module Rudy::CLI class CommandBase < Drydock::Command include Rudy::Huxtable attr_reader :config protected def init if Drydock.debug? #Caesars.enable_debug Rudy.enable_debug end # The CLI wants output! Rudy::Huxtable.update_logger STDOUT # Send The Huxtables the global values from the command-line Rudy::Huxtable.update_global @global # Reload configuration. This must come after update_global # so it will catch the @@global.config path (if supplied). begin Rudy::Huxtable.update_config rescue Caesars::SyntaxError => ex le ex.message le ex.backtrace if @@global.verbose > 0 exit 81 end @@global.nocolor ? String.disable_color : String.enable_color ? Annoy.enable_skip : Annoy.disable_skip # ANSI codes look like garbage in DOS if Rudy.sysinfo.os.to_s == 'windows' String.disable_color raise Rudy::Error, 'Ruby 1.9 is not supported (yet)' if Rudy.sysinfo.ruby == [1,9,1] end unless @@global.accesskey && @@global.secretkey le "No AWS credentials. Check your configs!" le "Try: rudy init" exit 1 end #if @@global.environment =~ /^prod/ && Rudy.debug? # li Rudy::Utils.banner("PRODUCTION ACCESS IS DISABLED IN DEBUG MODE") # exit 1 #end if @@global.verbose >= 4 # -vvvv format = @@global.format == :json ? :json : :yaml gcopy = @@global.dup gcopy.secretkey = "[HIDDEN]" li "# GLOBALS: ", gcopy.dump(format) end Rudy::Metadata.connect @@global.accesskey, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region Rudy::AWS::EC2.connect @@global.accesskey, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region end def execute_action(emsg="Failed", &action) begin ret = raise emsg unless ret ret rescue Rudy::AWS::EC2::NoAMI => ex raise'-a', @alias) end end def execute_check(level=:medium) ret = Annoy.are_you_sure?(level) exit 0 unless ret ret end # Print a default header to the screen for every command. # def print_header # Send The Huxtables the global values again because they could be # updated after initialization but before the command was executed Rudy::Huxtable.update_global @global li Rudy::CLI.generate_header(@@global, @@config) if @@global.print_header unless @@global.quiet if @@global.environment == "prod" msg = "YOU ARE PLAYING WITH PRODUCTION" li Rudy::Utils.banner(msg, :normal), $/ end end end # +stobjects+ is an Array of Storable objects # +noverbose+ when not false, will force to print with Object#to_s def print_stobjects(stobjects=[], noverbose=false) stobjects.each do |m| print_stobject m, noverbose end end def print_stobject(obj, noverbose=false) format = @@global.format format = :yaml if @@global.verbose > 0 && @@global.format == :string format = :string if noverbose || format.to_s == "s" li String === obj ? obj.dump : obj.dump(format) end def machine_separator(name, awsid) ('%s %-50s awsid: %s ' % [$/, name, awsid]).att(:reverse) end private # See get_metadata def get_machines(fields={}, less=[]) list = get_metadata Rudy::Machines, fields, less if list.empty? if @@global.position.nil? raise Rudy::MachineGroupNotRunning, (@option.all ? nil : current_machine_group) else raise Rudy::MachineNotRunning, current_machine_name end end list end # See get_metadata def get_disks(fields={}, less=[]) get_metadata Rudy::Disks, fields, less end # See get_metadata def get_backups(fields={}, less=[]) get_metadata Rudy::Backups, fields, less end # * +klass+ a Rudy::Metadata class. e.g. Rudy::Machines # # This method takes two optional args for adding or # removing metadata attributes to modify the select query. # When all is specified we want to find disks in every env # environment and role to we remove these attributes from # the select. def get_metadata(klass, fields={}, less=[]) if @option.all # Don't remove keys specified in fields less += (Rudy::Metadata::COMMON_FIELDS - fields.keys) end klass.list(fields, less) || [] end end end