# encoding: UTF-8 unless defined? ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR $: << File.dirname(__FILE__); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' end context 'Sections' do context 'Ids' do test 'synthetic id is generated by default' do sec = block_from_string('== Section One') assert_equal '_section_one', sec.id end test 'synthetic id replaces non-word characters with underscores' do sec = block_from_string("== We're back!") assert_equal '_we_re_back', sec.id end test 'synthetic id removes repeating underscores' do sec = block_from_string('== Section $ One') assert_equal '_section_one', sec.id end test 'synthetic id removes entities' do sec = block_from_string('== Ben & Jerry & Company "Ice Cream Brothers" ✾') assert_equal '_ben_jerry_company_ice_cream_brothers', sec.id end test 'synthetic id prefix can be customized' do sec = block_from_string(":idprefix: id_\n\n== Section One") assert_equal 'id_section_one', sec.id end test 'synthetic id prefix can be set to blank' do sec = block_from_string(":idprefix:\n\n== Section One") assert_equal 'section_one', sec.id end test 'synthetic id prefix is stripped from beginning of id if set to blank' do sec = block_from_string(":idprefix:\n\n== & More") assert_equal 'more', sec.id end test 'synthetic id separator can be customized' do sec = block_from_string(":idseparator: -\n\n== Section One") assert_equal '_section-one', sec.id end test 'synthetic id separator can be set to blank' do sec = block_from_string(":idseparator:\n\n== Section One") assert_equal '_sectionone', sec.id end test 'synthetic ids can be disabled' do sec = block_from_string(":sectids!:\n\n== Section One\n") assert sec.id.nil? end test 'explicit id in anchor above section title overrides synthetic id' do sec = block_from_string("[[one]]\n== Section One") assert_equal 'one', sec.id end test 'explicit id can be defined using an embedded anchor' do sec = block_from_string("== Section One [[one]] ==") assert_equal 'one', sec.id assert_equal 'Section One', sec.title end test 'explicit id can be defined using an embedded anchor with reftext' do sec = block_from_string("== Section One [[one,Section Uno]] ==") assert_equal 'one', sec.id assert_equal 'Section One', sec.title assert_equal 'Section Uno', (sec.attr 'reftext') end test 'id and reftext in embedded anchor cannot be quoted' do sec = block_from_string(%(== Section One [["one","Section Uno"]] ==)) refute_equal 'one', sec.id assert_equal 'Section One [["one","Section Uno"]]', sec.title assert_nil(sec.attr 'reftext') end test 'reftext in embedded anchor may contain comma' do sec = block_from_string(%(== Section One [[one, Section,Uno]] ==)) assert_equal 'one', sec.id assert_equal 'Section One', sec.title assert_equal 'Section,Uno', (sec.attr 'reftext') end test 'should unescape but not process inline anchor' do sec = block_from_string(%(== Section One \\[[one]] ==)) refute_equal 'one', sec.id assert_equal 'Section One [[one]]', sec.title end test 'title substitutions are applied before generating id' do sec = block_from_string("== Section{sp}One\n") assert_equal '_section_one', sec.id end test 'synthetic ids are unique' do input = <<-EOS == Some section text == Some section text EOS doc = document_from_string input assert_equal '_some_section', doc.blocks[0].id assert_equal '_some_section_2', doc.blocks[1].id end test 'should use specified id and reftext when registering section reference' do input = <<-EOS [[install,Install Procedure]] == Install content EOS doc = document_from_string input reftext = doc.references[:ids]['install'] refute_nil reftext assert_equal 'Install Procedure', reftext end test 'should use specified reftext when registering section reference' do input = <<-EOS [reftext="Install Procedure"] == Install content EOS doc = document_from_string input reftext = doc.references[:ids]['_install'] refute_nil reftext assert_equal 'Install Procedure', reftext end end context "document title (level 0)" do test "document title with multiline syntax" do title = "My Title" chars = "=" * title.length assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars) assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars + "\n") end test "document title with multiline syntax, give a char" do title = "My Title" chars = "=" * (title.length + 1) assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars) assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars + "\n") end test "document title with multiline syntax, take a char" do title = "My Title" chars = "=" * (title.length - 1) assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars) assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(title + "\n" + chars + "\n") end test 'document title with multiline syntax and unicode characters' do input = <<-EOS AsciiDoc Writer’s Guide ======================= Author Name preamble EOS result = render_string input assert_xpath '//h1', result, 1 assert_xpath '//h1[text()="AsciiDoc Writer’s Guide"]', result, 1 end test "not enough chars for a multiline document title" do title = "My Title" chars = "=" * (title.length - 2) assert_xpath '//h1', render_string(title + "\n" + chars), 0 assert_xpath '//h1', render_string(title + "\n" + chars + "\n"), 0 end test "too many chars for a multiline document title" do title = "My Title" chars = "=" * (title.length + 2) assert_xpath '//h1', render_string(title + "\n" + chars), 0 assert_xpath '//h1', render_string(title + "\n" + chars + "\n"), 0 end test "document title with multiline syntax cannot begin with a dot" do title = ".My Title" chars = "=" * title.length assert_xpath '//h1', render_string(title + "\n" + chars), 0 end test "document title with single-line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string("= My Title") end test "document title with symmetric syntax" do assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'My Title']", render_string("= My Title =") end end context "level 1" do test "with multiline syntax" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_my_section'][text() = 'My Section']", render_string("My Section\n-----------") end test "heading title with multiline syntax cannot begin with a dot" do title = ".My Title" chars = "-" * title.length assert_xpath '//h2', render_string(title + "\n" + chars), 0 end test "with single-line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string("== My Title") end test "with single-line symmetric syntax" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string("== My Title ==") end test "with single-line non-matching symmetric syntax" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title ===']", render_string("== My Title ===") end test "with XML entity" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_where_s_the_love'][text() = \"Where#{[8217].pack('U*')}s the love?