/* vim: ft=c et ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 cino= * * Copyright 2012 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "couchbase_ext.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include #endif #include /* events sorted array */ typedef struct rb_mt_event rb_mt_event; struct rb_mt_event { void *cb_data; void (*handler)(lcb_socket_t sock, short which, void *cb_data); lcb_socket_t socket; int loop_index; short flags; short actual_flags; short inserted; rb_mt_event *next; }; typedef struct rb_mt_socket_list rb_mt_socket_list; struct rb_mt_socket_list { lcb_socket_t socket; short flags; rb_mt_event *first; }; typedef struct rb_mt_events rb_mt_events; struct rb_mt_events { uint32_t capa; uint32_t count; rb_mt_socket_list *sockets; }; static int events_init(rb_mt_events *events) { rb_mt_socket_list *new_socks = malloc(4 * sizeof(*new_socks)); if (new_socks == NULL) { return 0; } events->capa = 4; events->count = 0; events->sockets = new_socks; return 1; } static void events_finalize(rb_mt_events *events) { if (events->sockets) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < events->count; i++) { rb_mt_socket_list *list = &events->sockets[i]; while(list->first) { rb_mt_event *next = list->first->next; free(list->first); list->first = next; } } free(events->sockets); events->sockets = NULL; } events->capa = 0; events->count = 0; } static uint32_t events_index(rb_mt_events *events, lcb_socket_t socket) { uint32_t m, l = 0, r = events->count; while(l < r) { m = l + (r - l) / 2; if (events->sockets[m].socket >= socket) { r = m; } else { l = m + 1; } } return l; } static void events_insert(rb_mt_events *events, rb_mt_event *event) { uint32_t i = events_index(events, event->socket); rb_mt_socket_list *list = &events->sockets[i]; if (i == events->count || list->socket != event->socket) { if (events->capa == events->count) { uint32_t new_capa = events->capa << 1; rb_mt_socket_list *new_socks = realloc(events->sockets, new_capa * sizeof(*new_socks)); if (new_socks == NULL) { rb_raise(cb_eClientNoMemoryError, "failed to allocate memory for events array"); } events->sockets = new_socks; events->capa = new_capa; list = &events->sockets[i]; } if (i < events->count) { MEMMOVE(events->sockets+i+1, events->sockets+i, rb_mt_socket_list, events->count - i); } events->count++; list->socket = event->socket; list->flags = event->flags; list->first = event; event->next = NULL; } else { list->flags |= event->flags; event->next = list->first; list->first = event; } event->inserted = 1; } static void event_list_fix_flags(rb_mt_socket_list *list) { short flags = 0; rb_mt_event *event = list->first; while (event) { flags |= event->flags; event = event->next; } list->flags = flags; } static void events_remove(rb_mt_events *events, rb_mt_event *event) { uint32_t i = events_index(events, event->socket); rb_mt_socket_list *list = &events->sockets[i]; rb_mt_event **next; if (list->socket != event->socket) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "There is no socket in event loop"); } next = &list->first; for(;;) { if (*next == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "There is no event in event loop"); } if (*next == event) { *next = event->next; event->next = NULL; event->inserted = 0; break; } next = &event->next; } if (list->first == NULL) { MEMMOVE(events->sockets + i, events->sockets + i + 1, rb_mt_socket_list, events->count - i - 1); events->count--; } else { event_list_fix_flags(list); } } static void events_fix_flags(rb_mt_events *events, lcb_socket_t socket) { uint32_t i = events_index(events, socket); rb_mt_socket_list *list = &events->sockets[i]; if (list->socket != socket) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "There is no socket in event loop"); } event_list_fix_flags(list); } static inline lcb_socket_t events_max_fd(rb_mt_events *events) { if (events->count) { return