Searchdoc = {}; // navigation.js ------------------------------------------ Searchdoc.Navigation = new function() { this.initNavigation = function() { var _this = this; $(document).keydown(function(e) { _this.onkeydown(e); }).keyup(function(e) { _this.onkeyup(e); }); this.navigationActive = true; } this.setNavigationActive = function(state) { this.navigationActive = state; this.clearMoveTimeout(); } this.onkeyup = function(e) { if (!this.navigationActive) return; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: //Event.KEY_LEFT: case 38: //Event.KEY_UP: case 39: //Event.KEY_RIGHT: case 40: //Event.KEY_DOWN: case 73: // i - qwerty case 74: // j case 75: // k case 76: // l case 67: // c - dvorak case 72: // h case 84: // t case 78: // n this.clearMoveTimeout(); break; } } this.onkeydown = function(e) { if (!this.navigationActive) return; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: //Event.KEY_LEFT: case 74: // j (qwerty) case 72: // h (dvorak) if (this.moveLeft()) e.preventDefault(); break; case 38: //Event.KEY_UP: case 73: // i (qwerty) case 67: // c (dvorak) if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.ctrlKey) { if (this.moveUp()) e.preventDefault(); this.startMoveTimeout(false); } break; case 39: //Event.KEY_RIGHT: case 76: // l (qwerty) case 78: // n (dvorak) if (this.moveRight()) e.preventDefault(); break; case 40: //Event.KEY_DOWN: case 75: // k (qwerty) case 84: // t (dvorak) if (e.keyCode == 40 || e.ctrlKey) { if (this.moveDown()) e.preventDefault(); this.startMoveTimeout(true); } break; case 9: //Event.KEY_TAB: case 13: //Event.KEY_RETURN: if (this.$current)$current); break; } if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey)$current); } this.clearMoveTimeout = function() { clearTimeout(this.moveTimeout); this.moveTimeout = null; } this.startMoveTimeout = function(isDown) { if (!$.browser.mozilla && !$.browser.opera) return; if (this.moveTimeout) this.clearMoveTimeout(); var _this = this; var go = function() { if (!_this.moveTimeout) return; _this[isDown ? 'moveDown' : 'moveUp'](); _this.moveTimout = setTimeout(go, 100); } this.moveTimeout = setTimeout(go, 200); } this.moveRight = function() { } this.moveLeft = function() { } this.move = function(isDown) { } this.moveUp = function() { return this.move(false); } this.moveDown = function() { return this.move(true); } } // scrollIntoView.js -------------------------------------- function scrollIntoView(element, view) { var offset, viewHeight, viewScroll, height; offset = element.offsetTop; height = element.offsetHeight; viewHeight = view.offsetHeight; viewScroll = view.scrollTop; if (offset - viewScroll + height > viewHeight) { view.scrollTop = offset - viewHeight + height; } if (offset < viewScroll) { view.scrollTop = offset; } } // searcher.js -------------------------------------------- Searchdoc.Searcher = function(data) { = data; this.handlers = []; } Searchdoc.Searcher.prototype = new function() { var CHUNK_SIZE = 1000, // search is performed in chunks of 1000 for non-bloking user input MAX_RESULTS = 100, // do not try to find more than 100 results huid = 1, suid = 1, runs = 0; this.find = function(query) { var queries = splitQuery(query), regexps = buildRegexps(queries), highlighters = buildHilighters(queries), state = { from: 0, pass: 0, limit: MAX_RESULTS, n: suid++}, _this = this; this.currentSuid = state.n; if (!query) return; var run = function() { // stop current search thread if new search started if (state.n != _this.currentSuid) return; var results = performSearch(, regexps, queries, highlighters, state), hasMore = (state.limit > 0 && state.pass < 3);, results, !hasMore); if (hasMore) { setTimeout(run, 2); } runs++; }; runs = 0; // start search thread run(); } /* ----- Events ------ */ this.ready = function(fn) { fn.huid = huid; this.handlers.push(fn); } /* ----- Utilities ------ */ function splitQuery(query) { return jQuery.grep(query.split(/(\s+|\(\)?)/), function(string) { return string.match(/\S/) }); } function buildRegexps(queries) { return, function(query) { return new RegExp(query.replace(/(.)/g, '([$1])([^$1]*?)'), 'i') }); } function buildHilighters(queries) { return, function(query) { return query.split(''), function(l, i){ return '\u0001$' + (i*2+1) + '\u0002$' + (i*2+2) } ).join('') }); } // function longMatchRegexp(index, longIndex, regexps) { // for (var i = regexps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ // if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; // }; // return true; // } /* ----- Mathchers ------ */ function matchPass1(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (index.indexOf(queries[0]) != 0) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } function matchPass2(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (index.indexOf(queries[0]) == -1) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } function matchPassRegexp(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (!index.match(regexps[0])) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } /* ----- Highlighters ------ */ function highlightRegexp(info, queries, regexps, highlighters) { var result = createResult(info); for (var i=0, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { result.title = result.title.