\"]", render_string("== Where's the love?") end test "with non-word character" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_where_s_the_love'][text() = \"Where’s the love?\"]", render_string("== Where’s the love?") end test "with sequential non-word characters" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_what_the_is_this'][text() = 'What the \#@$ is this?']", render_string('== What the #@$ is this?') end test "with trailing whitespace" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string("== My Title ") end test "with custom blank idprefix" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":idprefix:\n\n== My Title ") end test "with custom non-blank idprefix" do assert_xpath "//h2[@id='ref_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":idprefix: ref_\n\n== My Title ") end test 'with multibyte characters' do input = <<-EOS == Asciidoctor in 中文 EOS output = render_string input if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_asciidoctor_in_中文"][text()="Asciidoctor in 中文"]', output else assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_asciidoctor_in"][text()="Asciidoctor in 中文"]', output end end test 'with only multibyte characters' do input = <<-EOS == 视图 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_视图"][text()="视图"]', output end if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 test 'multiline syntax with only multibyte characters' do input = <<-EOS 视图 -- content 连接器 --- content EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_视图"][text()="视图"]', output assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_连接器"][text()="连接器"]', output end if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 end context "level 2" do test "with multiline syntax" do assert_xpath "//h3[@id='_my_section'][text() = 'My Section']", render_string(":fragment:\nMy Section\n~~~~~~~~~~~") end test "with single line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h3[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":fragment:\n=== My Title") end end context "level 3" do test "with multiline syntax" do assert_xpath "//h4[@id='_my_section'][text() = 'My Section']", render_string(":fragment:\nMy Section\n^^^^^^^^^^") end test "with single line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h4[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":fragment:\n==== My Title") end end context "level 4" do test "with multiline syntax" do assert_xpath "//h5[@id='_my_section'][text() = 'My Section']", render_string(":fragment:\nMy Section\n++++++++++") end test "with single line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h5[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":fragment:\n===== My Title") end end context "level 5" do test "with single line syntax" do assert_xpath "//h6[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":fragment:\n====== My Title") end end context 'Markdown-style headings' do test 'single-line document title with leading marker' do input = <<-EOS # Document Title EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'Document Title']", output, 1 end test 'single-line document title with symmetric markers' do input = <<-EOS # Document Title # EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'Document Title']", output, 1 end test 'single-line section title with leading marker' do input = <<-EOS ## Section One blah blah EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_section_one'][text() = 'Section One']", output, 1 end test 'single-line section title with symmetric markers' do input = <<-EOS ## Section One ## blah blah EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_section_one'][text() = 'Section One']", output, 1 end end context 'Floating Title' do test 'should create floating title if style is float' do input = <<-EOS [float] = Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h1[@id="_independent_heading"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1[@class="float"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(/h1[@class="float"][text()="Independent Heading!"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="not in section"]', output, 1 end test 'should create floating title if style is discrete' do input = <<-EOS [discrete] === Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h3', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3[@id="_independent_heading"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3[@class="discrete"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(/h3[@class="discrete"][text()="Independent Heading!"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="not in section"]', output, 1 end test 'should create floating title if style is float with shorthand role and id' do input = <<-EOS [float.independent#first] = Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h1[@id="first"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1[@class="float independent"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(/h1[@class="float independent"][text()="Independent Heading!"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="not in section"]', output, 1 end test 'should create floating title if style is discrete with shorthand role and id' do input = <<-EOS [discrete.independent#first] = Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h1[@id="first"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1[@class="discrete independent"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(/h1[@class="discrete independent"][text()="Independent Heading!"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h1/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="not in section"]', output, 1 end test 'floating title should be a block with context floating_title' do input = <<-EOS [float] === Independent Heading! not in section EOS doc = document_from_string input floatingtitle = doc.blocks.first assert floatingtitle.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Block) assert floatingtitle.context != :section assert_equal :floating_title, floatingtitle.context assert_equal '_independent_heading', floatingtitle.id assert doc.references[:ids].has_key?('_independent_heading') end test 'can assign explicit id to floating title' do input = <<-EOS [[unchained]] [float] === Independent Heading! not in section EOS doc = document_from_string input floating_title = doc.blocks.first assert_equal 'unchained', floating_title.id assert doc.references[:ids].has_key?