format do def show view, args view ||= :core render view, args end # NAME VIEWS view :name, :perms=>:none do |args| end view :codename, :perms=>:none do |args| card.codename.to_s end view :key, :perms=>:none do |args| card.key end view :id, :perms=>:none do |args| end view :type, :perms=>:none do |args| card.type_name end view :linkname, :perms=>:none do |args| card.cardname.url_key end view :url, :perms=>:none do |args| wagn_url _render_linkname end view :link, :perms=>:none do |args| card_link, showname( args[:title] ), card.known?, args[:type] end # DATE VIEWS view :created_at do |args| time_ago_in_words card.created_at end view :updated_at do |args| time_ago_in_words card.updated_at end # CONTENT VIEWS view :raw do |args| scard = args[:structure] ? Card[ args[:structure] ] : card scard ? scard.raw_content : _render_blank end view :core do |args| process_content _render_raw(args) end view :content do |args| _render_core args end view :open_content do |args| _render_core args end view :closed_content do |args| Card::Content.truncatewords_with_closing_tags _render_core(args) #{ yield } end # note: content and open_content may look like they should be aliased to core, but it's important that they render # core explicitly so that core view overrides work. the titled and labeled views below, however, are not intended # for frequent override, so this shortcut is fine. # NAME + CONTENT VIEWS view :titled do |args| "#{ }\n\n#{ _render_core args }" end view :open, :titled view :labeled do |args| "#{ }: #{ _render_closed_content args }" end view :closed, :labeled # SPECIAL VIEWS view :array do |args| card.item_cards(:limit=>0).map do |item_card| subformat(item_card)._render_core(args) end.inspect end # ERROR VIEWS view :blank, :perms=>:none do |args| '' end view :closed_missing, :perms=>:none do |args| '' end view :missing, :perms=>:none do |args| '' end view :not_found, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>404 do |args| %{ Could not find #{ ? %{"#{}"} : 'the card requested'}. } end view :server_error, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>500 do |args| %{ Wagn Hitch! Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that.\n}+ %{ To tell us more and follow the fix, add a support ticket at } end view :denial, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>403 do |args| focal? ? 'Permission Denied' : '' end view :bad_address, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>404 do |args| %{ 404: Bad Address } end view :too_deep, :perms=>:none do |args| %{ Man, you're too deep. (Too many levels of inclusions at a time) } end view :too_slow, :perms=>:none do |args| %{ Timed out! #{ showname } took too long to load. } end #none of the below belongs here!! view :template_rule, :tags=>:unknown_ok do |args| #FIXME - relativity should be handled in smartname name = args[:inc_name] or return '' regexp = /\b_(left|right|whole|self|user|main|\d+|L*R?)\b/ absolute = name !~ regexp && name !~ /^\+/ tname = name.gsub regexp, '' if tname !~ /^\+/ and !absolute "{{#{args[:inc_syntax]}}}" else set_name = if absolute # find the most appropriate set to use as prototype for inclusion "#{name}+#{Card[:self].name}" else tmpl_set_name = parent.card.cardname.trunk_name if tmpl_set_class_name = tmpl_set_name.tag_name and Card[tmpl_set_class_name].codename == 'type' "#{tmpl_set_name.left_name}#{name}+#{Card[:type_plus_right].name}" # *type plus right else "#{tname.gsub /^\+/,''}+#{Card[:right].name}" # *right end end subformat( Card.fetch(set_name) ).render_template_link args end end end