require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper') describe "Sequel core extensions" do specify "should not be used inside Sequel, to insure Sequel works without them" do usage = [] match_re = /(\.(sql_value_list|sql_array|sql_expr|sql_negate|sql_or|sql_string_join|lit|to_sequel_blob|case)\W)|:\w+\.(qualify|identifier|as|cast|asc|desc|sql_subscript|\*|sql_function)\W/ comment_re = /^\s*#|# core_sql/ Dir['lib/sequel/**/*.rb'].each do |f| lines ="\n").grep(match_re).delete_if{|l| l =~ comment_re} usage << [f, lines] unless lines.empty? end puts usage unless usage.empty? usage.should be_empty end specify "should have Sequel.core_extensions? be true if enabled" do Sequel.core_extensions?.should be_true end end describe "Array and Hash extensions" do before do db = @d = db[:items] def @d.l(*args, &block) literal(filter_expr(*args, &block)) end def @d.lit(*args) literal(*args) end end it "should support sql_expr on arrays with all two pairs" do @d.l([[:x, 100],[:y, 'a']].sql_expr).should == '((x = 100) AND (y = \'a\'))' @d.l([[:x, true], [:y, false]].sql_expr).should == '((x IS TRUE) AND (y IS FALSE))' @d.l([[:x, nil], [:y, [1,2,3]]].sql_expr).should == '((x IS NULL) AND (y IN (1, 2, 3)))' end it "should support sql_negate on arrays with all two pairs" do @d.l([[:x, 100],[:y, 'a']].sql_negate).should == '((x != 100) AND (y != \'a\'))' @d.l([[:x, true], [:y, false]].sql_negate).should == '((x IS NOT TRUE) AND (y IS NOT FALSE))' @d.l([[:x, nil], [:y, [1,2,3]]].sql_negate).should == '((x IS NOT NULL) AND (y NOT IN (1, 2, 3)))' end it "should support ~ on arrays with all two pairs" do @d.l(~[[:x, 100],[:y, 'a']]).should == '((x != 100) OR (y != \'a\'))' @d.l(~[[:x, true], [:y, false]]).should == '((x IS NOT TRUE) OR (y IS NOT FALSE))' @d.l(~[[:x, nil], [:y, [1,2,3]]]).should == '((x IS NOT NULL) OR (y NOT IN (1, 2, 3)))' end it "should support sql_or on arrays with all two pairs" do @d.l([[:x, 100],[:y, 'a']].sql_or).should == '((x = 100) OR (y = \'a\'))' @d.l([[:x, true], [:y, false]].sql_or).should == '((x IS TRUE) OR (y IS FALSE))' @d.l([[:x, nil], [:y, [1,2,3]]].sql_or).should == '((x IS NULL) OR (y IN (1, 2, 3)))' end it "should support Array#sql_string_join for concatenation of SQL strings" do @d.lit([:x].sql_string_join).should == '(x)' @d.lit([:x].sql_string_join(', ')).should == '(x)' @d.lit([:x, :y].sql_string_join).should == '(x || y)' @d.lit([:x, :y].sql_string_join(', ')).should == "(x || ', ' || y)" @d.lit([:x.sql_function(1), :y.sql_subscript(1)].sql_string_join).should == '(x(1) || y[1])' @d.lit([:x.sql_function(1), 'y.z'.lit].sql_string_join(', ')).should == "(x(1) || ', ' || y.z)" @d.lit([:x, 1, :y].sql_string_join).should == "(x || '1' || y)" @d.lit([:x, 1, :y].sql_string_join(', ')).should == "(x || ', ' || '1' || ', ' || y)" @d.lit([:x, 1, :y].sql_string_join(:y__z)).should == "(x || y.z || '1' || y.z || y)" @d.lit([:x, 1, :y].sql_string_join(1)).should == "(x || '1' || '1' || '1' || y)" @d.lit([:x, :y].sql_string_join('y.x || x.y'.lit)).should == "(x || y.x || x.y || y)" @d.lit([[:x, :y].sql_string_join, [:a, :b].sql_string_join].sql_string_join).should == "(x || y || a || b)" end it "should support sql_expr on hashes" do @d.l({:x => 100, :y => 'a'}.sql_expr)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x = 100)', '(y = \'a\')'] @d.l({:x => true, :y => false}.sql_expr)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x IS TRUE)', '(y IS FALSE)'] @d.l({:x => nil, :y => [1,2,3]}.sql_expr)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x IS NULL)', '(y IN (1, 2, 3))'] end it "should support sql_negate on hashes" do @d.l({:x => 100, :y => 'a'}.sql_negate)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x != 100)', '(y != \'a\')'] @d.l({:x => true, :y => false}.sql_negate)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x IS NOT TRUE)', '(y IS NOT FALSE)'] @d.l({:x => nil, :y => [1,2,3]}.sql_negate)[1...