= JRuby on Hadoop JRuby on Hadoop is a thin wrapper for Hadoop Mapper / Reducer by JRuby. == Install Required gems are all on GemCutter. 1. Upgrade your rubygem to 1.3.5 2. Install gems $ gem install jruby-on-hadoop == Description 1. Run Hadoop cluster on your machines and set HADOOP_HOME env variable. 2. put files into your hdfs. ex) test/inputs/file1 3. Now you can run 'joh' like below: $ joh examples/wordcount.rb test/inputs test/outputs You can get Hadoop job results in your hdfs test/outputs/part-* Script example. (see also examples/wordcount.rb) def setup(conf) # setup jobconf end def map(script, key, value, output, reporter) # mapper process end def reduce(script, key, values, output, reporter) # reducer process end == Build You can build hadoop-ruby.jar by "ant". ant Required to set env HADOOP_HOME for your system. Assumed Hadoop version is 0.19.2. == Author Koichi Fujikawa == Copyright License: Apache License