if !System.get_env("EXERCISM_TEST_EXAMPLES") do Code.load_file("all-your-base.exs", __DIR__) end ExUnit.start() ExUnit.configure(exclude: :pending, trace: true) defmodule AllYourBaseTest do use ExUnit.Case test "convert single bit one to decimal" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1], 2, 10) == [1] end @tag :pending test "convert binary to single decimal" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, 0, 1], 2, 10) == [5] end @tag :pending test "convert single decimal to binary" do assert AllYourBase.convert([5], 10, 2) == [1, 0, 1] end @tag :pending test "convert binary to multiple decimal" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 2, 10) == [4, 2] end @tag :pending test "convert decimal to binary" do assert AllYourBase.convert([4, 2], 10, 2) == [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] end @tag :pending test "convert trinary to hexadecimal" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, 1, 2, 0], 3, 16) == [2, 10] end @tag :pending test "convert hexadecimal to trinary" do assert AllYourBase.convert([2, 10], 16, 3) == [1, 1, 2, 0] end @tag :pending test "convert 15-bit integer" do assert AllYourBase.convert([3, 46, 60], 97, 73) == [6, 10, 45] end @tag :pending test "convert empty list" do assert AllYourBase.convert([], 2, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert single zero" do assert AllYourBase.convert([0], 10, 2) == [0] end @tag :pending test "convert multiple zeros" do assert AllYourBase.convert([0, 0, 0], 10, 2) == [0] end @tag :pending test "convert leading zeros" do assert AllYourBase.convert([0, 6, 0], 7, 10) == [4, 2] end @tag :pending test "convert negative digit" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0], 2, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert invalid positive digit" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0], 2, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert first base is one" do assert AllYourBase.convert([0], 1, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert second base is one" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 2, 1) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert first base is zero" do assert AllYourBase.convert([], 0, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert second base is zero" do assert AllYourBase.convert([7], 10, 0) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert first base is negative" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1], -2, 10) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert second base is negative" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1], 2, -7) == nil end @tag :pending test "convert both bases are negative" do assert AllYourBase.convert([1], -2, -7) == nil end end