { String path = generateRemotePath(pathPrefix, sequenceFormat, taskIndex, fileIndex, pathSuffix); close(); if (tempFile != null) { currentUpload = startUpload(path); } closeCurrentUpload(); } @Override public void close() { try { if (currentStream != null) { currentStream.close(); currentStream = null; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } @Override public void abort() { } @Override public TaskReport commit() { TaskReport report = Exec.newTaskReport(); report.set("files", storageObjects); return report; } private void closeCurrentUpload() { if (currentUpload != null) { StorageObject obj = currentUpload; storageObjects.add(obj);"Uploaded '{}/{}' to {}bytes", obj.getBucket(), obj.getName(), obj.getSize()); currentUpload = null; } callCount = 0; } private StorageObject startUpload(final String path) { try { final String hash = getLocalMd5hash(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); return execUploadWithRetry(path, hash); } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } private StorageObject execUploadWithRetry(final String path, final String localHash) throws IOException { try { return retryExecutor() .withRetryLimit(maxConnectionRetry) .withInitialRetryWait(500) .withMaxRetryWait(30 * 1000) .runInterruptible(new Retryable() { @Override public StorageObject call() throws IOException { try (final BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile))) { InputStreamContent mediaContent = new InputStreamContent(contentType, inputStream); mediaContent.setCloseInputStream(true); StorageObject objectMetadata = new StorageObject(); objectMetadata.setName(path); final Storage.Objects.Insert insert = client.objects().insert(bucket, objectMetadata, mediaContent); insert.setDisableGZipContent(true); StorageObject obj = insert.execute();"Local Hash(MD5): %s / Remote Hash(MD5): %s", localHash, obj.getMd5Hash())); return obj; } } @Override public boolean isRetryableException(Exception exception) { return true; } @Override public void onRetry(Exception exception, int retryCount, int retryLimit, int retryWait) throws RetryGiveupException { String message = String.format("GCS put request failed. Retrying %d/%d after %d seconds. Message: %s: %s", retryCount, retryLimit, retryWait / 1000, exception.getClass(), exception.getMessage()); if (retryCount % 3 == 0) { logger.warn(message, exception); } else { logger.warn(message); } } @Override public void onGiveup(Exception firstException, Exception lastException) throws RetryGiveupException { } }); } catch (RetryGiveupException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex.getCause()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new InterruptedIOException(); } } /* MD5 hash sum on GCS bucket is encoded with base64. You can get same hash with following commands. $ openssl dgst -md5 -binary /path/to/file.txt | openssl enc -base64 or $ gsutil hash -m /path/to/file.txt */ private String getLocalMd5hash(String filePath) throws IOException { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); try (BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(filePath)))) { byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; int len; while ((len =, 0, buffer.length)) >= 0) { md.update(buffer, 0, len); } return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(md.digest())); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new ConfigException("MD5 algorism not found"); } } /** * GCS has character limitation in object names. * @see * Although "." isn't listed at above pages, we can't access "./" path from GUI console. * And in many cases, user don't intend of creating "/" directory under the bucket. * This method normalizes path when it contains "./" and "/" and its variations at the beginning */ private static String generateRemotePath(String pathPrefix, String sequenceFormat, int taskIndex, int fileIndex, String pathSuffix) { String path = pathPrefix + String.format(sequenceFormat, taskIndex, fileIndex) + pathSuffix; return path.replaceFirst("^\\.*/*", ""); } }