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); if (i > 0) result.namespace = result.namespace.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); }; return result; } function hltSubstring(string, pos, length) { return string.substring(0, pos) + '\u0001' + string.substring(pos, pos + length) + '\u0002' + string.substring(pos + length); } function highlightQuery(info, queries, regexps, highlighters) { var result = createResult(info), pos = 0, lcTitle = result.title.toLowerCase(); pos = lcTitle.indexOf(queries[0]); if (pos != -1) { result.title = hltSubstring(result.title, pos, queries[0].length); } for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { result.title = result.title.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); result.namespace = result.namespace.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); }; return result; } function createResult(info) { var result = {}; result.title = info[0]; result.namespace = info[1]; result.path = info[2]; result.params = info[3]; result.snippet = info[4]; result.badge = info[6]; return result; } /* ----- Searching ------ */ function performSearch(data, regexps, queries, highlighters, state) { var searchIndex = data.searchIndex, // search by title first and then by source longSearchIndex = data.longSearchIndex, info =, result = [], i = state.from, l = searchIndex.length, togo = CHUNK_SIZE, matchFunc, hltFunc; while (state.pass < 3 && state.limit > 0 && togo > 0) { if (state.pass == 0) { matchFunc = matchPass1; hltFunc = highlightQuery; } else if (state.pass == 1) { matchFunc = matchPass2; hltFunc = highlightQuery; } else if (state.pass == 2) { matchFunc = matchPassRegexp; hltFunc = highlightRegexp; } for (; togo > 0 && i < l && state.limit > 0; i++, togo--) { if (info[i].n == state.n) continue; if (matchFunc(searchIndex[i], longSearchIndex[i], queries, regexps)) { info[i].n = state.n; result.push(hltFunc(info[i], queries, regexps, highlighters)); state.limit--; } }; if (searchIndex.length <= i) { state.pass++; i = state.from = 0; } else { state.from = i; } } return result; } function triggerResults(results, isLast) { jQuery.each(this.handlers, function(i, fn) {, results, isLast) }) } } // panel.js ----------------------------------------------- Searchdoc.Panel = function(element, data, tree, frame) { this.$element = $(element); this.$input = $('input', element).eq(0); this.$result = $('.result ul', element).eq(0); this.frame = frame; this.$current = null; this.$view = this.$result.parent(); = data; this.searcher = new Searchdoc.Searcher(data.index); this.tree = new Searchdoc.Tree($('.tree', element), tree, this); this.init(); } Searchdoc.Panel.prototype = $.extend({}, Searchdoc.Navigation, new function() { var suid = 1; this.init = function() { var _this = this; var observer = function() {$input[0].value); }; this.$input.keyup(observer); this.$; // mac's clear field this.searcher.ready(function(results, isLast) { _this.addResults(results, isLast); }) this.$ { _this.$current.removeClass('current'); _this.$current = $('li').addClass('current');; _this.$input.focus(); }); this.initNavigation(); this.setNavigationActive(false); } = function(value, selectFirstMatch) { value = jQuery.trim(value).toLowerCase(); this.selectFirstMatch = selectFirstMatch; if (value) { this.$element.removeClass('panel_tree').addClass('panel_results'); this.tree.setNavigationActive(false); this.setNavigationActive(true); } else { this.$element.addClass('panel_tree').removeClass('panel_results'); this.tree.setNavigationActive(true); this.setNavigationActive(false); } if (value != this.lastQuery) { this.lastQuery = value; this.firstRun = true; this.searcher.find(value); } } this.addResults = function(results, isLast) { var target = this.$result.get(0); if (this.firstRun && (results.length > 0 || isLast)) { this.$current = null; this.$result.empty(); } for (var i=0, l = results.length; i < l; i++) { target.appendChild(, results[i])); }; if (this.firstRun && results.length > 0) { this.firstRun = false; this.$current = $(target.firstChild); this.$current.addClass('current'); if (this.selectFirstMatch); scrollIntoView(this.$current[0], this.$view[0]) } if (jQuery.browser.msie) this.$element[0].className += ''; } = function(src) { this.frame.location.href = '../' + src; if (this.frame.highlight) this.frame.highlight(src); } = function() {$'path')); } this.move = function(isDown) { if (!this.$current) return; var $next = this.$current[isDown ? 'next' : 'prev'](); if ($next.length) { this.$current.removeClass('current'); $next.addClass('current'); scrollIntoView($next[0], this.$view[0]); this.