require 'lib/innate/core_compatibility/basic_object' require 'lib/innate/options/dsl' require 'bacon' Bacon.extend(Bacon::TestUnitOutput) Bacon.summary_on_exit Options = Innate::Options describe Options do @options = should 'create option' do @options.o('my name', :name, 'manveru') == 'manveru' end should 'create options with meta hash' do @options.o('the port', :port, 7000, :cli => '-p') @options.port.should == 7000 end should 'get complete hash via #get' do @options.get(:port)[:cli].should == '-p' @options.get(:port)[:doc].should == 'the port' end should 'get value via []' do @options[:port].should == 7000 end should 'create scope' do @options.sub(:deep) end should 'create option in scope' do @options.deep.o('the browser', :browser, :firefox) @options.deep.browser.should == :firefox end should 'append to scope via dsl' do @options.sub(:deep).o('hi mom', :greeting, :mom) @options.deep.greeting.should == :mom end should 'sub in subscope' do @options.sub(:deep).sub(:down).o('deep down', :me, :too) == :too end should 'get sub-sub option' do @options.get(:deep, :down, :me).should == {:value => :too, :doc => 'deep down'} end should 'respond with nil on getting missing option' do @options.get(:deep, :down, :you) end should 'search in higher scope if key not found' do @options.deep.port.should == 7000 end should 'merge! existing options with other Enumerable' do @options.merge!(:port => 4000, :name => 'feagliir') @options.port.should == 4000 == 'feagliir' end should 'Be Enumerable' do keys, values = [], [] @options.each{|k, v| keys << k; values << v } keys.compact.sort_by{|k| k.to_s }.should == [:deep, :name, :port] values.compact.size.should == 3 end should "raise when trying to assign to key that doesn't exist" do lambda{ @options[:foo] = :bar }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end should 'pretty_print' do require 'pp' p = @options.pretty_print(p) p.output.should =~ /:value=>4000/ end end