
ClutterAlignConstraint — A constraint aligning the position of an actor


enum                ClutterAlignAxis;
ClutterConstraint * clutter_align_constraint_new        (ClutterActor *source,
                                                         ClutterAlignAxis axis,
                                                         gfloat factor);
void                clutter_align_constraint_set_source (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         ClutterActor *source);
ClutterActor *      clutter_align_constraint_get_source (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);
void                clutter_align_constraint_set_align_axis
                                                        (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         ClutterAlignAxis axis);
ClutterAlignAxis    clutter_align_constraint_get_align_axis
                                                        (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);
void                clutter_align_constraint_set_factor (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         gfloat factor);
gfloat              clutter_align_constraint_get_factor (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);

Object Hierarchy



  "align-axis"               ClutterAlignAxis      : Read / Write / Construct
  "factor"                   gfloat                : Read / Write / Construct
  "source"                   ClutterActor*         : Read / Write / Construct


ClutterAlignConstraint is a ClutterConstraint that aligns the position of the ClutterActor to which it is applied to the size of another ClutterActor using an alignment factor

ClutterAlignConstraint is available since Clutter 1.4



typedef struct _ClutterAlignConstraint ClutterAlignConstraint;

ClutterAlignConstraint is an opaque structure whose members cannot be directly accesses

Since 1.4

enum ClutterAlignAxis

typedef enum {
 /*< prefix=CLUTTER_ALIGN >*/
} ClutterAlignAxis;

Specifies the axis on which ClutterAlignConstraint should maintain the alignment.


Maintain the alignment on the X axis


Maintain the alignment on the Y axis


Maintain the alignment on both the X and Y axis

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_new ()

ClutterConstraint * clutter_align_constraint_new        (ClutterActor *source,
                                                         ClutterAlignAxis axis,
                                                         gfloat factor);

Creates a new constraint, aligning a ClutterActor's position with regards of the size of the actor to source, with the given alignment factor

source :

the ClutterActor to use as the source of the alignment, or NULL. [allow-none]

axis :

the axis to be used to compute the alignment

factor :

the alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0

Returns :

the newly created ClutterAlignConstraint

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_set_source ()

void                clutter_align_constraint_set_source (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         ClutterActor *source);

Sets the source of the alignment constraint

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

source :

a ClutterActor, or NULL to unset the source. [allow-none]

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_get_source ()

ClutterActor *      clutter_align_constraint_get_source (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);

Retrieves the source of the alignment

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

Returns :

the ClutterActor used as the source of the alignment. [transfer none]

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_set_align_axis ()

void                clutter_align_constraint_set_align_axis
                                                        (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         ClutterAlignAxis axis);

Sets the axis to which the alignment refers to

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

axis :

the axis to which the alignment refers to

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_get_align_axis ()

ClutterAlignAxis    clutter_align_constraint_get_align_axis
                                                        (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);

Retrieves the value set using clutter_align_constraint_set_align_axis()

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

Returns :

the alignment axis

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_set_factor ()

void                clutter_align_constraint_set_factor (ClutterAlignConstraint *align,
                                                         gfloat factor);

Sets the alignment factor of the constraint

The factor depends on the "align-axis" property and it is a value between 0.0 (meaning left, when "align-axis" is set to CLUTTER_ALIGN_X_AXIS; or meaning top, when "align-axis" is set to CLUTTER_ALIGN_Y_AXIS) and 1.0 (meaning right, when "align-axis" is set to CLUTTER_ALIGN_X_AXIS; or meaning bottom, when "align-axis" is set to CLUTTER_ALIGN_Y_AXIS). A value of 0.5 aligns in the middle in either cases

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

factor :

the alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0

Since 1.4

clutter_align_constraint_get_factor ()

gfloat              clutter_align_constraint_get_factor (ClutterAlignConstraint *align);

Retrieves the factor set using clutter_align_constraint_set_factor()

align :

a ClutterAlignConstraint

Returns :

the alignment factor

Since 1.4

Property Details

The "align-axis" property

  "align-axis"               ClutterAlignAxis      : Read / Write / Construct

The axis to be used to compute the alignment


Since 1.4

The "factor" property

  "factor"                   gfloat                : Read / Write / Construct

The alignment factor, as a normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0

The factor depends on the "align-axis" property: with an align-axis value of CLUTTER_ALIGN_X_AXIS, 0.0 means left and 1.0 means right; with a value of CLUTTER_ALIGN_Y_AXIS, 0.0 means top and 1.0 means bottom.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0

Since 1.4

The "source" property

  "source"                   ClutterActor*         : Read / Write / Construct

The ClutterActor used as the source for the alignment.

The ClutterActor must not be a child or a grandchild of the actor using the constraint.

Since 1.4