events->sockets[events->count - 1].socket; } else { return -1; } } /* events sorted array end */ /* timers heap */ typedef struct rb_mt_timer rb_mt_timer; struct rb_mt_timer { void *cb_data; void (*handler)(lcb_socket_t sock, short which, void *cb_data); int index; hrtime_t ts; hrtime_t period; }; typedef struct rb_mt_timers rb_mt_timers; struct rb_mt_timers { uint32_t capa; uint32_t count; rb_mt_timer **timers; }; static int timers_init(rb_mt_timers *timers) { rb_mt_timer **new_timers = malloc(4 * sizeof(*new_timers)); if (new_timers == NULL) { return 0; } timers->capa = 4; timers->count = 0; timers->timers = new_timers; return 1; } static void timers_finalize(rb_mt_timers *timers) { if (timers->timers) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < timers->count; i++) { free(timers->timers[i]); } free(timers->timers); timers->timers = NULL; } timers->count = 0; timers->capa = 0; } #define tms_at(_timers, at) (_timers)->timers[(at)] #define tms_ts_at(timers, at) tms_at((timers), (at))->ts static void timers_move_last(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t to) { if (to < timers->count - 1) { rb_mt_timer *last = tms_at(timers, timers->count - 1); tms_at(timers, to) = last; last->index = to; } timers->count--; } static inline void timers_swap(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t i, uint32_t j) { rb_mt_timer *itmp = tms_at(timers, j); rb_mt_timer *jtmp = tms_at(timers, i); tms_at(timers, i) = itmp; tms_at(timers, j) = jtmp; itmp->index = i; jtmp->index = j; } static void timers_heapify_up(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t pos); static void timers_insert(rb_mt_timers *timers, rb_mt_timer *timer) { if (timers->count == timers->capa) { rb_mt_timer **new_timers; size_t new_capa = timers->capa << 1; new_timers = realloc(timers->timers, new_capa * sizeof(rb_mt_timer*)); if (new_timers == NULL) { rb_raise(cb_eClientNoMemoryError, "failed to allocate memory for timers heap"); } timers->timers = new_timers; timers->capa = new_capa; } tms_at(timers, timers->count) = timer; timer->index = timers->count; timers->count++; timers_heapify_up(timers, timer->index); } static void timers_heapify_up(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t pos) { hrtime_t cur_ts = tms_ts_at(timers, pos); uint32_t higher = (pos - 1) / 2; while (pos && tms_ts_at(timers, higher) > cur_ts) { timers_swap(timers, higher, pos); pos = higher; higher = (pos - 1) / 2; } } static void timers_heapify_down(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t pos) { uint32_t count = timers->count; uint32_t middle = (timers->count - 2) / 2; hrtime_t cur_ts = tms_ts_at(timers, pos); if (count == 1) return; while (pos <= middle) { uint32_t min_pos = pos; hrtime_t ch_ts, min_ts = cur_ts; if ((ch_ts = tms_ts_at(timers, pos * 2 + 1)) < min_ts) { min_pos = pos * 2 + 1; min_ts = ch_ts; } if (pos * 2 + 2 < count && tms_ts_at(timers, pos * 2 + 2) < min_ts) { min_pos = pos * 2 + 2; } if (min_pos == pos) break; timers_swap(timers, pos, min_pos); pos = min_pos; } } static void timers_heapify_item(rb_mt_timers *timers, uint32_t pos) { if (pos && tms_ts_at(timers, pos) < tms_ts_at(timers, (pos - 1) / 2)) { timers_heapify_up(timers, pos); } else { timers_heapify_down(timers, pos); } } static inline hrtime_t timers_minimum(rb_mt_timers *timers) { if (timers->count) { return tms_ts_at(timers, 0); } else { return 0; } } static inline rb_mt_timer * timers_first(rb_mt_timers *timers) { if (timers->count) { return tms_at(timers, 0); } else { return 0; } } static void timers_remove_timer(rb_mt_timers *timers, rb_mt_timer *timer) { uint32_t at = timer->index; timer->index = -1; if (at < timers->count - 1) { timers_move_last(timers, at); timers_heapify_item(timers, at); } else { timers->count--; } } static void timers_run(rb_mt_timers *timers, hrtime_t now) { hrtime_t next_time = timers_minimum(timers); while (next_time && next_time < now) { rb_mt_timer *first = timers_first(timers); first->ts = now + first->period; timers_heapify_item(timers, 0); first->handler(-1, 0, first->cb_data); next_time = timers_minimum(timers); } } /* timers heap end */ /* callbacks array */ typedef struct rb_mt_callbacks rb_mt_callbacks; struct rb_mt_callbacks { uint32_t capa; uint32_t count; rb_mt_event **events; }; static int callbacks_init(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks) { rb_mt_event **new_events = calloc(4, sizeof(*new_events)); if (new_events == NULL) { return 0; } callbacks->events = new_events; callbacks->capa = 4; callbacks->count = 0; return 1; } static void callbacks_finalize(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks) { if (callbacks->events) { free(callbacks->events); callbacks->events = NULL; } callbacks->capa = 0; callbacks->count = 0; } static void callbacks_push(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks, rb_mt_event *event) { if (callbacks->count == callbacks->capa) { uint32_t new_capa = callbacks->capa << 1; rb_mt_event **new_events = realloc(callbacks->events, new_capa * sizeof(*new_events)); if (new_events == NULL) { rb_raise(cb_eClientNoMemoryError, "failed to allocate memory for callbacks array"); } callbacks->capa = new_capa; callbacks->events = new_events; } event->loop_index = callbacks->count; callbacks->events[callbacks->count] = event; callbacks->count++; } static void callbacks_remove(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks, rb_mt_event *event) { int i = event->loop_index; if (i >= 0) { if (callbacks->events[i] != event) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "callback index belongs to different callback"); } event->loop_index = -1; callbacks->events[i] = NULL; } } static void callbacks_run(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < callbacks->count; i++) { rb_mt_event *cb = callbacks->events[i]; if (cb) { cb->loop_index = -1; callbacks->events[i] = NULL; cb->handler(cb->socket, cb->actual_flags, cb->cb_data); } } callbacks->count = 0; } static void callbacks_clean(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < callbacks->count; i++) { if (callbacks->events[i]) { callbacks->events[i]->loop_index = -1; callbacks->events[i] = NULL; } } callbacks->count = 0; } /* callbacks array end */ typedef struct rb_mt_loop rb_mt_loop; struct rb_mt_loop { rb_mt_events events; rb_mt_timers timers; rb_mt_callbacks callbacks; short run; }; static rb_mt_loop* loop_create() { rb_mt_loop *loop = calloc(1, sizeof(*loop)); if (loop == NULL) return NULL; if (!events_init(&loop->events)) goto free_loop; if (!timers_init(&loop->timers)) goto free_events; if (!callbacks_init(&loop->callbacks)) goto free_timers; return loop; free_timers: timers_finalize(&loop->timers); free_events: events_finalize(&loop->events); free_loop: free(loop); return NULL; } static void loop_destroy(rb_mt_loop *loop) { events_finalize(&loop->events); timers_finalize(&loop->timers); callbacks_finalize(&loop->callbacks); free(loop); } static void loop_remove_event(rb_mt_loop *loop, rb_mt_event *event) { if (event->inserted) { events_remove(&loop->events, event); } callbacks_remove(&loop->callbacks, event); } static void loop_enque_events(rb_mt_callbacks *callbacks, rb_mt_event *sock, short flags) { while (sock) { short actual = sock->flags & flags; if (actual) { sock->actual_flags = actual; callbacks_push(callbacks, (rb_mt_event*)sock); } sock = sock->next; } } /* loop select implementation */ #ifndef HAVE_RB_THREAD_FD_SELECT typedef fd_set rb_fdset_t; #define rb_fd_init FD_ZERO #define rb_fd_set FD_SET #define rb_fd_isset FD_ISSET #define rb_fd_term(set) (void)0 #define rb_thread_fd_select rb_thread_select #endif typedef struct loop_select_arg { rb_mt_loop *loop; rb_fdset_t in, out, exc; } ls_arg; static void ls_arg_free(void *p) { ls_arg *args = p; if (args) { rb_fd_term(&args->in); rb_fd_term(&args->out); xfree(args); } } static