-1].split(' AND ').sort.should == ['(x IS NOT NULL)', '(y NOT IN (1, 2, 3))'] end it "should support ~ on hashes" do @d.l(~{:x => 100, :y => 'a'})[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x != 100)', '(y != \'a\')'] @d.l(~{:x => true, :y => false})[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x IS NOT TRUE)', '(y IS NOT FALSE)'] @d.l(~{:x => nil, :y => [1,2,3]})[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x IS NOT NULL)', '(y NOT IN (1, 2, 3))'] end it "should support sql_or on hashes" do @d.l({:x => 100, :y => 'a'}.sql_or)[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x = 100)', '(y = \'a\')'] @d.l({:x => true, :y => false}.sql_or)[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x IS TRUE)', '(y IS FALSE)'] @d.l({:x => nil, :y => [1,2,3]}.sql_or)[1...-1].split(' OR ').sort.should == ['(x IS NULL)', '(y IN (1, 2, 3))'] end it "should Hash#& and Hash#|" do @d.l({:y => :z} & :x).should == '((y = z) AND x)' @d.l({:x => :a} & {:y => :z}).should == '((x = a) AND (y = z))' @d.l({:y => :z} | :x).should == '((y = z) OR x)' @d.l({:x => :a} | {:y => :z}).should == '((x = a) OR (y = z))' end end describe "Array#case and Hash#case" do before do @d = end specify "should return SQL CASE expression" do @d.literal({:x=>:y}.case(:z)).should == '(CASE WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END)' @d.literal({:x=>:y}.case(:z, :exp)).should == '(CASE exp WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END)' ['(CASE WHEN x THEN y WHEN a THEN b ELSE z END)', '(CASE WHEN a THEN b WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END)'].should(include(@d.literal({:x=>:y, :a=>:b}.case(:z)))) @d.literal([[:x, :y]].case(:z)).should == '(CASE WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END)' @d.literal([[:x, :y], [:a, :b]].case(:z)).should == '(CASE WHEN x THEN y WHEN a THEN b ELSE z END)' @d.literal([[:x, :y], [:a, :b]].case(:z, :exp)).should == '(CASE exp WHEN x THEN y WHEN a THEN b ELSE z END)' @d.literal([[:x, :y], [:a, :b]].case(:z, :exp__w)).should == '(CASE exp.w WHEN x THEN y WHEN a THEN b ELSE z END)' end specify "should return SQL CASE expression with expression even if nil" do @d.literal({:x=>:y}.case(:z, nil)).should == '(CASE NULL WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END)' end specify "should raise an error if an array that isn't all two pairs is used" do proc{[:b].case(:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{[:b, :c].case(:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{[[:b, :c], :d].case(:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise an error if an empty array/hash is used" do proc{[].case(:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{{}.case(:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Array#sql_value_list and #sql_array" do before do @d = end specify "should treat the array as an SQL value list instead of conditions when used as a placeholder value" do @d.filter("(a, b) IN ?", [[:x, 1], [:y, 2]]).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x = 1) AND (y = 2)))' @d.filter("(a, b) IN ?", [[:x, 1], [:y, 2]].sql_value_list).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x, 1), (y, 2)))' @d.filter("(a, b) IN ?", [[:x, 1], [:y, 2]].sql_array).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x, 1), (y, 2)))' end specify "should be no difference when used as a hash value" do @d.filter([:a, :b]=>[[:x, 1], [:y, 2]]).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x, 1), (y, 2)))' @d.filter([:a, :b]=>[[:x, 1], [:y, 2]].sql_value_list).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x, 1), (y, 2)))' @d.filter([:a, :b]=>[[:x, 1], [:y, 2]].sql_array).sql.should == 'SELECT * WHERE ((a, b) IN ((x, 1), (y, 2)))' end end describe "String#lit" do before do @ds = ds =[:t] end specify "should return an LiteralString object" do 'xyz'.lit.