=begin Receiver class to be an top level interface to a user (The origin is ninja-scan-light/tool/misc/receiver_debug.rb) =end require_relative 'GPS' require_relative 'util' module GPS_PVT class Receiver GPS::Time.send(:define_method, :utc){ # send as work around of old Ruby res = c_tm(GPS::Time::guess_leap_seconds(self)) res[-1] += (seconds % 1) res } def self.pvt_items(opt = {}) opt = { :system => [[:GPS, 1..32]], :satellites => (1..32).to_a, }.merge(opt) [[ [:week, :itow_rcv, :year, :month, :mday, :hour, :min, :sec_rcv_UTC], proc{|pvt| [:week, :seconds, :utc].collect{|f| pvt.receiver_time.send(f)}.flatten } ]] + [[ [:receiver_clock_error_meter, :longitude, :latitude, :height, :rel_E, :rel_N, :rel_U], proc{|pvt| next [nil] * 7 unless pvt.position_solved? [ pvt.receiver_error, pvt.llh.lng / Math::PI * 180, pvt.llh.lat / Math::PI * 180, pvt.llh.alt, ] + (pvt.rel_ENU.to_a rescue [nil] * 3) } ]] + [proc{ labels = [:g, :p, :h, :v, :t].collect{|k| "#{k}dop".to_sym} [ labels, proc{|pvt| next [nil] * 5 unless pvt.position_solved? labels.collect{|k| pvt.send(k)} } ] }.call] + [[ [:v_north, :v_east, :v_down, :receiver_clock_error_dot_ms], proc{|pvt| next [nil] * 4 unless pvt.velocity_solved? [:north, :east, :down].collect{|k| pvt.velocity.send(k)} \ + [pvt.receiver_error_rate] } ]] + [ [:used_satellites, proc{|pvt| pvt.used_satellites}], ] + opt[:system].collect{|sys, range| range = range.kind_of?(Array) ? proc{ # check whether inputs can be converted to Range next nil if range.empty? a, b = range.minmax ((b - a) == (range.length - 1)) ? (a..b) : range }.call : range next nil unless range bit_flip, label = case range when Array [proc{|res, i| res[i] = "1" if i = range.index(i) res }, range.collect{|pen| pen & 0xFF}.reverse.join('+')] when Range base_prn = range.min [proc{|res, i| res[i - base_prn] = "1" if range.include?(i) res }, [:max, :min].collect{|f| range.send(f) & 0xFF}.join('..')] end ["#{sys}_PRN(#{label})", proc{|pvt| pvt.used_satellite_list.inject("0" * range.size, &bit_flip) \ .scan(/.{1,8}/).join('_').reverse }] }.compact + [[ opt[:satellites].collect{|prn, label| [:range_residual, :weight, :azimuth, :elevation, :slopeH, :slopeV].collect{|str| "#{str}(#{label || prn})" } }.flatten, proc{|pvt| next ([nil] * 6 * opt[:satellites].size) unless pvt.position_solved? sats = pvt.used_satellite_list r, w = [:delta_r, :W].collect{|f| pvt.send(f)} opt[:satellites].collect{|prn, label| next ([nil] * 6) unless i2 = sats.index(prn) [r[i2, 0], w[i2, i2]] + [:azimuth, :elevation].collect{|f| pvt.send(f)[prn] / Math::PI * 180 } + [pvt.slopeH[prn], pvt.slopeV[prn]] }.flatten }, ]] + [[ [:wssr, :wssr_sf, :weight_max, :slopeH_max, :slopeH_max_PRN, :slopeH_max_elevation, :slopeV_max, :slopeV_max_PRN, :slopeV_max_elevation], proc{|pvt| next [nil] * 9 unless fd = pvt.fd el_deg = [4, 6].collect{|i| pvt.elevation[fd[i]] / Math::PI * 180} fd[0..4] + [el_deg[0]] + fd[5..6] + [el_deg[1]] } ]] + [[ [:wssr_FDE_min, :wssr_FDE_min_PRN, :wssr_FDE_2nd, :wssr_FDE_2nd_PRN], proc{|pvt| [:fde_min, :fde_2nd].collect{|f| info = pvt.send(f) next ([nil] * 2) if (!info) || info.empty? [info[0], info[-3]] }.flatten } ]] end def self.meas_items(opt = {}) opt = { :satellites => (1..32).to_a, }.merge(opt) keys = [:PSEUDORANGE, :RANGE_RATE, :DOPPLER, :FREQUENCY].collect{|k| GPS::Measurement.const_get("L1_#{k}".to_sym) } [[ opt[:satellites].collect{|prn, label| [:L1_range, :L1_rate].collect{|str| "#{str}(#{label || prn})"} }.flatten, proc{|meas| meas_hash = meas.to_hash opt[:satellites].collect{|prn, label| pr, rate, doppler, freq = keys.collect{|k| meas_hash[prn][k] rescue nil} freq ||= GPS::SpaceNode.L1_Frequency [pr, rate || ((doppler * GPS::SpaceNode::light_speed / freq) rescue nil)] } } ]] end def header (@output[:pvt] + @output[:meas]).transpose[0].flatten.join(',') end attr_accessor :solver attr_accessor :base_station def initialize(options = {}) @solver = GPS::Solver::new @solver.hooks[:relative_property] = proc{|prn, rel_prop, meas, rcv_e, t_arv, usr_pos, usr_vel| rel_prop[0] = 1 if rel_prop[0] > 0 # weight = 1 rel_prop } @debug = {} solver_opts = [:gps_options, :sbas_options, :glonass_options].collect{|target| @solver.send(target) } solver_opts.each{|opt| # default solver options opt.elevation_mask = 0.0 / 180 * Math::PI # 0 deg (use satellite over horizon) opt.residual_mask = 1E4 # 10 km (without residual filter, practically) } output_options = { :system => [[:GPS, 1..32], [:QZSS, 193..202]], :satellites => (1..32).to_a + (193..202).to_a, # [idx, ...] or [[idx, label], ...] is acceptable } options = options.reject{|k, v| case k when :debug v = v.split(/,/) @debug[v[0].upcase.to_sym] = v[1..-1] next true when :weight case v.to_sym when :elevation # (same as underneath C++ library) @solver.hooks[:relative_property] = proc{|prn, rel_prop, meas, rcv_e, t_arv, usr_pos, usr_vel| if rel_prop[0] > 0 then elv = Coordinate::ENU::relative_rel( Coordinate::XYZ::new(*rel_prop[4..6]), usr_pos).elevation rel_prop[0] = (Math::sin(elv)/0.8)**2 end rel_prop } next true when :identical # same as default next true end when :elevation_mask_deg raise "Unknown elevation mask angle: #{v}" unless elv_deg = (Float(v) rescue nil) $stderr.puts "Elevation mask: #{elv_deg} deg" solver_opts.each{|opt| opt.elevation_mask = elv_deg / 180 * Math::PI # 0 deg (use satellite over horizon) } next true when :base_station crd, sys = v.split(/ *, */).collect.with_index{|item, i| case item when /^([\+-]?\d+\.?\d*)([XYZNEDU]?)$/ # ex) meter[X], degree[N] [$1.to_f, ($2 + "XY?"[i])[0]] when /^([\+-]?\d+)_(?:(\d+)_(\d+\.?\d*)|(\d+\.?\d*))([NE])$/ # ex) deg_min_secN [$1.to_f + ($2 || $4).to_f / 60 + ($3 || 0).to_f / 3600, $5] else raise "Unknown coordinate spec.: #{item}" end }.transpose raise "Unknown base station: #{v}" if crd.size != 3 @base_station = case (sys = sys.join.to_sym) when :XYZ, :XY? Coordinate::XYZ::new(*crd) when :NED, :ENU, :NE?, :EN? # :NE? => :NEU, :EN? => :ENU (0..1).each{|i| crd[i] *= (Math::PI / 180)} ([:NED, :NE?].include?(sys) ? Coordinate::LLH::new(crd[0], crd[1], crd[2] * (:NED == sys ? -1 : 1)) : Coordinate::LLH::new(crd[1], crd[0], crd[2])).xyz else raise "Unknown coordinate system: #{sys}" end $stderr.puts "Base station (LLH): #{ llh = @base_station.llh.to_a llh[0..1].collect{|rad| rad / Math::PI * 180} + [llh[2]] }" next true when :with, :without [v].flatten.each{|spec| # array is acceptable sys, svid = case spec when Integer [nil, spec] when /^([a-zA-Z]+)(?::(-?