liquidMetal = (function() {
  var SCORE_NO_MATCH = 0.0;
  var SCORE_MATCH = 1.0;
  var SCORE_TRAILING = 0.8;
  var SCORE_BUFFER = 0.85;
  var WORD_SEPARATORS = " \t_-";

  return {
    lastScore: null,
    lastScoreArray: null,

    score: function(string, abbrev) {
      // short circuits
      if (abbrev.length === 0) return SCORE_TRAILING;
      if (abbrev.length > string.length) return SCORE_NO_MATCH;

      // match & score all
      var allScores = [];
      var search = string.toLowerCase();
      abbrev = abbrev.toLowerCase();
      this._scoreAll(string, search, abbrev, -1, 0, [], allScores);

      // complete miss
      if (allScores.length == 0) return 0;

      // sum per-character scores into overall scores,
      // selecting the maximum score
      var maxScore = 0.0, maxArray = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < allScores.length; i++) {
        var scores = allScores[i];
        var scoreSum = 0.0;
        for (var j = 0; j < string.length; j++) { scoreSum += scores[j]; }
        if (scoreSum > maxScore) {
          maxScore = scoreSum;
          maxArray = scores;

      // normalize max score by string length
      // s. t. the perfect match score = 1
      maxScore /= string.length;

      // record maximum score & score array, return
      this.lastScore = maxScore;
      this.lastScoreArray = maxArray;
      return maxScore;

    _scoreAll: function(string, search, abbrev, searchIndex, abbrIndex, scores, allScores) {
      // save completed match scores at end of search
      if (abbrIndex == abbrev.length) {
        // add trailing score for the remainder of the match
        var started = (search.charAt(0) == abbrev.charAt(0));
        var trailScore = started ? SCORE_TRAILING_BUT_STARTED : SCORE_TRAILING;
        fillArray(scores, trailScore, scores.length, string.length);
        // save score clone (since reference is persisted in scores)

      // consume current char to match
      var c = abbrev.charAt(abbrIndex);

      // cancel match if a character is missing
      var index = search.indexOf(c, searchIndex);
      if (index == -1) return;

      // match all instances of the abbreviaton char
      var scoreIndex = searchIndex; // score section to update
      while ((index = search.indexOf(c, searchIndex+1)) != -1) {
        // score this match according to context
        if (isNewWord(string, index)) {
          scores[index-1] = 1;
          fillArray(scores, SCORE_BUFFER, scoreIndex+1, index-1);
        else if (isUpperCase(string, index)) {
          fillArray(scores, SCORE_BUFFER, scoreIndex+1, index);
        else {
          fillArray(scores, SCORE_NO_MATCH, scoreIndex+1, index);
        scores[index] = SCORE_MATCH;

        // consume matched string and continue search
        searchIndex = index;
        this._scoreAll(string, search, abbrev, searchIndex, abbrIndex, scores, allScores);

  function isUpperCase(string, index) {
    var c = string.charAt(index);
    return ("A" <= c && c <= "Z");

   function isNewWord(string, index) {
    var c = string.charAt(index-1);
    return (WORD_SEPARATORS.indexOf(c) != -1);

  function fillArray(array, value, from, to) {
    for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { array[i] = value; }
    return array;