sinon = require 'sinon' {expect} = require 'chai' Console = require '../src/console' describe 'Console', -> beforeEach -> @log = sinon.stub() @console = { log: @log } new Console(@console) describe '#log', -> describe 'with strings', -> it 'logs a single string', -> @console.log 'Hello logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello logger' it 'concatenates multipe strings', -> @console.log 'Hello logger', 'We welcome you', 'Here on Earth' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello logger We welcome you Here on Earth' it 'replaces a single %s', -> @console.log 'Hello %s!', 'logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello logger!' it 'replaces multiple %s', -> @console.log 'Hello %s, we welcome you to %s!', 'logger', 'Switzerland' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello logger, we welcome you to Switzerland!' it 'attaches %s surplus strings', -> @console.log 'Hello %s, we welcome you to Switzerland!', 'logger', 'Yay!' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello logger, we welcome you to Switzerland! Yay!' describe 'with numbers', -> it 'logs a single number', -> @console.log 1 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal '1' it 'concatenates multipe numbers', -> @console.log 1, 2, 3, 4 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal '1 2 3 4' it 'replaces a single %d', -> @console.log 'Hello %d!', 1 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello 1!' it 'replaces a single %i', -> @console.log 'Hello %i!', 3 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello 3!' it 'replaces multiple %d', -> @console.log 'I can count %d, %d and %d!', 1, 2, 3 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'I can count 1, 2 and 3!' it 'replaces multiple %i', -> @console.log 'I can count reverse %i, %i and %i!', 3, 2, 1 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'I can count reverse 3, 2 and 1!' it 'attaches %d surplus numbers', -> @console.log 'Hello %d!', 1, 2, 3 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello 1! 2 3' it 'attaches %i surplus numbers', -> @console.log 'Hello %i!', 1, 2, 3 expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello 1! 2 3' describe 'with objects', -> it 'logs a boolean', -> @console.log true, false expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'true false' it 'logs a date', -> @console.log new Date('Thu Mar 08 2012 20:28:56 GMT+0100 (CET)') expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Thu Mar 08 2012 20:28:56 GMT+0100 (CET)' it 'logs an array', -> @console.log [1, 2, 3, 4] expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal '[1, 2, 3, 4]' it 'logs an object', -> @console.log { a: 1 } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal '{ a: 1 }' it 'logs a nested object', -> @console.log "Hello object %o. Nice to meet you", { a: 1, b: { x: 1 } } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello object { a: 1, b: { x: 1 } }. Nice to meet you' it 'logs a nested object until depth 2', -> @console.log "Hello object %o. Nice to meet you", { a: 1, b: { x: { a: 1, b: { x: 1 } } } } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'Hello object { a: 1, b: { x: { a: 1, b: [Object] } } }. Nice to meet you' describe 'with an Object that implements toString()', -> it '%s logs the custom string representation', -> @console.log 'I have a toString(): %s!', { toString: -> '[Yepa]' } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'I have a toString(): [Yepa]!' it '%o logs the custom string representation', -> @console.log 'I have a toString(): %o!', { toString: -> '[Yepa]' } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'I have a toString(): [Yepa]!' describe 'with an Object that implements toJSON()', -> it '%o logs the custom JSON representation', -> @console.log 'I have a toJSON(): %o!', { toJSON: -> { a: 1 } } expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'I have a toJSON(): { a: 1 }!' describe '#info', -> it 'prefixes a string with INFO', -> true, { a: 1 }, 'Hello logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'INFO: true { a: 1 } Hello logger' describe '#warn', -> it 'prefixes a string with WARN', -> @console.warn true, { a: 1 }, 'Hello logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'WARN: true { a: 1 } Hello logger' describe '#error', -> it 'prefixes a string with ERROR', -> @console.error true, { a: 1 }, 'Hello logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'ERROR: true { a: 1 } Hello logger' describe '#debug', -> it 'prefixes a string with DEBUG', -> @console.debug true, { a: 1 }, 'Hello logger' expect(@log.args[0][0]).to.equal 'DEBUG: true { a: 1 } Hello logger'