('unchained') end test 'should not include floating title in toc' do input = <<-EOS :toc: == Section One [float] === Miss Independent == Section Two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@id="toc"]//a[contains(text(), "Section ")]), output, 2 assert_xpath %(//*[@id="toc"]//a[text()="Miss Independent"]), output, 0 end test 'should not set id on floating title if sectids attribute is unset' do input = <<-EOS [float] === Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'sectids' => nil} assert_xpath '/h3', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h3[@id="_independent_heading"]', output, 0 assert_xpath '/h3[@class="float"]', output, 1 end test 'should use explicit id for floating title if specified' do input = <<-EOS [[free]] [float] == Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h2', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h2[@id="free"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h2[@class="float"]', output, 1 end test 'should add role to class attribute on floating title' do input = <<-EOS [float, role="isolated"] == Independent Heading! not in section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/h2', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h2[@id="_independent_heading"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/h2[@class="float isolated"]', output, 1 end test 'should use specified id and reftext when registering discrete section reference' do input = <<-EOS [[install,Install Procedure]] [discrete] == Install content EOS doc = document_from_string input reftext = doc.references[:ids]['install'] refute_nil reftext assert_equal 'Install Procedure', reftext end test 'should use specified reftext when registering discrete section reference' do input = <<-EOS [reftext="Install Procedure"] [discrete] == Install content EOS doc = document_from_string input reftext = doc.references[:ids]['_install'] refute_nil reftext assert_equal 'Install Procedure', reftext end end context 'Level offset' do test 'should print error if standalone document is included without level offset' do input = <<-EOS = Master Document Doc Writer text in master // begin simulated include::[] = Standalone Document :author: Junior Writer text in standalone // end simulated include::[] EOS output, errors = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| output = render_string input errors = err.string end assert !errors.empty? assert_match(/only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections/, errors) end test 'should add level offset to section level' do input = <<-EOS = Master Document Doc Writer Master document written by {author}. :leveloffset: 1 // begin simulated include::[] = Standalone Document :author: Junior Writer Standalone document written by {author}. == Section in Standalone Standalone section text. // end simulated include::[] :leveloffset!: == Section in Master Master section text. EOS output = nil errors = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| output = render_string input errors = out.string end assert errors.empty? assert_match(/Master document written by Doc Writer/, output) assert_match(/Standalone document written by Junior Writer/, output) assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect1"]/h2[text() = "Standalone Document"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[text() = "Section in Standalone"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect1"]/h2[text() = "Section in Master"]', output, 1 end test 'level offset should be added to floating title' do input = <<-EOS = Master Document Doc Writer :leveloffset: 1 [float] = Floating Title EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@class="float"][text() = "Floating Title"]', output, 1 end test 'should be able to reset level offset' do input = <<-EOS = Master Document Doc Writer Master preamble. :leveloffset: 1 = Standalone Document Standalone preamble. :leveloffset!: == Level 1 Section EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect1"]/h2[text() = "Standalone Document"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect1"]/h2[text() = "Level 1 Section"]', output, 1 end test 'should add relative offset value to current leveloffset' do input = <<-EOS = Master Document Doc Writer Master preamble. :leveloffset: 1 = Chapter 1 content :leveloffset: +1 = Standalone Section content EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect1"]/h2[text() = "Chapter 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect2"]/h3[text() = "Standalone Section"]', output, 1 end end context 'Section Numbering' do test 'should create section number with one entry for level 1' do sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new assert_equal '1.', sect1.sectnum end test 'should create section number with two entries for level 2' do sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new sect1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1) sect1 << sect1_1 assert_equal '1.1.', sect1_1.sectnum end test 'should create section number with three entries for level 3' do sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new sect1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1) sect1 << sect1_1 sect1_1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1_1) sect1_1 << sect1_1_1 assert_equal '1.1.1.', sect1_1_1.sectnum end test 'should create section number for second section in level' do sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new sect1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1) sect1 << sect1_1 sect1_2 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1) sect1 << sect1_2 assert_equal '1.2.', sect1_2.sectnum end test 'sectnum should use specified delimiter and append string' do sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new sect1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1) sect1 << sect1_1 sect1_1_1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(sect1_1) sect1_1 << sect1_1_1 assert_equal '1,1,1,', sect1_1_1.sectnum(',') assert_equal '1:1:1', sect1_1_1.sectnum(':', false) end test 'should render section numbers when sectnums attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS = Title :sectnums: == Section_1 text === Section_1_1 text ==== Section_1_1_1 text == Section_2 text === Section_2_1 text === Section_2_2 text EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_1"][starts-with(text(), "1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_1_1"][starts-with(text(), "1.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h4[@id="_section_1_1_1"][starts-with(text(), "1.1.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_2"][starts-with(text(), "2. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_2_1"][starts-with(text(), "2.