\d+))?$/ [$1.upcase.to_sym, (Integer($2) rescue nil)] when /^-?\d+$/ [nil, $&.to_i] else next false end mode = if svid && (svid < 0) then svid *= -1 (k == :with) ? :exclude : :include else (k == :with) ? :include : :exclude end update_output = proc{|sys_target, prns, labels| unless (i = output_options[:system].index{|sys, range| sys == sys_target}) then i = -1 output_options[:system] << [sys_target, []] else output_options[:system][i][1].reject!{|prn| prns.include?(prn)} end output_options[:satellites].reject!{|prn, label| prns.include?(prn)} if mode == :include then output_options[:system][i][1] += prns output_options[:system][i][1].sort! output_options[:satellites] += (labels ? prns.zip(labels) : prns) output_options[:satellites].sort!{|a, b| [a].flatten[0] <=> [b].flatten[0]} end } check_sys_svid = proc{|sys_target, range_in_sys, offset| next range_in_sys.include?(svid - (offset || 0)) unless sys # svid is specified without system next false unless sys == sys_target next true unless svid # All satellites in a target system (svid == nil) range_in_sys.include?(svid) } if check_sys_svid.call(:GPS, 1..32) then [svid || (1..32).to_a].flatten.each{|prn| @solver.gps_options.send(mode, prn)} elsif check_sys_svid.call(:SBAS, 120..158) then prns = [svid || (120..158).to_a].flatten update_output.call(:SBAS, prns) prns.each{|prn| @solver.sbas_options.send(mode, prn)} elsif check_sys_svid.call(:QZSS, 193..202) then [svid || (193..202).to_a].flatten.each{|prn| @solver.gps_options.send(mode, prn)} elsif check_sys_svid.call(:GLONASS, 1..24, 0x100) then prns = [svid || (1..24).to_a].flatten.collect{|i| (i & 0xFF) + 0x100} labels = prns.collect{|prn| "GLONASS:#{prn & 0xFF}"} update_output.call(:GLONASS, prns, labels) prns.each{|prn| @solver.glonass_options.send(mode, prn & 0xFF)} else raise "Unknown satellite: #{spec}" end $stderr.puts "#{mode.capitalize} satellite: #{[sys, svid].compact.join(':')}" } next true end false } raise "Unknown receiver options: #{options.inspect}" unless options.empty? @output = { :pvt => Receiver::pvt_items(output_options), :meas => Receiver::meas_items(output_options), } end GPS::Measurement.class_eval{ proc{ key2sym = [] GPS::Measurement.constants.each{|k| i = GPS::Measurement.const_get(k) key2sym[i] = k if i.kind_of?(Integer) } define_method(:to_a2){ to_a.collect{|prn, k, v| [prn, key2sym[k] || k, v]} } define_method(:to_hash2){ Hash[*(to_hash.collect{|prn, k_v| [prn, Hash[*(k_v.collect{|k, v| [key2sym[k] || k, v]}.flatten(1))]] }.flatten(1))] } }.call alias_method(:add_orig, :add) define_method(:add){|prn, key, value| add_orig(prn, key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? GPS::Measurement.const_get(key) : key, value) } } def run(meas, t_meas, ref_pos = @base_station) =begin $stderr.puts "Measurement time: #{t_meas.to_a} (a.k.a #{"%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d UTC"%[*t_meas.c_tm]})" meas.to_a.collect{|prn, k, v| prn}.uniq.each{|prn| eph = @solver.gps_space_node.ephemeris(prn) $stderr.puts "XYZ(PRN:#{prn}): #{eph.constellation(t_meas)[0].to_a} (iodc: #{eph.iodc}, iode: #{eph.iode})" } =end #@solver.gps_space_node.update_all_ephemeris(t_meas) # internally called in the following solver.solve pvt = @solver.solve(meas, t_meas) pvt.define_singleton_method(:rel_ENU){ Coordinate::ENU::relative(xyz, ref_pos) } if (ref_pos && pvt.position_solved?) output = @output pvt.define_singleton_method(:to_s){ (output[:pvt].transpose[1].collect{|task| task.call(pvt) } + output[:meas].transpose[1].collect{|task| task.call(meas) }).flatten.join(',') } pvt end GPS::PVT.class_eval{ define_method(:post_solution){|target| sats, az, el = proc{|g| self.used_satellite_list.collect.with_index{|prn, i| # G_enu is measured in the direction from satellite to user positions [prn, Math::atan2(-g[i, 0], -g[i, 1]), Math::asin(-g[i, 2])] }.transpose }.call(self.G_enu) rescue [[], [], []] [[:@azimuth, az], [:@elevation, el]].each{|k, values| self.instance_variable_set(k, Hash[*(sats.zip(values).flatten(1))]) } mat_S = self.S [:@slopeH, :@slopeV] \ .zip((self.fd ? self.slope_HV_enu(mat_S).to_a.transpose : [nil, nil])) \ .each{|k, values| self.instance_variable_set(k, Hash[*(values ? sats.zip(values).flatten(1) : [])]) } # If a design matrix G has columns larger than 4, # other states excluding position and time are estimated. @other_state = self.position_solved? \ ? (mat_S * self.delta_r.partial(self.used_satellites, 1, 0, 0)).transpose.to_a[0][4..-1] \ : [] instance_variable_get(target) } [:azimuth, :elevation, :slopeH, :slopeV, :other_state].each{|k| eval("define_method(:#{k}){@#{k} || self.post_solution(:@#{k})}") } } proc{ eph_list = Hash[*((1..32).to_a + (193..202).to_a).collect{|prn| eph = GPS::Ephemeris::new eph.svid = prn [prn, eph] }.flatten(1)] eph_glonass_list = Hash[*(1..24).collect{|num| eph = GPS::Ephemeris_GLONASS::new eph.svid = num [num, eph] }.flatten(1)] define_method(:register_ephemeris){|t_meas, sys, prn, bcast_data, *options| opt = options[0] || {} case sys when :GPS, :QZSS next unless eph = eph_list[prn] sn = @solver.gps_space_node subframe, iodc_or_iode = eph.parse(bcast_data) if iodc_or_iode < 0 then begin sn.update_iono_utc( GPS::Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters::parse(bcast_data)) [:alpha, :beta].each{|k| $stderr.puts "Iono #{k}: #{sn.iono_utc.send(k)}" } if false rescue end next end if t_meas and eph.consistent? then eph.WN = ((t_meas.week / 1024).to_i * 1024) + (eph.WN % 1024) sn.register_ephemeris(prn, eph) eph.invalidate end when :SBAS case @solver.sbas_space_node.decode_message(bcast_data[0..7], prn, t_meas) when 26 ['', "IGP broadcasted by PRN#{prn} @ #{Time::utc(*t_meas.c_tm)}", @solver.sbas_space_node.ionospheric_grid_points(prn)].each{|str| $stderr.puts str } if @debug[:SBAS_IGP] end if t_meas when :GLONASS next unless eph = eph_glonass_list[prn] leap_sec = @solver.gps_space_node.is_valid_utc ? @solver.gps_space_node.iono_utc.delta_t_LS : GPS::Time::guess_leap_seconds(t_meas) next unless eph.parse(bcast_data[0..3], leap_sec) eph.freq_ch = opt[:freq_ch] || 0 @solver.glonass_space_node.register_ephemeris(prn, eph) eph.invalidate end } }.call def parse_ubx(ubx_fname, &b) $stderr.print "Reading UBX file (%s) "%[ubx_fname] require_relative 'ubx' ubx = UBX::new(open(ubx_fname)) ubx_kind = Hash::new(0) after_run = b || proc{|pvt| puts pvt.to_s if pvt} gnss_serial = proc{|svid, sys| if sys then # new numbering sys = [:GPS, :SBAS, :Galileo, :BeiDou, :IMES, :QZSS, :GLONASS][sys] if sys.kind_of?