require "test_helper" describe "Executor" do describe "execute method" do before do @username = random_string @password = random_string @command = random_string @options = random_hash @uri = "" end it "should not send HTTP request without command" do assert_raises TextMagic::API::Error do TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(nil, @username, @password, @options) end end it "should not send HTTP request without username" do TextMagic::API::Executor.expects(:post).never assert_raises(TextMagic::API::Error) { TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, nil, @password, @options) } end it "should not send HTTP request without password" do TextMagic::API::Executor.expects(:post).never assert_raises TextMagic::API::Error do TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, nil, @options) end end it "should send a POST request to proper uri" do WebMock.stub_request(:post, @uri).to_return(status: 200, body: "{}") TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, @password, @options) end it "should not send parameters with nil keys" do options_with_empty_values = @options.merge(nil => random_string) @options.merge!(username: @username, password: @password, cmd: @command) WebMock. stub_request(:post, @uri). with(body: @options). to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, @password, options_with_empty_values) end it "should not send parameters with nil values" do options_with_empty_values = @options.merge(random_string => nil) @options.merge!(username: @username, password: @password, cmd: @command) WebMock. stub_request(:post, @uri). with(body: @options). to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, @password, options_with_empty_values) end it "should raise an error if the response contains error_code" do response = "{\"error_code\":#{1 + rand(10)}}" WebMock.stub_request(:post, @uri).to_return(status: 200, body: response) assert_raises TextMagic::API::Error do TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, @password, @options) end end it "should return a hash with values from the response" do hash = { "this" => "is", "just" => "a", "random" => "hash" } response = '{"this":"is","just":"a","random":"hash"}' WebMock.stub_request(:post, @uri).to_return(status: 200, body: response) response = TextMagic::API::Executor.execute(@command, @username, @password, @options) assert_equal hash, response.to_hash end end end