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_2_2"][starts-with(text(), "2.2. ")]', output, 1 end test 'should render section numbers when numbered attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS = Title :numbered: == Section_1 text === Section_1_1 text ==== Section_1_1_1 text == Section_2 text === Section_2_1 text === Section_2_2 text EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_1"][starts-with(text(), "1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_1_1"][starts-with(text(), "1.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h4[@id="_section_1_1_1"][starts-with(text(), "1.1.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_2"][starts-with(text(), "2. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_2_1"][starts-with(text(), "2.1. ")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_2_2"][starts-with(text(), "2.2. ")]', output, 1 end test 'blocks should have level' do input = <<-EOS = Title preamble == Section 1 paragraph === Section 1.1 paragraph EOS doc = document_from_string input assert_equal 0, doc.blocks[0].level assert_equal 1, doc.blocks[1].level assert_equal 1, doc.blocks[1].blocks[0].level assert_equal 2, doc.blocks[1].blocks[1].level assert_equal 2, doc.blocks[1].blocks[1].blocks[0].level end test 'section numbers should not increment when numbered attribute is turned off within document' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :numbered: :numbered!: == Colophon Section == Another Colophon Section == Final Colophon Section :numbered: == Section One === Section One Subsection == Section Two == Section Three EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h1[text()="Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_colophon_section"][text()="Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_another_colophon_section"][text()="Another Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_final_colophon_section"][text()="Final Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_one_subsection"][text()="1.1. Section One Subsection"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"][text()="2. Section Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_three"][text()="3. Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'section numbers can be toggled even if numbered attribute is enable via the API' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :numbered!: == Colophon Section == Another Colophon Section == Final Colophon Section :numbered: == Section One === Section One Subsection == Section Two == Section Three EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'numbered' => ''} assert_xpath '//h1[text()="Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_colophon_section"][text()="Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_another_colophon_section"][text()="Another Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_final_colophon_section"][text()="Final Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_one_subsection"][text()="1.1. Section One Subsection"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"][text()="2. Section Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_three"][text()="3. Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'section numbers cannot be toggled even if numbered attribute is disabled via the API' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :numbered!: == Colophon Section == Another Colophon Section == Final Colophon Section :numbered: == Section One === Section One Subsection == Section Two == Section Three EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'numbered!' => ''} assert_xpath '//h1[text()="Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_colophon_section"][text()="Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_another_colophon_section"][text()="Another Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_final_colophon_section"][text()="Final Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"][text()="Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_one_subsection"][text()="Section One Subsection"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"][text()="Section Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1 end # NOTE AsciiDoc fails this test because it does not properly check for a None value when looking up the numbered attribute test 'section numbers should not increment until numbered attribute is turned back on' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :numbered!: == Colophon Section == Another Colophon Section == Final Colophon Section :numbered: == Section One === Section One Subsection == Section Two == Section Three EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h1[text()="Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_colophon_section"][text()="Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_another_colophon_section"][text()="Another Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_final_colophon_section"][text()="Final Colophon Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[@id="_section_one_subsection"][text()="1.1. Section One Subsection"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"][text()="2. Section Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_three"][text()="3. Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'table with asciidoc content should not disable numbering of subsequent sections' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :numbered: preamble == Section One |=== a|content |=== == Section Two content EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_two"][text()="2. Section Two"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number parts when doctype is book' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :doctype: book :numbered: = Part 1 == Chapter 1 content = Part 2 == Chapter 2 content EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '(//h1)[1][text()="Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h1)[2][text()="Part 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h1)[3][text()="Part 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="1. Chapter 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[2][text()="2. Chapter 2"]', output, 1 end test 'should number chapters sequentially even when divided into parts' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :doctype: book :numbered: == Chapter 1 content = Part 1 == Chapter 2 content = Part 2 == Chapter 3 content == Chapter 4 content EOS result = render_string input (1..4).each do |num| assert_xpath %(//h2[@id="_chapter_#{num}"]), result, 1 assert_xpath %(//h2[@id="_chapter_#{num}"][text()="#{num}. Chapter #{num}"]), result, 1 end end end context 'Links and anchors' do test 'should include anchor if sectanchors document attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS == Installation Installation