VALUE ls_arg_alloc(ls_arg **args) { return Data_Make_Struct(rb_cObject, ls_arg, 0, ls_arg_free, *args); } static VALUE loop_run_select(VALUE argp) { ls_arg *args = (ls_arg*) argp; rb_mt_loop *loop = args->loop; rb_fdset_t *in = NULL, *out = NULL, *exc = NULL; struct timeval timeout; struct timeval *timeoutp = NULL; int result, max = 0; hrtime_t now, next_time; next_time = timers_minimum(&loop->timers); if (next_time) { now = gethrtime(); if (next_time <= now) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { hrtime_t hrto = (next_time - now) / 1000; timeout.tv_sec = (long)(hrto / 1000000); timeout.tv_usec = (long)(hrto % 1000000); } timeoutp = &timeout; } if (loop->events.count) { uint32_t i; rb_fd_init(&args->in); rb_fd_init(&args->out); rb_fd_init(&args->exc); for(i = 0; i < loop->events.count; i++) { rb_mt_socket_list *list = &loop->events.sockets[i]; if (list->flags != 0) { if (list->flags & LCB_READ_EVENT) { in = &args->in; rb_fd_set(list->socket, in); } if (list->flags & LCB_WRITE_EVENT) { out = &args->out; rb_fd_set(list->socket, out); } exc = &args->exc; rb_fd_set(list->socket, exc); } } max = events_max_fd(&loop->events) + 1; } result = rb_thread_fd_select(max, in, out, exc, timeoutp); if (result < 0) { rb_sys_fail("rb_thread_fd_select"); } /* fix current time so that socket callbacks will not cause timers timeouts */ if (next_time) { now = gethrtime(); } if (result > 0) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < loop->events.count && result; i++) { rb_mt_socket_list *list = loop->events.sockets + i; rb_mt_event *sock = list->first; short flags = 0; if (in && rb_fd_isset(list->socket, in)) { flags |= LCB_READ_EVENT; result--; } if (out && rb_fd_isset(list->socket, out)) { flags |= LCB_WRITE_EVENT; result--; } if (exc && rb_fd_isset(list->socket, exc)) { flags = LCB_ERROR_EVENT | LCB_WRITE_EVENT; result--; } if (flags) { loop_enque_events(&loop->callbacks, sock, flags); } } callbacks_run(&loop->callbacks); } if (next_time) { timers_run(&loop->timers, now); } if (loop->events.count == 0 && loop->timers.count == 0) { loop->run = 0; } return Qnil; } static VALUE loop_select_cleanup(VALUE argp) { ls_arg *args = DATA_PTR(argp); if (args) { callbacks_clean(&args->loop->callbacks); ls_arg_free(args); DATA_PTR(argp) = 0; } return Qnil; } /* loop select implementaion end */ /* loop poll implementation */ #ifdef HAVE_POLL /* code influenced by ruby's source and cool.io */ #define POLLIN_SET (POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR) #define POLLOUT_SET (POLLOUT | POLLHUP | POLLERR) #define HRTIME_INFINITY ((hrtime_t)~0) #ifdef HAVE_PPOLL static int xpoll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, hrtime_t timeout) { if (timeout != HRTIME_INFINITY) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = (long)(timeout / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)); ts.tv_nsec = (long)(timeout % (1000 * 1000 * 1000)); return ppoll(fds, nfds, &ts, NULL); } return ppoll(fds, nfds, NULL, NULL); } #else #define TIMEOUT_MAX ((hrtime_t)(((unsigned int)~0) >> 1)) static int xpoll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, hrtime_t timeout) { int ts = -1; if (timeout != HRTIME_INFINITY) { timeout = (timeout + 999999) / (1000 * 1000); if (timeout <= TIMEOUT_MAX) { ts = (int)timeout; } } return poll(fds, nfds, ts); } #endif typedef struct poll_args lp_arg; struct poll_args { rb_mt_loop *loop; struct pollfd *fds; nfds_t nfd; hrtime_t ts; int result; int lerrno; }; static void lp_arg_free(void *p) { lp_arg *args = p; if (args) { if (args->fds) { free(args->fds); } xfree(args); } } static VALUE lp_arg_alloc(lp_arg **args) { return Data_Make_Struct(rb_cObject, lp_arg, 0, lp_arg_free, *args); } #if defined(HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION) || defined(HAVE_RB_THREAD_CALL_WITHOUT_GVL) static VALUE loop_blocking_poll(void *argp) { lp_arg *args = argp; args->result = xpoll(args->fds, args->nfd, args->ts); if (args->result < 0) args->lerrno = errno; return Qnil; } #endif static VALUE loop_run_poll(VALUE argp) { lp_arg *args = (lp_arg*)argp; rb_mt_loop *loop = args->loop; hrtime_t now, next_time; if (loop->events.count) { uint32_t i; args->fds = calloc(loop->events.count, sizeof(struct pollfd)); if (args->fds == NULL) { rb_raise(cb_eClientNoMemoryError, "failed to allocate memory for pollfd"); } for(i = 0; i < loop->events.count; i++) { rb_mt_socket_list *list = &loop->events.sockets[i]; args->fds[i].fd = list->socket; args->fds[i].events = (list->flags & LCB_READ_EVENT ? POLLIN : 0) | (list->flags & LCB_WRITE_EVENT ? POLLOUT : 0); } args->nfd = loop->events.count; } retry: next_time = timers_minimum(&loop->timers); if (next_time) { now = gethrtime(); args->ts = next_time <= now ? 0 : next_time - now; } else { args->ts = HRTIME_INFINITY; } #if defined(HAVE_RB_THREAD_CALL_WITHOUT_GVL) rb_thread_call_without_gvl((void *(*)(void*))loop_blocking_poll, args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); #elif defined(HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION) rb_thread_blocking_region(loop_blocking_poll, args, RUBY_UBF_PROCESS, NULL); #else if (rb_thread_alone()) { TRAP_BEG; args->result = xpoll(args->fds, args->nfd, args->ts); if (args->result < 0) args->lerrno = errno; TRAP_END; } else { /* 5 millisecond pause */ hrtime_t mini_pause = 5000000; int exact = 0; if (args->ts != HRTIME_INFINITY && args->ts < mini_pause) { mini_pause = args->ts; exact = 1; } TRAP_BEG; args->result = xpoll(args->fds, args->nfd, mini_pause); if (args->result < 0) args->lerrno = errno; TRAP_END; if (args->result == 0 && !exact) { args->result = -1; args->lerrno = EINTR; } } #endif if (args->result < 0) { errno = args->lerrno; switch (errno) { case EINTR: #ifdef ERESTART case ERESTART: #endif #ifndef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION rb_thread_schedule(); #endif goto retry; } rb_sys_fail("poll"); return Qnil; } if (next_time) { now = gethrtime(); } if (args->result > 0) { uint32_t cnt = args->result; uint32_t fd_n = 0, ev_n = 0; while (cnt && fd_n < args->nfd && ev_n < loop->events.count) { struct pollfd *res = args->fds + fd_n; rb_mt_socket_list *list = loop->events.sockets + ev_n; rb_mt_event *sock = list->first; /* if plugin used correctly, this checks are noop */ if (res->fd < list->socket) { fd_n++; continue; } else if (res->fd > list->socket) { ev_n++; continue; } if (res->revents) { short flags = ((res->revents & POLLIN_SET) ? LCB_READ_EVENT : 0) | ((res->revents & POLLOUT_SET) ? LCB_WRITE_EVENT : 0); cnt--; loop_enque_events(&loop->callbacks, sock, flags); } fd_n++; ev_n++; } callbacks_run(&loop->callbacks); } if (next_time) { timers_run(&loop->timers, now); } if (loop->events.count == 0 && loop->timers.count == 0) { loop->run = 0; } return Qnil; } static VALUE loop_poll_cleanup(VALUE argp) { lp_arg *args = DATA_PTR(argp); if (args) { callbacks_clean(&args->loop->callbacks); lp_arg_free(args); DATA_PTR(argp) = 0; } return Qnil; } #endif /* loop poll implementation end */ static void loop_run(rb_mt_loop *loop) { loop->run = 1; while(loop->run) { #ifdef HAVE_POLL /* prefer use of poll when it gives some benefits, but use rb_thread_fd_select when it is sufficient */ lcb_socket_t max = events_max_fd(&loop->events); int use_poll = max >= 128; if (use_poll) { lp_arg *args; VALUE argp = lp_arg_alloc(&args); args->loop = loop; rb_ensure(loop_run_poll, (VALUE)args, loop_poll_cleanup, argp); } else #endif { ls_arg *args; VALUE argp = ls_arg_alloc(&args); args->loop = loop; rb_ensure(loop_run_select, (VALUE)args, loop_select_cleanup, argp); } } } static void * lcb_io_create_event(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops) { rb_mt_event *event = calloc(1, sizeof(*event)); (void)iops; event->loop_index = -1; return event; } static