require 'rails/generators/test_case' require 'active_support/testing/isolation' # probably should have one of these in standard jax dist, but not # necessarily *this* class class Jax::Generators::TestCase < Rails::Generators::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation unless ENV['DO_NOT_ISOLATE'] def self.inherited(base) super base.class_eval do destination Jax.application ? Jax.root : File.expand_path('../tmp/tmp', Jax.framework_root) setup :prepare_destination teardown :restore_streams begin name =$/, '').split(/::/) konst = (name.first == "Jax") ? Object.class : Jax::Generators while const_name = name.shift konst = konst.const_get(const_name) end base.tests konst rescue end end end # call this when you've included both TestHelpers::Paths and TestHelpers::Generation # and want to test Jax generators within plugin directories. def plugin_generator(plugin_name, &block) plugin plugin_name, &block # this happens in bin/jax self.class.destination app_path @jax_cwd = File.join(app_path, "vendor/plugins", plugin_name) File.mkdir_p @jax_cwd unless end setup do unless Jax.application || self.class.include?(TestHelpers::Generation) require 'test_app' self.class.destination Jax.root end end def generate(*args) ENV['JAX_CWD'] = @jax_cwd result = run_generator args ENV['JAX_CWD'] = nil result end def copy_routes routes = File.expand_path("../../../../lib/jax/generators/app/templates/config/", __FILE__) destination = File.join(destination_root, "config") FileUtils.mkdir_p destination FileUtils.cp routes, File.join(destination, "routes.rb") end def stub_file(path, content = nil) file = File.expand_path(path, destination_root) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file), "w") do |f| f.print content if content yield f if block_given? end end def stdin mock_stream :stdin end def stdout mock_stream :stdout end def stderr mock_stream :stderr end def mock_stream(type) @mock_streams ||= {} @mock_streams[type] ||= @mock_streams[type].instance_eval do def returns(str) self.string = str end end prepare_mock_stream type, @mock_streams[type] end def real_streams @real_streams ||= {} end def prepare_mock_stream(type, stream) real_streams[type] ||= eval("$#{type}") set_stream type, stream end def restore_streams real_streams.each { |type, stream| set_stream type, stream } end def set_stream(type, stream) eval "$#{type} = stream" end end