# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe PassaporteWeb::Http do before(:each) do PassaporteWeb.configure do |c| c.url = 'https://some/where' c.user_agent = 'My Mocking App v1.1' c.application_token = 'some-app-token' c.application_secret = 'some-app-secret' c.user_token = 'some-user-token' end end let(:mock_response) { 'restclient http response' } describe ".get" do it "should use RestClient.get with the supplied params and common options" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:get).with( 'https://some/where/foo', params: {spam: 'eggs'}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.get('/foo', spam: 'eggs') end end describe ".custom_auth_get" do it "should use RestClient.get with the supplied params and common options, but with the custom authorization" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:get).with( 'https://some/where/foo', params: {spam: 'eggs'}, authorization: 'Basic am9obkBkb2UuY29tOnRoZWJpcmRpc3RoZXdvcmQ=', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.custom_auth_get('john@doe.com', 'thebirdistheword', '/foo', spam: 'eggs') end end describe ".delete" do it "should use RestClient.delete with the supplied params and common options" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:delete).with( 'https://some/where/foo', params: {spam: 'eggs'}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.delete('/foo', spam: 'eggs') end end describe ".put" do it "should use RestClient.get with the supplied params and common options, encoding body as json" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:put).with( 'https://some/where/foo', '{"hello":"world"}', params: {spam: 'eggs'}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.put('/foo', {hello: 'world'}, {spam: 'eggs'}) end it "should use RestClient.get with the supplied params and common options, with body already as json" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:put).with( 'https://some/where/foo', '{"hello":"world"}', params: {spam: 'eggs'}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.put('/foo', '{"hello":"world"}', {spam: 'eggs'}) end end describe ".post" do it "should use RestClient.post with the supplied params and common options, encoding body as json" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:post).with( 'https://some/where/foo', '{"hello":"world"}', params: {}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.post('/foo', {hello: 'world'}) end it "should use RestClient.post with the supplied params and common options, with body already as json" do expect(RestClient).to receive(:post).with( 'https://some/where/foo', '{"hello":"world"}', params: {}, authorization: 'Basic c29tZS1hcHAtdG9rZW46c29tZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0', content_type: :json, accept: :json, user_agent: 'My Mocking App v1.1' ).and_return(mock_response) described_class.post('/foo', '{"hello":"world"}') end end end