int lcb_io_update_event(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, lcb_socket_t sock, void *eventp, short flags, void *cb_data, void (*handler)(lcb_socket_t sock, short which, void *cb_data)) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; rb_mt_event *event = eventp; short old_flags = event->flags; if (event->inserted && old_flags == flags && cb_data == event->cb_data && handler == event->handler) { return 0; } loop_remove_event(loop, event); event->flags = flags; event->cb_data = cb_data; event->handler = handler; event->socket = sock; if (!event->inserted) { events_insert(&loop->events, event); } if ((old_flags & flags) != old_flags) { events_fix_flags(&loop->events, sock); } return 0; } static void lcb_io_delete_event(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, lcb_socket_t sock, void *event) { loop_remove_event((rb_mt_loop*)iops->v.v0.cookie, (rb_mt_event*)event); (void)sock; } static void lcb_io_destroy_event(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, void *event) { lcb_io_delete_event(iops, -1, event); free(event); } static void * lcb_io_create_timer(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops) { rb_mt_timer *timer = calloc(1, sizeof(*timer)); timer->index = -1; (void)iops; return timer; } static int lcb_io_update_timer(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, void *event, lcb_uint32_t usec, void *cb_data, void (*handler)(lcb_socket_t sock, short which, void *cb_data)) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; rb_mt_timer *timer = event; timer->period = usec * (hrtime_t)1000; timer->ts = gethrtime() + timer->period; timer->cb_data = cb_data; timer->handler = handler; if (timer->index != -1) { timers_heapify_item(&loop->timers, timer->index); } else { timers_insert(&loop->timers, timer); } return 0; } static void lcb_io_delete_timer(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, void *event) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; rb_mt_timer *timer = event; if (timer->index != -1) { timers_remove_timer(&loop->timers, timer); } } static void lcb_io_destroy_timer(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops, void *timer) { lcb_io_delete_timer(iops, timer); free(timer); } static void lcb_io_stop_event_loop(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; loop->run = 0; } static void lcb_io_run_event_loop(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; loop_run(loop); } static void lcb_destroy_io_opts(struct lcb_io_opt_st *iops) { rb_mt_loop *loop = iops->v.v0.cookie; loop_destroy(loop); free(iops); } LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_error_t cb_create_ruby_mt_io_opts(int version, lcb_io_opt_t *io, void *arg) { struct lcb_io_opt_st *ret; rb_mt_loop *loop; (void)arg; if (version != 0) { return LCB_PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH; } ret = calloc(1, sizeof(*ret)); if (ret == NULL) { free(ret); return LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM; } ret->version = 0; ret->dlhandle = NULL; ret->destructor = lcb_destroy_io_opts; /* consider that struct isn't allocated by the library, * `need_cleanup' flag might be set in lcb_create() */ ret->v.v0.need_cleanup = 0; wire_lcb_bsd_impl(ret); ret->v.v0.delete_event = lcb_io_delete_event; ret->v.v0.destroy_event = lcb_io_destroy_event; ret->v.v0.create_event = lcb_io_create_event; ret->v.v0.update_event = lcb_io_update_event; ret->v.v0.delete_timer = lcb_io_delete_timer; ret->v.v0.destroy_timer = lcb_io_destroy_timer; ret->v.v0.create_timer = lcb_io_create_timer; ret->v.v0.update_timer = lcb_io_update_timer; ret->v.v0.run_event_loop = lcb_io_run_event_loop; ret->v.v0.stop_event_loop = lcb_io_stop_event_loop; loop = loop_create(); if (loop == NULL) { free(ret); return LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM; } ret->v.v0.cookie = loop; *io = ret; return LCB_SUCCESS; } #endif /* _WIN32 */