require 'spec_helper' describe "Node Queries" do subject { Person } describe "fetching a node" do it { should respond_to(:find_by_id) } it "should find a node based on its id" do person = Person.create(:name => 'Agent Smith', :human => false) person.persisted?.should be_true record = Person.find_by_id( record.should be_a(Person) == end it "should not instatiate the node if it is of the wrong type" do ship = Ship.create(:name => 'Brahama', :crew_size => 1) Person.find_by_id( be_nil end it "should return nil when the node is not found" do Person.find_by_id(-1).should be_nil end it "should raise an exception when banged finder is used an no record found" do lambda { Person.find_by_id!(-1) }.should raise_error(Architect4r::RecordNotFound) end it "should not raise an exception when banged finder is used an a record is found" do person = Person.create(:name => 'The Architect', :human => false) lambda { Person.find_by_id!( }.should_not raise_error(Architect4r::RecordNotFound) end end describe "counting records" do it "should count the number of records" do Person.create(:name => 'Neo', :human => true) Person.create(:name => 'Trinity', :human => true) Person.count.should >= 2 end end describe "custom cypher queries" do it "should only return the first two records" do Person.create(:name => 'Neo', :human => true) Person.create(:name => 'Trinity', :human => true) Person.create(:name => 'Morpheus', :human => true) results = Person.find_by_cypher("start s=node(:person_root) match s<-[:model_type]-d return d limit 2", 'd') results.size.should == 2 results.first.should be_a(Person) end end end