(Integer) case sys when :QZSS; svid += 192 end else # old numbering sys = case svid when 1..32; :GPS when 120..158; :SBAS when 193..202; :QZSS when 65..96; svid -= 64; :GLONASS when 255; :GLONASS end end [sys, svid] } t_meas = nil ubx.each_packet.with_index(1){|packet, i| $stderr.print '.' if i % 1000 == 0 ubx_kind[packet[2..3]] += 1 case packet[2..3] when [0x02, 0x10] # RXM-RAW msec, week = [[0, 4, "V"], [4, 2, "v"]].collect{|offset, len, str| packet.slice(6 + offset, len).pack("C*").unpack(str)[0] } t_meas = GPS::Time::new(week, msec.to_f / 1000) meas = GPS::Measurement::new packet[6 + 6].times{|i| loader = proc{|offset, len, str| ary = packet.slice(6 + offset + (i * 24), len) str ? ary.pack("C*").unpack(str)[0] : ary } prn = loader.call(28, 1)[0] { :L1_PSEUDORANGE => [16, 8, "E"], :L1_DOPPLER => [24, 4, "e"], :L1_CARRIER_PHASE => [8, 8, "E"], :L1_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz => [30, 1, "c"], }.each{|k, prop| meas.add(prn, k, loader.call(*prop)) } # bit 0 of RINEX LLI (loss of lock indicator) shows lost lock # between previous and current observation, which maps negative lock seconds meas.add(prn, :L1_LOCK_SEC, (packet[6 + 31 + (i * 24)] & 0x01 == 0x01) ? -1 : 0) } after_run.call(run(meas, t_meas), [meas, t_meas]) when [0x02, 0x15] # RXM-RAWX sec, week = [[0, 8, "E"], [8, 2, "v"]].collect{|offset, len, str| packet.slice(6 + offset, len).pack("C*").unpack(str)[0] } t_meas = GPS::Time::new(week, sec) meas = GPS::Measurement::new packet[6 + 11].times{|i| loader = proc{|offset, len, str, post| v = packet.slice(6 + offset + (i * 32), len) v = str ? v.pack("C*").unpack(str)[0] : v v = post.call(v) if post v } sys, svid = gnss_serial.call(*loader.call(36, 2).reverse) case sys when :GPS, :SBAS, :QZSS; when :GLONASS svid += 0x100 meas.add(svid, :L1_FREQUENCY, GPS::SpaceNode_GLONASS::L1_frequency(loader.call(39, 1, "C") - 7)) else; next end trk_stat = loader.call(46, 1)[0] { :L1_PSEUDORANGE => [16, 8, "E", proc{|v| (trk_stat & 0x1 == 0x1) ? v : nil}], :L1_PSEUDORANGE_SIGMA => [43, 1, nil, proc{|v| (trk_stat & 0x1 == 0x1) ? (1E-2 * (1 << (v[0] & 0xF))) : nil }], :L1_DOPPLER => [32, 4, "e"], :L1_DOPPLER_SIGMA => [45, 1, nil, proc{|v| 2E-3 * (1 << (v[0] & 0xF))}], :L1_CARRIER_PHASE => [24, 8, "E", proc{|v| (trk_stat & 0x2 == 0x2) ? v : nil}], :L1_CARRIER_PHASE_SIGMA => [44, 1, nil, proc{|v| (trk_stat & 0x2 == 0x2) ? (0.004 * (v[0] & 0xF)) : nil }], :L1_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz => [42, 1, "C"], :L1_LOCK_SEC => [40, 2, "v", proc{|v| 1E-3 * v}], }.each{|k, prop| next unless v = loader.call(*prop) meas.add(svid, k, v) } } after_run.call(run(meas, t_meas), [meas, t_meas]) when [0x02, 0x11] # RXM-SFRB sys, svid = gnss_serial.call(packet[6 + 1]) register_ephemeris( t_meas, sys, svid, packet.slice(6 + 2, 40).each_slice(4).collect{|v| res = v.pack("C*").unpack("V")[0] (sys == :GPS) ? ((res & 0xFFFFFF) << 6) : res }) when [0x02, 