section. === Linux Linux installation instructions. EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'sectanchors' => ''} assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[@class="anchor"][@href="#_installation"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a/following-sibling::text()="Installation"', output, true assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[@class="anchor"][@href="#_linux"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a/following-sibling::text()="Linux"', output, true end test 'should link section if sectlinks document attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS == Installation Installation section. === Linux Linux installation instructions. EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'sectlinks' => ''} assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[@class="link"][@href="#_installation"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[text()="Installation"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[@class="link"][@href="#_linux"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[text()="Linux"]', output, 1 end end context 'Special sections' do test 'should assign sectname and caption to appendix section' do input = <<-EOS [appendix] == Attribute Options Details EOS output = block_from_string input assert_equal 'appendix', output.sectname assert_equal 'Appendix A: ', output.caption end test 'should render appendix title prefixed with caption' do input = <<-EOS [appendix] == Attribute Options Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 end test 'should prefix appendix title by label and letter only when numbered is enabled' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: [appendix] == Attribute Options Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 end test 'should use custom appendix caption if specified' do input = <<-EOS :appendix-caption: App [appendix] == Attribute Options Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[text()="App A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 end test 'should only assign letter to appendix when numbered is enabled and appendix caption is empty' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :appendix-caption: [appendix] == Attribute Options Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[text()="A. Attribute Options"]', output, 1 end test 'should increment appendix number for each appendix section' do input = <<-EOS [appendix] == Attribute Options Details [appendix] == Migration Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[2][text()="Appendix B: Migration"]', output, 1 end test 'should continue numbering after appendix' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: == First Section content [appendix] == Attribute Options content == Migration content EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="1. First Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[2][text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[3][text()="2. Migration"]', output, 1 end test 'should number appendix subsections using appendix letter' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: [appendix] == Attribute Options Details === Optional Attributes Details EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h3)[1][text()="A.1. Optional Attributes"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number level 4 section by default' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: == Level_1 === Level_2 ==== Level_3 ===== Level_4 text EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h5', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h5[text()="Level_4"]', output, 1 end test 'should only number levels up to value defined by sectnumlevels attribute' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :sectnumlevels: 2 == Level_1 === Level_2 ==== Level_3 ===== Level_4 text EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[text()="1. Level_1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h3[text()="1.1. Level_2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h4', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h4[text()="Level_3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h5', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h5[text()="Level_4"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number sections or subsections in regions where numbered is off' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: == Section One :numbered!: [appendix] == Attribute Options Details [appendix] == Migration Details === Gotchas Details [glossary] == Glossary Terms EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[2][text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[3][text()="Appendix B: Migration"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h3)[1][text()="Gotchas"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[4][text()="Glossary"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number sections or subsections in toc in regions where numbered is off' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :toc: == Section One :numbered!: [appendix] == Attribute Options Details [appendix] == Migration Details === Gotchas Details [glossary] == Glossary Terms EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Appendix B: Migration"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Gotchas"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Glossary"]', output, 1 end test 'should only number sections in toc up to value defined by sectnumlevels attribute' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :toc: :sectnumlevels: 2 :toclevels: 3 == Level 1 === Level 2 ==== Level 3 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]//a[@href="#_level_1"][text()="1. Level 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]//a[@href="#_level_2"][text()="1.1. Level 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]//a[@href="#_level_3"][text()="Level 3"]', output, 1 end # reenable once we have :specialnumbered!: implemented =begin test 'should not number special sections or subsections' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :specialnumbered!: == Section One [appendix] == Attribute Options Details [appendix] == Migration Details === Gotchas Details [glossary] == Glossary Terms EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//h2)[1][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[2][text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[3][text()="Appendix B: Migration"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h3)[1][text()="Gotchas"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//h2)[4][text()="Glossary"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number special sections