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::LiteralString) 'xyz'.lit.to_s.should == 'xyz' end specify "should inhibit string literalization" do @ds.update_sql(:stamp => "NOW()".lit).should == "UPDATE t SET stamp = NOW()" end specify "should return a PlaceholderLiteralString object if args are given" do a = 'DISTINCT ?'.lit(:a) a.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString) @ds.literal(a).should == 'DISTINCT a' @ds.quote_identifiers = true @ds.literal(a).should == 'DISTINCT "a"' end specify "should handle named placeholders if given a single argument hash" do a = 'DISTINCT :b'.lit(:b=>:a) a.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString) @ds.literal(a).should == 'DISTINCT a' @ds.quote_identifiers = true @ds.literal(a).should == 'DISTINCT "a"' end specify "should treat placeholder literal strings as generic expressions" do a = ':b'.lit(:b=>:a) @ds.literal(a + 1).should == "(a + 1)" @ds.literal(a & :b).should == "(a AND b)" @ds.literal(a.sql_string + :b).should == "(a || b)" end end describe "String#to_sequel_blob" do specify "should return a Blob object" do 'xyz'.to_sequel_blob.should be_a_kind_of(::Sequel::SQL::Blob) 'xyz'.to_sequel_blob.should == 'xyz' end specify "should retain binary data" do "\1\2\3\4".to_sequel_blob.should == "\1\2\3\4" end end describe "#desc" do before do @ds = end specify "should format a DESC clause for a column ref" do :test.desc.to_s(@ds).should == 'test DESC' :items__price.desc.to_s(@ds).should == 'items.price DESC' end specify "should format a DESC clause for a function" do :avg.sql_function(:test).desc.to_s(@ds).should == 'avg(test) DESC' end end describe "#asc" do before do @ds = end specify "should format a ASC clause for a column ref" do :test.asc.to_s(@ds).should == 'test ASC' :items__price.asc.to_s(@ds).should == 'items.price ASC' end specify "should format a ASC clause for a function" do :avg.sql_function(:test).asc.to_s(@ds).should == 'avg(test) ASC' end end describe "#as" do before do @ds = end specify "should format a AS clause for a column ref" do == 'test AS t' == 'items.price AS p' end specify "should format a AS clause for a function" do :avg.sql_function(:test).as(:avg).to_s(@ds).should == 'avg(test) AS avg' end specify "should format a AS clause for a literal value" do 'abc'.as(:abc).to_s(@ds).should == "'abc' AS abc" end end describe "Column references" do before do @ds = def @ds.quoted_identifier_append(sql, c) sql << "`#{c}`" end @ds.quote_identifiers = true end specify "should be quoted properly" do @ds.literal(:xyz).should == "`xyz`" @ds.literal(:xyz__abc).should == "`xyz`.`abc`" @ds.literal( == "`xyz` AS `x`" @ds.literal( == "`xyz`.`abc` AS `x`" @ds.literal(:xyz___x).should == "`xyz` AS `x`" @ds.literal(:xyz__abc___x).should == "`xyz`.`abc` AS `x`" end specify "should be quoted properly in SQL functions" do @ds.literal(:avg.sql_function(:xyz)).should == "avg(`xyz`)" @ds.literal(:avg.sql_function(:xyz, 1)).should == "avg(`xyz`, 1)" @ds.literal(:avg.sql_function(:xyz).as(:a)).should == "avg(`xyz`) AS `a`" end specify "should be quoted properly in ASC/DESC clauses" do @ds.literal(:xyz.asc).should == "`xyz` ASC" @ds.literal(:avg.sql_function(:xyz, 1).desc).should == "avg(`xyz`, 1) DESC" end specify "should be quoted properly in a cast function" do @ds.literal(:x.cast(:integer)).should == "CAST(`x` AS integer)" @ds.literal(:x__y.cast('varchar(20)')).should == "CAST(`x`.`y` AS varchar(20))" end end describe "Blob" do specify "#to_sequel_blob should return self" do blob = "x".to_sequel_blob blob.to_sequel_blob.object_id.should == blob.object_id end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' describe "Symbol#[]" do specify "should format an SQL Function" do ds = ds.literal(:xyz[]).should == 'xyz()' ds.literal(:xyz[1]).should == 'xyz(1)' ds.literal(:xyz[1, 2, :abc[3]]).should == 'xyz(1, 2, abc(3))' end end end describe "Symbol#*" do before do @ds = end specify "should format a qualified wildcard if no argument" do :xyz.