0x13] # RXM-SFRBX sys, svid = gnss_serial.call(packet[6 + 1], packet[6]) opt = {} opt[:freq_ch] = packet[6 + 3] - 7 if sys == :GLONASS register_ephemeris( t_meas, sys, svid, packet.slice(6 + 8, 4 * packet[6 + 4]).each_slice(4).collect{|v| v.pack("C*").unpack("V")[0] }, opt) end } $stderr.puts ", found packets are %s"%[ubx_kind.inspect] end def parse_rinex_nav(src) fname = Util::get_txt(src) items = [ @solver.gps_space_node, @solver.sbas_space_node, @solver.glonass_space_node, ].inject(0){|res, sn| loaded_items = sn.send(:read, fname) raise "Format error! (Not RINEX) #{src}" if loaded_items < 0 res + loaded_items } $stderr.puts "Read RINEX NAV file (%s): %d items."%[src, items] end def parse_rinex_obs(src, &b) fname = Util::get_txt(src) after_run = b || proc{|pvt| puts pvt.to_s if pvt} $stderr.print "Reading RINEX observation file (%s)"%[src] types = nil glonass_freq = nil count = 0 GPS::RINEX_Observation::read(fname){|item| $stderr.print '.' if (count += 1) % 1000 == 0 t_meas = item[:time] types ||= Hash[*(item[:meas_types].collect{|sys, values| [sys, values.collect.with_index{|type_, i| case type_ when "C1", "C1C" [i, :L1_PSEUDORANGE] when "L1", "L1C" [i, :L1_CARRIER_PHASE] when "D1", "D1C" [i, :L1_DOPPLER] when "S1", "S1C" [i, :L1_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz] else nil end }.compact] }.flatten(1))] glonass_freq ||= proc{|spec| # frequency channels described in observation file next {} unless spec Hash[*(spec.collect{|line| line[4..-1].scan(/R(\d{2}).([\s+-]\d)./).collect{|prn, ch| [prn.to_i, GPS::SpaceNode_GLONASS::L1_frequency(ch.to_i)] } }.flatten(2))] }.call(item[:header]["GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #"]) meas = GPS::Measurement::new item[:meas].each{|k, v| sys, prn = k case sys when 'G', ' ' when 'S'; prn += 100 when 'J'; prn += 192 when 'R' freq = (glonass_freq[prn] ||= proc{|sn| # frequency channels saved with ephemeris sn.update_all_ephemeris(t_meas) next nil unless sn.ephemeris(prn).in_range?(t_meas) sn.ephemeris(prn).frequency_L1 }.call(@solver.glonass_space_node)) prn += 0x100 meas.add(prn, :L1_FREQUENCY, freq) if freq else; next end types[sys] = (types[' '] || []) unless types[sys] types[sys].each{|i, type_| meas.add(prn, type_, v[i][0]) if v[i] } } after_run.call(run(meas, t_meas), [meas, t_meas]) } $stderr.puts ", %d epochs."%[count] end def attach_sp3(src) fname = Util::get_txt(src) @sp3 ||= GPS::SP3::new read_items = @sp3.read(fname) raise "Format error! (Not SP3) #{src}" if read_items < 0 $stderr.puts "Read SP3 file (%s): %d items."%[src, read_items] sats = @sp3.satellites @sp3.class.constants.each{|sys| next unless /^SYS_(?!SYSTEMS)(.*)/ =~ sys.to_s idx, sys_name = [@sp3.class.const_get(sys), $1] next unless sats[idx] > 0 next unless @sp3.push(@solver, idx) $stderr.puts "Change ephemeris source of #{sys_name} to SP3" } end def attach_antex(src) fname = Util::get_txt(src) raise "Specify SP3 before ANTEX application!" unless @sp3 applied_items = @sp3.apply_antex(fname) raise "Format error! (Not ANTEX) #{src}" unless applied_items >= 0 $stderr.puts "SP3 correction with ANTEX file (%s): %d items have been processed."%[src, applied_items] end end end