@disable-bundler Feature: Install minable files Scenario: Minable generates a new minable installation When I run `bundle exec minable install` Then the sass directories should have been generated And the following directories should exist: | minable | And the master minable partial should have been generated And the output should contain "Minable files installed to minable/" Scenario: Generating does not overwrite an existing minable directory Given minable is already installed When I run `bundle exec minable install` Then the output should contain "Minable files already installed, doing nothing." Scenario: Install Minable into a custom path When I run `bundle exec minable install --path=custom_path` Then the sass directories with "custom_path" prefix should have been generated And the following directories should exist: | custom_path/minable | And the master minable partial should have been generated within "custom_path" directory And the output should contain "Minable files installed to custom_path/minable/" Scenario: Forcing install of minable Given minable is already installed When I run `bundle exec minable install --force` Then the output from "bundle exec minable install --force" should contain "Minable files installed to minable/" And the output should not contain "Minable files already installed, doing nothing."