or subsections in toc' do input = <<-EOS :numbered: :specialnumbered!: :toc: == Section One [appendix] == Attribute Options Details [appendix] == Migration Details === Gotchas Details [glossary] == Glossary Terms EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Appendix A: Attribute Options"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Appendix B: Migration"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Gotchas"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul//li/a[text()="Glossary"]', output, 1 end =end test 'level 0 special sections in multipart book should be rendered as level 1' do input = <<-EOS = Multipart Book Doc Writer :doctype: book [preface] = Preface Preface text [appendix] = Appendix Appendix text EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "_preface"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "_appendix"]', output, 1 end test 'should output docbook elements that coorespond to special sections in book doctype' do input = <<-EOS = Multipart Book :doctype: book :idprefix: [abstract] = Abstract Title Normal chapter (no abstract in book) [dedication] = Dedication Title Dedication content [preface] = Preface Title Preface content === Preface sub-section Preface subsection content = Part 1 [partintro] .Part intro title Part intro content == Chapter 1 blah blah == Chapter 2 blah blah = Part 2 [partintro] blah blah == Chapter 3 blah blah == Chapter 4 blah blah [appendix] = Appendix Title Appendix content === Appendix sub-section Appendix sub-section content [bibliography] = Bibliography Title Bibliography content [glossary] = Glossary Title Glossary content [colophon] = Colophon Title Colophon content [index] = Index Title EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook45' assert_xpath '/chapter[@id="abstract_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/chapter[@id="abstract_title"]/title[text()="Abstract Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/chapter/following-sibling::dedication[@id="dedication_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/chapter/following-sibling::dedication[@id="dedication_title"]/title[text()="Dedication Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/dedication/following-sibling::preface[@id="preface_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/dedication/following-sibling::preface[@id="preface_title"]/title[text()="Preface Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/preface/section[@id="preface_sub_section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/preface/section[@id="preface_sub_section"]/title[text()="Preface sub-section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/preface/following-sibling::part[@id="part_1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/preface/following-sibling::part[@id="part_1"]/title[text()="Part 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro', output, 1 assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/title[text()="Part intro title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/following-sibling::chapter[@id="chapter_1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/following-sibling::chapter[@id="chapter_1"]/title[text()="Chapter 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/part)[2]/following-sibling::appendix[@id="appendix_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/part)[2]/following-sibling::appendix[@id="appendix_title"]/title[text()="Appendix Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/appendix/section[@id="appendix_sub_section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/appendix/section[@id="appendix_sub_section"]/title[text()="Appendix sub-section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/appendix/following-sibling::bibliography[@id="bibliography_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/appendix/following-sibling::bibliography[@id="bibliography_title"]/title[text()="Bibliography Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/bibliography/following-sibling::glossary[@id="glossary_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/bibliography/following-sibling::glossary[@id="glossary_title"]/title[text()="Glossary Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/glossary/following-sibling::colophon[@id="colophon_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/glossary/following-sibling::colophon[@id="colophon_title"]/title[text()="Colophon Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/colophon/following-sibling::index[@id="index_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/colophon/following-sibling::index[@id="index_title"]/title[text()="Index Title"]', output, 1 end test 'abstract section maps to abstract element in docbook for article doctype' do input = <<-EOS = Article :idprefix: [abstract] == Abstract Title Abstract content EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook45' assert_xpath '/abstract[@id="abstract_title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/abstract[@id="abstract_title"]/title[text()="Abstract Title"]', output, 1 end end context "heading patterns in blocks" do test "should not interpret a listing block as a heading" do input = <<-EOS Section ------- ---- code ---- fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2", output, 1 end test "should not interpret an open block as a heading" do input = <<-EOS Section ------- -- ha -- fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2", output, 1 end test "should not interpret an attribute list as a heading" do input = <<-EOS Section ======= preamble [TIP] ==== This should be a tip, not a heading. ==== EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//*[@class='admonitionblock tip']//p[text() = 'This should be a tip, not a heading.']", output, 1 end test "should not match a heading in a labeled list" do input = <<-EOS Section ------- term1:: + ---- list = [1, 2, 3]; ---- term2:: == not a heading term3:: def // fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2", output, 1 assert_xpath "//dl", output, 1 end test "should not match a heading in a bulleted list" do input = <<-EOS Section ------- * first + ---- list = [1, 2, 3]; ---- + * second == not a heading * third fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2", output, 1 assert_xpath "//ul", output, 1 end test "should not match a heading in a block" do input = <<-EOS ==== == not a heading ==== EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath "//h2", output, 0 assert_xpath "//*[@class='exampleblock']//p[text() = '== not a heading']", output, 1 end end context 'Table of Contents' do test 'should render unnumbered table of contents in header if toc attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... === Interlude While they were waiting... == Section Three That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//li', output, 4 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul[@class="sectlevel2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="Interlude"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul)[1]/li)[3]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'should render numbered table of contents in header if toc and numbered attributes are set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... === Interlude While they were waiting... == Section Three That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//li', output, 4 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="2.1. Interlude"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul)[1]/li)[3]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="3. Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'should render a table of contents that honors numbered setting at position of section in document' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... === Interlude While they were waiting... :numbered!: == Section Three That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//li', output, 4 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul)[1]/li)[3]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1 end test 'should not number parts in table of contents for book doctype when numbered attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS = Book :doctype: book :toc: :numbered: = Part 1 == First Section of Part 1 blah == Second Section of Part 1 blah = Part 2 == First Section of Part 2 blah EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/a[text()="Part 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[2]/a[text()="Part 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/ul[@class="sectlevel1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//*[@id="toc"]/ul[@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/ul/li)[1]/a[text()="1. First Section of Part 1"]', output, 1 end test 'should render table of contents in header if toc2 attribute is set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc2: :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2 toc-left"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 end test 'should set toc position if toc attribute is set to position' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: > :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2 toc-right"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 end test 'should set toc position if toc and toc-position attributes are set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-position: right :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2 toc-right"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 end test 'should set toc position if toc2 and toc-position attribute are set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc2: :toc-position: right :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2 toc-right"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 end test 'should set toc position if toc attribute is set to direction' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: right :numbered: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2 toc-right"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1 end test 'should set toc placement to preamble if toc attribute is set to preamble' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: preamble Yada yada == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#preamble #toc', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble .sectionbody + #toc', output, 1 end test 'should use document attributes toc-class, toc-title and toclevels to create toc' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-title: Contents :toc-class: toc2 :toclevels: 1 == Section 1 === Section 1.1 ==== Section 1.1.1 ==== Section 1.1.2 === Section 1.2 == Section 2 Fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#header #toc', output, 1 assert_css '#header #toc.toc2', output, 1 assert_css '#header #toc li', output, 2 assert_css '#header #toc #toctitle', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Contents"]', output, 1 end test 'should not render table of contents if toc-placement attribute is unset' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-placement!: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 0 end test 'should render table of contents at location of toc macro' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-placement: macro Once upon a time... toc::[] == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#preamble #toc', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble .paragraph + #toc', output, 1 end test 'should render table of contents at location of toc macro in embedded document' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-placement: macro Once upon a time... toc::[] == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input, :header_footer => false assert_css '#preamble:root #toc', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble:root .paragraph + #toc', output, 1 end test 'should not activate toc macro if toc-placement is not set' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: Once upon a time... toc::[] == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#toc', output, 1 assert_css '#toctitle', output, 1 assert_css '.toc', output, 1 assert_css '#content .toc', output, 0 end test 'should only output toc at toc macro if toc is macro' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: macro Once upon a time... toc::[] == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#toc', output, 1 assert_css '#toctitle', output, 1 assert_css '.toc', output, 1 assert_css '#content .toc', output, 1 end test 'should use global attributes for toc-title, toc-class and toclevels for toc macro' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-placement: macro :toc-title: Contents :toc-class: contents :toclevels: 1 Preamble. toc::[] == Section 1 === Section 1.1 ==== Section 1.1.1 ==== Section 1.1.2 === Section 1.2 == Section 2 Fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#toc', output, 1 assert_css '#toctitle', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble #toc', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble #toc.contents', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Contents"]', output, 1 assert_css '#toc li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]//li)[1]/a[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]//li)[2]/a[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1 end test 'should honor id, title, role and level attributes