# @(#) MQMBID sn=mqkoa-L160208.12 su=_8_zA6M5YEeWAYJom138ZUQ pn=appmsging/ruby/mqlight/lib/mqlight/logging.rb # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # 5725-P60 # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with # IBM Corp. # module Mqlight # Internal class that handles logging module Logging require 'logger' def logger Logging.logger end def self.logger @logger ||= MqlightLogger.new(STDERR) end # The logger used by all internal MQ Light classes class MqlightLogger < Logger require 'socket' # Logging severity. module Severity ALL = -1000 PROTON_DATA = -1000 PROTON_EXIT = -1000 PROTON_ENTRY = -1000 PROTON = -1000 DATA_OFTEN = 100 EXIT_OFTEN = 100 ENTRY_OFTEN = 100 OFTEN = 100 RAW = 200 DETAIL = 300 DEBUG = 500 EMIT = 800 DATA = 1000 PARMS = 1200 HEADER = 1500 EXIT = 1500 ENTRY = 1500 ENTRY_EXIT = 1500 ERROR = 1800 FFDC = 2000 # an unknown message that should always be logged UNKNOWN = 3000 end include Severity # The identifier used when a log entry is not associated with a # particular client. NO_CLIENT_ID = '*' # Define a method for logging each sev Severity.constants.each do |sev| define_method(sev.to_s.downcase) do |progname = NO_CLIENT_ID, msg = nil, &block| progname = NO_CLIENT_ID unless progname.is_a? String message = block.call.to_s if msg && @level > DETAIL message << ' ' + mask(msg).to_s elsif msg message << ' ' + msg.to_s end add(Severity.const_get(sev.to_s), message, (format_sev(sev) + progname), &block) end end def initialize(logdev, shift_age = 0, shift_size = 1_048_576) super(logdev, shift_age, shift_size) @ffdc_sequence = 0 if ENV['MQLIGHT_RUBY_LOG'] begin @level_name = ENV['MQLIGHT_RUBY_LOG'].upcase self.level = Severity.const_get(@level_name) header rescue @level_name = 'FFDC' self.level = FFDC end else @level_name = 'FFDC' self.level = FFDC end end def format_message(_severity, datetime, progname, msg) "#{datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%L')} [" + format('%-14s', "#{Process.pid}:#{Thread.current.object_id}") + "] #{progname} #{msg}\n" end # Log exit from a method. # # @param progname [String] The id of the client logging the exception # @param rc The yielded value of the method # @param block The name of the method that is being exited def exit(progname = NO_CLIENT_ID, rc = nil, &block) progname = NO_CLIENT_ID unless progname.is_a? String begin msg = yield.to_s + ' ' + rc.class.to_s + '->' + rc.to_s unless rc.nil? rescue => e msg = nil end add(EXIT, msg, (format_sev('exit') + progname), &block) end # Log an exception being thrown. # # @param id [String] The id of the client logging the exception # @param err [String] The exception being thrown # @param _block [Method] The name of the method that is being exited def throw(id = NO_CLIENT_ID, err = nil, &_block) id = NO_CLIENT_ID unless id.is_a? String add(ERROR, '* Thrown exception: ' + err.class.to_s + \ ': ' + err.to_s, (format_sev('exit') + id)) add(EXIT, (yield.to_s + ' Exception thrown'), (format_sev('exit') + id)) end def ffdc(_fnc = 'User-requested FFDC by function', probe_id = 255, client, data, exception) entry(@id) { self.class.to_s + '#' + __method__.to_s } parms = Hash[method(__method__).parameters.map do |parm| [parm[1], eval(parm[1].to_s)] end] parms(@id, parms) { self.class.to_s + '#' + __method__.to_s } @ffdc_sequence += 1 add(FFDC, ('-' * 80), format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, 'First Failure Data Capture', format_sev('ffdc')) header if exception && (exception.is_a? Exception) add(FFDC, 'Error', format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, exception.inspect, format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, exception.backtrace, format_sev('ffdc')) end add(FFDC, '', format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, 'Function Stack', format_sev('ffdc')) caller.each do |key, value| add(FFDC, key.to_s + '=>' + value.to_s, format_sev('ffdc')) end add(FFDC, '', format_sev('ffdc')) if client add(FFDC, 'Client', format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, client.to_s, format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, '', format_sev('ffdc')) end if data add(FFDC, 'Data', format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, data.to_s, format_sev('ffdc')) add(FFDC, '', format_sev('ffdc')) end if (@ffdc_sequence == 1) || (probe_id == 255) add(FFDC, 'Environment Variables', format_sev('ffdc')) ENV.to_hash.each do |key, value| add(FFDC, key.to_s + '=>' + value.to_s, format_sev('ffdc')) end add(FFDC, ('-' * 80), format_sev('ffdc')) end exit(@id) { self.class.to_s + '#' + __method__.to_s } rescue => e throw(nil, e) { self.class.to_s + '#' + __method__.to_s } raise e end private def header sev = format_sev(@level_name) add(@level, ('-' * 80), sev) add(@level, ('IBM MQ Light Ruby Client'), sev) add(@level, ('-' * 80), sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Host Name') + Socket.gethostname, sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Operating System') + RUBY_PLATFORM, sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Ruby Version') + "#{RUBY_VERSION}-" \ "p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}", sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Name') + 'mqlight', sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Version') + Mqlight::VERSION, sev) add(@level, format_header_msg('Logging Level') + sev, sev) add(@level, ('-' * 80), sev) end def format_header_msg(msg) format('%-19s', msg) + ':- ' end # Formats the severity of the message, ensuring alignment. def format_sev(sev) format('%-13s', sev.to_s.downcase) end # Masks passwords and message date from the supplied object. # Assumes Hash for now. def mask(to_strip) # Extensible if we want to mask from Strings etc in the future mask_from_hash(to_strip) end # Masks any passwords or message data in a Hash. def mask_from_hash(to_strip) return to_strip unless to_strip.is_a? Hash # Deep clone so we don't affect the original opts hash = deep_clone_hash(to_strip) # Mask any :password in the Hash hash[:password] = '********' if hash[:password] hash[:ssl_client_key_passphrase] = '********' if hash[:ssl_client_key_passphrase] hash[:ssl_keystore_passphrase] = '********' if hash[:ssl_keystore_passphrase] hash[:data] = '********' if hash[:data] # Recurse to sub-hashes hash.each do |key, value| hash[key] = mask_from_hash(value) if value.is_a? Hash next unless (key.to_s.eql? 'service') || (key.to_s.eql? 'address') || (key.to_s.eql? "service_list") if value.is_a? String hash[key] = mask_passwords_from_string(value) elsif value.is_a? Array value.map! { |url| mask_passwords_from_string(url.to_s) } end end hash end # Masks any passwords from a service url string def mask_passwords_from_string(to_strip) to_strip.sub(%r{:[^\/:]+@}, ':********@') end # Clone to we don't mask passwords from the actual strings we're logging. def deep_clone_hash(obj) hash = {} obj.each do |key, value| begin if value.is_a? Hash hash[key] = deep_clone_hash(value) else hash[key] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(value)) end rescue TypeError # We'll get this in the case of SWIG objects and Procs. # We can shallow copy these as we won't be editing them. hash[key] = value end end hash end end end end