{"version":3,"sources":["../../../../src/govuk/components/password-input/_index.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,yBAAyB;AACzB,wBAAwB;;AAExB;EACE;IACE,qEAAqE;IACrE,2EAA2E;IAC3E,cAAc;IACd,mDAAmD;;IAEnD;MACE,mBAAmB;;MAEnB,yEAAyE;MACzE,qEAAqE;MACrE,gBAAgB;MAChB,uBAAuB;IACzB;EACF;;EAEA;IACE,0EAA0E;IAC1E,0EAA0E;IAC1E,0EAA0E;IAC1E,0EAA0E;IAC1E,gEAAgE;IAChE;MACE,aAAa;IACf;EACF;;EAEA;IACE,sEAAsE;IACtE,4BAA4B;;IAE5B,0CAA0C;IAC1C,gBAAgB;;IAEhB,uDAAuD;IACvD;MACE,aAAa;IACf;;IAEA;MACE,uEAAuE;MACvE,WAAW;MACX,cAAc;MACd,eAAe;;MAEf,uCAAuC;MACvC,aAAa;MACb,6BAA6B;IAC/B;EACF;AACF","file":"_index.scss","sourcesContent":["@import \"../button/index\";\n@import \"../input/index\";\n\n@include govuk-exports(\"govuk/component/password-input\") {\n .govuk-password-input__wrapper {\n // This element inherits styles from .govuk-input__wrapper, including:\n // - being display: block with contents in a stacked column below the mobile\n // breakpoint\n // - being display: flex above the mobile breakpoint\n\n @include govuk-media-query($from: mobile) {\n flex-direction: row;\n\n // The default of `stretch` makes the toggle button appear taller than the\n // input, due to using box-shadow, which we don't particularly want in\n // this situation\n align-items: flex-start;\n }\n }\n\n .govuk-password-input__input {\n // IE 11 and Microsoft Edge comes with its own password reveal function. We\n // want to hide it, so that there aren't two controls presented to the user\n // that do the same thing but aren't in sync with one another. This doesn't\n // affect the function that allows Edge users to toggle password visibility\n // by pressing Alt+F8, which cannot be programmatically disabled.\n &::-ms-reveal {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n .govuk-password-input__toggle {\n // Add top margin so the button doesn't obscure the input's focus style\n margin-top: govuk-spacing(1);\n\n // Remove default margin-bottom from button\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n // Hide the button by default, JS removes this attribute\n &[hidden] {\n display: none;\n }\n\n @include govuk-media-query($from: mobile) {\n // Buttons are normally 100% wide on mobile, but we don't want that here\n width: auto;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n flex-basis: 5em;\n\n // Move the spacing from top to the left\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-left: govuk-spacing(1);\n }\n }\n}\n"]}