on toc macro' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: :toc-placement: macro :toc-title: Ignored :toc-class: ignored :toclevels: 5 :tocdepth: 1 Preamble. [[contents]] [role="contents"] .Contents toc::[levels={tocdepth}] == Section 1 === Section 1.1 ==== Section 1.1.1 ==== Section 1.1.2 === Section 1.2 == Section 2 Fin. EOS output = render_string input assert_css '#toc', output, 0 assert_css '#toctitle', output, 0 assert_css '#preamble #contents', output, 1 assert_css '#preamble #contents.contents', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="contents"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Contents"]', output, 1 assert_css '#contents li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="contents"]//li)[1]/a[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@id="contents"]//li)[2]/a[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1 end test 'child toc levels should not have additional bullet at parent level in html' do input = <<-EOS = Article :toc: == Section One It was a dark and stormy night... == Section Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... === Interlude While they were waiting... == Section Three That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//li', output, 4 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[2]/a[@href="#_section_two"][text()="Section Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li[2]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul/li/ul/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="Interlude"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ul)[1]/li)[3]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1 end end context 'article doctype' do test 'should create sections only in docbook backend' do input = <<-EOS = Article Doc Writer == Section 1 The adventure. === Subsection One It was a dark and stormy night... === Subsection Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... == Section 2 The return. === Subsection Three While they were returning... === Subsection Four That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//part', output, 0 assert_xpath '//chapter', output, 0 assert_xpath '/article/section', output, 2 assert_xpath '/article/section[1]/title[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/article/section[2]/title[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/article/section/section', output, 4 assert_xpath '/article/section[1]/section[1]/title[text() = "Subsection One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/article/section[2]/section[1]/title[text() = "Subsection Three"]', output, 1 end end context 'book doctype' do test 'document title with level 0 headings' do input = <<-EOS = Book Doc Writer :doctype: book = Chapter One [partintro] It was a dark and stormy night... == Scene One Someone's gonna get axed. = Chapter Two [partintro] They couldn't believe their eyes when... == Interlude While they were waiting... = Chapter Three == Scene One That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string(input) assert_css 'body.book', output, 1 assert_css 'h1', output, 4 assert_css '#header h1', output, 1 assert_css '#content h1', output, 3 assert_css '#content h1.sect0', output, 3 assert_css 'h2', output, 3 assert_css '#content h2', output, 3 assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_one"][text() = "Chapter One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_two"][text() = "Chapter Two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_three"][text() = "Chapter Three"]', output, 1 end test 'should add partintro style to child paragraph of part' do input = <<-EOS = Book :doctype: book = Part 1 part intro == Chapter 1 EOS doc = document_from_string input partintro = doc.blocks.first.blocks.first assert_equal :open, partintro.context assert_equal 'partintro', partintro.style end test 'should add partintro style to child open block of part' do input = <<-EOS = Book :doctype: book = Part 1 -- part intro -- == Chapter 1 EOS doc = document_from_string input partintro = doc.blocks.first.blocks.first assert_equal :open, partintro.context assert_equal 'partintro', partintro.style end test 'should wrap child paragraphs of part in partintro open block' do input = <<-EOS = Book :doctype: book = Part 1 part intro more part intro == Chapter 1 EOS doc = document_from_string input partintro = doc.blocks.first.blocks.first assert_equal :open, partintro.context assert_equal 'partintro', partintro.style assert_equal 2, partintro.blocks.size assert_equal :paragraph, partintro.blocks[0].context assert_equal :paragraph, partintro.blocks[1].context end test 'should warn if part has no sections' do input = <<-EOS = Book :doctype: book = Part 1 [partintro] intro EOS doc = nil warnings = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| doc = document_from_string input warnings = err.string end refute_nil warnings assert !warnings.empty? assert_match(/ERROR:.*section/, warnings) end test 'should create parts and chapters in docbook backend' do input = <<-EOS = Book Doc Writer :doctype: book = Part 1 [partintro] The adventure. == Chapter One It was a dark and stormy night... == Chapter Two They couldn't believe their eyes when... = Part 2 [partintro] The return. == Chapter Three While they were returning... == Chapter Four That's all she wrote! EOS output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//chapter/chapter', output, 0 assert_xpath '/book/part', output, 2 assert_xpath '/book/part[1]/title[text() = "Part 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part[2]/title[text() = "Part 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part/chapter', output, 4 assert_xpath '/book/part[1]/chapter[1]/title[text() = "Chapter One"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part[2]/chapter[1]/title[text() = "Chapter Three"]', output, 1 end test 'subsections in preface and appendix should start at level 2' do input = <<-EOS = Multipart Book Doc Writer :doctype: book [preface] = Preface Preface content === Preface subsection Preface subsection content = Part 1 .Part intro title [partintro] Part intro content [appendix] = Appendix Appendix content === Appendix subsection Appendix subsection content EOS output = nil errors = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook' errors = out.string end assert errors.empty? assert_xpath '/book/preface', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/preface/section', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro/title', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro/simpara', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/appendix', output, 1 assert_xpath '/book/appendix/section', output, 1 end end end