*.to_s(@ds).should == 'xyz.*' :abc.*.to_s(@ds).should == 'abc.*' end specify "should format a filter expression if an argument" do :xyz.*(3).to_s(@ds).should == '(xyz * 3)' :abc.*(5).to_s(@ds).should == '(abc * 5)' end specify "should support qualified symbols if no argument" do :xyz__abc.*.to_s(@ds).should == '*' end end describe "Symbol" do before do @ds = @ds.quote_identifiers = true @ds.identifier_input_method = :upcase end specify "#identifier should format an identifier" do @ds.literal(:xyz__abc.identifier).should == '"XYZ__ABC"' end specify "#qualify should format a qualified column" do @ds.literal(:xyz.qualify(:abc)).should == '"ABC"."XYZ"' end specify "#qualify should work on QualifiedIdentifiers" do @ds.literal(:xyz.qualify(:abc).qualify(:def)).should == '"DEF"."ABC"."XYZ"' end specify "should be able to qualify an identifier" do @ds.literal(:xyz.identifier.qualify(:xyz__abc)).should == '"XYZ"."ABC"."XYZ"' end specify "should be able to specify a schema.table.column" do @ds.literal(:column.qualify(:table.qualify(:schema))).should == '"SCHEMA"."TABLE"."COLUMN"' @ds.literal(:column.qualify(:table__name.identifier.qualify(:schema))).should == '"SCHEMA"."TABLE__NAME"."COLUMN"' end specify "should be able to specify order" do @oe = :xyz.desc @oe.class.should == Sequel::SQL::OrderedExpression @oe.descending.should == true @oe = :xyz.asc @oe.class.should == Sequel::SQL::OrderedExpression @oe.descending.should == false end specify "should work correctly with objects" do o = def o.sql_literal(ds) "(foo)" end @ds.literal(:column.qualify(o)).should == '(foo)."COLUMN"' end end describe "Symbol" do before do @ds = end specify "should support sql_function method" do :COUNT.sql_function('1').to_s(@ds).should == "COUNT('1')"'1')).sql.should == "SELECT COUNT('1')" end specify "should support cast method" do :abc.cast(:integer).to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS integer)" end specify "should support sql array accesses via sql_subscript" do @ds.literal(:abc.sql_subscript(1)).should == "abc[1]" @ds.literal(:abc__def.sql_subscript(1)).should == "abc.def[1]" @ds.literal(:abc.sql_subscript(1)|2).should == "abc[1, 2]" @ds.literal(:abc.sql_subscript(1)[2]).should == "abc[1][2]" end specify "should support cast_numeric and cast_string" do x = :abc.cast_numeric x.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::NumericExpression) x.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS integer)" x = :abc.cast_numeric(:real) x.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::NumericExpression) x.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS real)" x = :abc.cast_string x.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::StringExpression) x.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS varchar(255))" x = :abc.cast_string(:varchar) x.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::StringExpression) x.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS varchar(255))" end specify "should allow database independent types when casting" do db = @ds.db def db.cast_type_literal(type) return :foo if type == Integer return :bar if type == String type end :abc.cast(String).to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS bar)" :abc.cast(String).to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS bar)" :abc.cast_string.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS bar)" :abc.cast_string(Integer).to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS foo)" :abc.cast_numeric.to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS foo)" :abc.cast_numeric(String).to_s(@ds).should == "CAST(abc AS bar)" end specify "should support SQL EXTRACT function via #extract " do :abc.extract(:year).to_s(@ds).should == "extract(year FROM abc)" end end