Given(/^I have an app with license finder and a JS dependency$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder dependencies add MIT my_js_dep 1.2.3' end When(/^I add my JS dependency$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder dependencies add MIT my_js_dep 1.2.3' end When(/^I add my JS dependency with an approval flag$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder dependencies add --approve MIT my_js_dep 1.2.3' @output.should == "The my_js_dep dependency has been added and approved!\n" end When(/^I remove my JS dependency$/) do @user.execute_command 'license_finder dependencies remove my_js_dep' end Then(/^I should see the JS dependency in the console output$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder --quiet' @output.should include 'my_js_dep, 1.2.3, MIT' end Then(/^I should not see the JS dependency in the console output$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder --quiet' @output.should_not include 'my_js_dep, 1.2.3, MIT' end Then(/^I should not see the JS dependency in the console output since it is approved$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder --quiet' @output.should_not include 'my_js_dep, 1.2.3, MIT' end