$current = $next; } return true; } function renderItem(result) { var li = document.createElement('li'), html = '', badge = result.badge; html += '<h1>' + hlt(result.title); if (result.params) html += '<i>' + result.params + '</i>'; html += '</h1>'; html += '<p>'; if (typeof badge != 'undefined') { html += '<span class="badge badge_' + (badge % 6 + 1) + '">' + escapeHTML([badge] || 'unknown') + '</span>'; } html += hlt(result.namespace) + '</p>'; if (result.snippet) html += '<p class="snippet">' + escapeHTML(result.snippet) + '</p>'; li.innerHTML = html;, 'path', result.path); return li; } function hlt(html) { return escapeHTML(html).replace(/\u0001/g, '<b>').replace(/\u0002/g, '</b>') } function escapeHTML(html) { return html.replace(/[&<>]/g, function(c) { return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } }); // tree.js ------------------------------------------------ Searchdoc.Tree = function(element, tree, panel) { this.$element = $(element); this.$list = $('ul', element); this.tree = tree; this.panel = panel; this.init(); } Searchdoc.Tree.prototype = $.extend({}, Searchdoc.Navigation, new function() { this.init = function() { var stopper = document.createElement('li'); stopper.className = 'stopper'; this.$list[0].appendChild(stopper); for (var i=0, l = this.tree.length; i < l; i++) {, this.tree[i], 0, stopper); }; var _this = this; this.$ { var $target = $(, $li = $target.closest('li'); if ($target.hasClass('icon')) { _this.toggle($li); } else {$li); } }) this.initNavigation(); if (jQuery.browser.msie) document.body.className += ''; } = function($li) { this.highlight($li); var path = $li[0].searchdoc_tree_data.path; if (path); } this.highlight = function($li) { if (this.$current) this.$current.removeClass('current'); this.$current = $li.addClass('current'); } this.toggle = function($li) { var closed = !$li.hasClass('closed'), children = $li[0].searchdoc_tree_data.children; $li.toggleClass('closed'); for (var i=0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {, $(children[i].li), !closed); }; } this.moveRight = function() { if (!this.$current) { this.highlight(this.$list.find('li:first')); return; } if (this.$current.hasClass('closed')) { this.toggle(this.$current); } } this.moveLeft = function() { if (!this.$current) { this.highlight(this.$list.find('li:first')); return; } if (!this.$current.hasClass('closed')) { this.toggle(this.$current); } else { var level = this.$current[0].searchdoc_tree_data.level; if (level == 0) return; var $next = this.$current.prevAll('li.level_' + (level - 1) + ':visible:first'); this.$current.removeClass('current'); $next.addClass('current'); scrollIntoView($next[0], this.$element[0]); this.$current = $next; } } this.move = function(isDown) { if (!this.$current) { this.highlight(this.$list.find('li:first')); return true; } var next = this.$current[0]; if (isDown) { do { next = next.nextSibling; if (next && && != 'none') break; } while(next); } else { do { next = next.previousSibling; if (next && && != 'none') break; } while(next); } if (next && next.className.indexOf('stopper') == -1) { this.$current.removeClass('current'); $(next).addClass('current'); scrollIntoView(next, this.$element[0]); this.$current = $(next); } return true; } function toggleVis($li, show) { var closed = $li.hasClass('closed'), children = $li[0].searchdoc_tree_data.children; $li.css('display', show ? '' : 'none') if (!show && this.$current && $li[0] == this.$current[0]) { this.$current.removeClass('current'); this.$current = null; } for (var i=0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {, $(children[i].li), show && !closed); }; } function buildAndAppendItem(item, level, before) { var li = renderItem(item, level), list = this.$list[0]; = li; list.insertBefore(li, before); for (var i=0, l = item[3].length; i < l; i++) {, item[3][i], level + 1, before); }; return li; } function renderItem(item, level) { var li = document.createElement('li'), cnt = document.createElement('div'), h1 = document.createElement('h1'), p = document.createElement('p'), icon, i; li.appendChild(cnt); = getOffset(level); cnt.className = 'content'; if (!item[1]) li.className = 'empty '; cnt.appendChild(h1); // cnt.appendChild(p); h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(item[0])); // p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(item[4])); if (item[2]) { i = document.createElement('i'); i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(item[2])); h1.appendChild(i); } if (item[3].length > 0) { icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.className = 'icon'; cnt.appendChild(icon); } // user direct assignement instead of $() // it's 8x faster // $(li).data('path', item[1]) // .data('children', item[3]) // .data('level', level) // .css('display', level == 0 ? '' : 'none') // .addClass('level_' + level) // .addClass('closed'); li.searchdoc_tree_data = { path: item[1], children: item[3], level: level } = level == 0 ? '' : 'none'; li.className += 'level_' + level + ' closed'; return li; } function getOffset(level) { return 5 + 18*level + 'px'; } });