
* Added some examples.

* Added Dataset#print method for pretty-printing tables.


* Fixed Postgres::Database#tables and #locks methods.

* Added PGconn#last_insert_id method that should support all 7.x and 8.x versions of Postgresql.

* Added Dataset#exists method for EXISTS where clauses.

* Changed behavior of Dataset#literal to regard symbols as field names.

* Refactored and DRY'd Dataset#literal and overrides therof. Added support for subqueries in where clause.


* Fixed Dataset#reverse_order to provide chainability. This method can be called without arguments to invert the current order or with arguments to provide a descending order.

* Fixed literal representation of literals in SQLite adapter (thanks Christian Neukirchen!) 

* Refactored insert code in Postgres adapter (in preparation for fetching the last insert id for pre-8.1 versions).


* Fixed bug in Model.schema, duh!


* Added Dataset#sql as alias to Dataset#select_sql.

* Dataset#where and Dataset#exclude can now be used for refining dataset conditions, enabling stuff like posts.where(:title => 'abcdef').exclude(:user_id => 3).

* Implemented Dataset#exclude method.

* Added Sequel::Schema#auto_primary_key method for setting an automatic primary key to be added to every table definition. Changed the schema generator to not define a primary key by default.

* Changed Sequel::Database#table_exists? to rely on the tables method if it is available.

* Implemented SQLite::Database#tables.


* Added Dataset#[] method. Refactored Model#find and Model#[].

* Renamed Pool#conn_maker to Pool#connection_proc.

* Added automatic require 'sequel' to all adapters for convenience.


* Added preliminary MySQL support.

* Code cleanup.


* Add Dataset#sum method.

* Added support for exclusive ranges (thanks Christian Neukirchen.)

* Added sequel console for quick'n'dirty access to databases.

* Fixed small bug in Dataset#qualified_field_name for better join support.


* Added Sequel.open as alias to Sequel.connect.

* Refactored Dataset#where_equal_condition into Dataset#where_condition, allowing arrays and ranges, e.g. posts.filter(:stamp => (3.days.ago)..(1.day.ago)), or posts.filter(:category => ['ruby', 'postgres', 'linux']).

* Added Model#[]= method for changing column values and Model#save 
method for saving them.

* Added Dataset#destroy for deleting each record individually as support for models. Renamed Model#delete to Model#destroy (and Model#destroy_all) ala ActiveRecord.

* Refactored Dataset#first and Dataset#last code. These methods can now accept the number of records to fetch.


* More documentation for Dataset.

* Renamed Database#query to Database#dataset.

* Added Dataset#insert_multiple for inserting multiple records.

* Added Dataset#<< as shorthand for inserting records.

* Added Database#<< method for executing arbitrary SQL.

* Imported Sequel code.