module Daru class Index include Enumerable # It so happens that over riding the .new method in a super class also # tampers with the default .new method for class that inherit from the # super class (Index in this case). Thus we first alias the original # new method (from Object) to __new__ when the Index class is evaluated, # and then we use an inherited hook such that the old new method (from # Object) is once again the default .new for the subclass. # Refer class << self alias :__new__ :new def inherited subclass class << subclass alias :new :__new__ end end end # We over-ride the .new method so that any sort of Index can be generated # from Daru::Index based on the types of arguments supplied. def *args, &block source = args[0] idx = if source and source[0].is_a?(Array) Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples source elsif source and source.is_a?(Array) and !source.empty? and source.all? { |e| e.is_a?(DateTime) }, freq: :infer) else i = self.allocate i.send :initialize, *args, &block i end idx end def each(&block) @relation_hash.each_key(&block) self end def map(&block) end attr_reader :relation_hash, :size def initialize index index = 0 if index.nil? index = { |i| i} if index.is_a? Integer index = index.to_a if index.is_a? Daru::Index @relation_hash = {} index.each_with_index do |n, idx| @relation_hash[n] = idx end @relation_hash.freeze @keys = @relation_hash.keys @size = @relation_hash.size end def ==(other) return false if self.class != other.class or other.size != @size @relation_hash.keys == other.to_a and @relation_hash.values == other.relation_hash.values end def [](*key) loc = key[0] case when loc.is_a?(Range) first = loc.first last = loc.last slice first, last when key.size > 1 { |k| self[k] } else v = @relation_hash[loc] return loc if v.nil? v end end def slice *args start = args[0] en = args[1] indexes = [] if start.is_a?(Integer) and en.is_a?(Integer) @keys[start..en] else start_idx = @relation_hash[start] en_idx = @relation_hash[en] @keys[start_idx..en_idx] end end # Produce new index from the set union of two indexes. def |(other) | other.to_a) end # Produce a new index from the set intersection of two indexes def & other end def to_a @relation_hash.keys end def key(value) @relation_hash.keys[value] end def include? index @relation_hash.has_key? index end def empty? @relation_hash.empty? end def dup @relation_hash.keys end def _dump depth Marshal.dump({relation_hash: @relation_hash}) end def self._load data h = Marshal.load data[:relation_hash].keys) end end # class Index class MultiIndex < Index include Enumerable def each(&block) to_a.each(&block) end def map(&block) end attr_reader :labels def levels { |e| e.keys } end def initialize opts={} labels = opts[:labels] levels = opts[:levels] raise ArgumentError, "Must specify both labels and levels" unless labels and levels raise ArgumentError, "Labels and levels should be same size" if labels.size != levels.size raise ArgumentError, "Incorrect labels and levels" if incorrect_fields?(labels, levels) @labels = labels @levels = { |e| Hash[]} end def incorrect_fields? labels, levels max_level = levels[0].size correct = labels.all? { |e| e.size == max_level } correct = levels.all? { |e| e.uniq.size == e.size } !correct end private :incorrect_fields? def self.from_arrays arrays levels = { |e| e.uniq.sort_by { |a| a.to_s } } labels = [] arrays.each_with_index do |arry, level_index| label = [] level = levels[level_index] arry.each do |lvl| label << level.index(lvl) end labels << label end labels: labels, levels: levels end def self.from_tuples tuples from_arrays tuples.transpose end def [] *key key.flatten! case when key[0].is_a?(Range) then retrieve_from_range(key[0]) when (key[0].is_a?(Integer) and key.size == 1) then try_retrieve_from_integer(key[0]) else retrieve_from_tuples(key) end end def try_retrieve_from_integer int return retrieve_from_tuples([int]) if @levels[0].has_key?(int) int end def retrieve_from_range range MultiIndex.from_tuples( { |index| key(index) }) end def retrieve_from_tuples key chosen = [] key.each_with_index do |k, depth| level_index = @levels[depth][k] label = @labels[depth] chosen = find_all_indexes label, level_index, chosen end return chosen[0] if chosen.size == 1 return multi_index_from_multiple_selections(chosen) end def multi_index_from_multiple_selections chosen MultiIndex.from_tuples( { |e| key(e) }) end def find_all_indexes label, level_index, chosen if chosen.empty? label.each_with_index do |lbl, i| if lbl == level_index then chosen << i end end else chosen.keep_if { |c| label[c] == level_index } end chosen end private :find_all_indexes, :multi_index_from_multiple_selections, :retrieve_from_range, :retrieve_from_tuples def key index raise ArgumentError, "Key #{index} is too large" if index >= @labels[0].size level_indexes = @labels.inject([]) do |memo, label| memo << label[index] memo end tuple = [] level_indexes.each_with_index do |level_index, i| tuple << @levels[i].keys[level_index] end tuple end def dup levels: levels.dup, labels: labels end def drop_left_level by=1 MultiIndex.from_arrays to_a.transpose[by..-1] end def | other MultiIndex.from_tuples(to_a | other.to_a) end def & other MultiIndex.from_tuples(to_a & other.to_a) end def empty? @labels.flatten.empty? and @levels.all? { |l| l.empty? } end def include? tuple tuple.flatten! tuple.each_with_index do |tup, i| return false unless @levels[i][tup] end true end def size @labels[0].size end def width @levels.size end def == other self.class == other.class and labels == other.labels and levels == other.levels end def to_a (0...size).map { |e| key(e) } end def values { |i| i } end def inspect "Daru::MultiIndex:#{self.object_id} (levels: #{levels}\nlabels: #{labels})" end end end