define("dojox/app/controllers/Transition", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/on", "dojo/Deferred", "dojo/when", "dojox/css3/transit", "../Controller"], function(lang, declare, on, Deferred, when, transit, Controller){ // module: // dojox/app/controllers/transition // summary: // Bind "transition" event on dojox/app application's domNode. // Do transition from one view to another view. return declare("", Controller, { proceeding: false, waitingQueue:[], constructor: function(app, events){ // summary: // bind "transition" event on application's domNode. // // app: // dojox/app application instance. // events: // {event : handler} = { "transition": this.transition, "startTransition": this.onStartTransition }; this.inherited(arguments); }, transition: function(event){ // summary: // Response to dojox/app "transition" event. // // example: // Use trigger() to trigger "transition" event, and this function will response to the event. For example: // | this.trigger("transition", {"viewId":viewId, "opts":opts}); // // event: Object // "transition" event parameter. It should be like this: {"viewId":viewId, "opts":opts} this.proceedTransition(event); }, onStartTransition: function(evt){ // summary: // Response to dojox/app "startTransition" event. // // example: // Use "dojox/mobile/TransitionEvent" to trigger "startTransition" event, and this function will response the event. For example: // | var transOpts = { // | title:"List", // | target:"items,list", // | url: "#items,list" // | }; // | new TransitionEvent(domNode, transOpts, e).dispatch(); // // evt: Object // transition options parameter // prevent event from bubbling to window and being // processed by dojox/mobile/ViewController if(evt.preventDefault){ evt.preventDefault(); } evt.cancelBubble = true; if(evt.stopPropagation){ evt.stopPropagation(); } var target =; var regex = /#(.+)/; if(!target && regex.test(evt.detail.href)){ target = evt.detail.href.match(regex)[1]; } // transition to the target view this.transition({"viewId":target, opts: lang.mixin({reverse: false},evt.detail)}); }, proceedTransition: function(transitionEvt){ // summary: // Proceed transition queue by FIFO by default. // If transition is in proceeding, add the next transition to waiting queue. // // transitionEvt: Object // "transition" event parameter. It should be like this: {"viewId":viewId, "opts":opts} if(this.proceeding){"in app/controllers/Transition proceedTransition push event", transitionEvt); this.waitingQueue.push(transitionEvt); return; } this.proceeding = true;"in app/controllers/Transition proceedTransition calling trigger load", transitionEvt); var params = transitionEvt.params || {}; if(transitionEvt.opts && transitionEvt.opts.params){ params = transitionEvt.params || transitionEvt.opts.params; }"load", { "viewId": transitionEvt.viewId, "params": params, "callback": lang.hitch(this, function(){ var transitionDef = this._doTransition(transitionEvt.viewId, transitionEvt.opts, params,; when(transitionDef, lang.hitch(this, function(){ this.proceeding = false; var nextEvt = this.waitingQueue.shift(); if(nextEvt){ this.proceedTransition(nextEvt); } })); }) }); }, _getDefaultTransition: function(parent){ // summary: // Get view's default transition type from parent view. // Retrieve the parent chain and get the latest ancestor's default transition type. // // parent: Object // view's parent // // returns: // transition type like "slide", "fade", "flip" or undefined. var parentView = parent; var defaultTransition = parentView.defaultTransition; while(!defaultTransition && parentView.parent){ parentView = parentView.parent; defaultTransition = parentView.defaultTransition; } return defaultTransition; }, _doTransition: function(transitionTo, opts, params, parent){ // summary: // Transitions from the currently visible scene to the defined scene. // It should determine what would be the best transition unless // an override in opts tells it to use a specific transitioning methodology // the transitionTo is a string in the form of [view]@[scene]. If // view is left of, the current scene will be transitioned to the default // view of the specified scene (eg @scene2), if the scene is left off // the app controller will instruct the active scene to the view (eg view1). If both // are supplied (view1@scene2), then the application should transition to the scene, // and instruct the scene to navigate to the view. // // transitionTo: Object // transition to view id. It looks like #tabScene,tab1 // opts: Object // transition options // params: Object // params // parent: Object // view's parent // // returns: // transit dojo/DeferredList object."in app/controllers/Transition._doTransition transitionTo=[",transitionTo,"],[",,"], opts=",opts); if(!parent){ throw Error("view parent not found in transition."); } var parts, toId, subIds, next, params, current = parent.selectedChild; if(transitionTo){ parts = transitionTo.split(","); }else{ // If parent.defaultView is like "main,main", we also need to split it and set the value to toId and subIds. // Or cannot get the next view by "parent.children[ + '_' + toId]" parts = parent.defaultView.split(","); } toId = parts.shift(); subIds = parts.join(','); // next is loaded and ready for transition next = parent.children[ + '_' + toId]; if(!next){ throw Error("child view must be loaded before transition."); } // set params on next view. next.params = params || next.params; // if no subIds and next has default view, // set the subIds to the default view and transition to default view. if(!subIds && next.defaultView){ subIds = next.defaultView; } if(!current){ // current view is null, set current view equals next view."> in Transition._doTransition calling next.beforeActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], !current path,"); next.beforeActivate();"> in Transition._doTransition calling next.afterActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], !current path"); next.afterActivate();" > in Transition._doTransition calling app.triggger select view next name=[",,"],[",,"], !current path");"select", {"parent":parent, "view":next}); return; } // next is not a Deferred object, so Deferred.when is no needed. if(next !== current){ //When clicking fast, history module will cache the transition request que //and prevent the transition conflicts. //Originally when we conduct transition, selectedChild will not be the //view we want to start transition. For example, during transition 1 -> 2 //if user click button to transition to 3 and then transition to 1. After //1->2 completes, it will perform transition 2 -> 3 and 2 -> 1 because //selectedChild is always point to 2 during 1 -> 2 transition and transition //will record 2->3 and 2->1 right after the button is clicked. //assume next is already loaded so that this.set(...) will not return //a promise object. this.set(...) will handles the this.selectedChild, //activate or deactivate views and refresh layout. // deactivate sub child of current view, then deactivate current view var subChild = current.selectedChild; while(subChild){"< in Transition._doTransition calling subChild.beforeDeactivate subChild name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); subChild.beforeDeactivate(); subChild = subChild.selectedChild; }"< in Transition._doTransition calling current.beforeDeactivate current name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); current.beforeDeactivate();"> in Transition._doTransition calling next.beforeActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); next.beforeActivate();"> in Transition._doTransition calling app.triggger select view next name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path");"select", {"parent":parent, "view":next}); var result = transit(current.domNode, next.domNode, lang.mixin({}, opts, { transition: this._getDefaultTransition(parent) || "none" })); result.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){ // deactivate sub child of current view, then deactivate current view var subChild = current.selectedChild; while(subChild){" < in Transition._doTransition calling subChild.afterDeactivate subChild name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); subChild.afterDeactivate(); subChild = subChild.selectedChild; }" < in Transition._doTransition calling current.afterDeactivate current name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); current.afterDeactivate();" > in Transition._doTransition calling next.afterActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next!==current path"); next.afterActivate(); if(subIds){ this._doTransition(subIds, opts, params, next); } })); return result; // dojo/DeferredList }else{ // next view == current view, refresh current view // deactivate next view"< in Transition._doTransition calling next.beforeDeactivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next==current path"); next.beforeDeactivate();" < in Transition._doTransition calling next.afterDeactivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next==current path"); next.afterDeactivate(); // activate next view"> in Transition._doTransition calling next.beforeActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next==current path"); next.beforeActivate();" > in Transition._doTransition calling next.afterActivate next name=[",,"],[",,"], next==current path"); next.afterActivate(); // layout current view"> in Transition._doTransition calling app.triggger select view next name=[",,"],[",,"], next==current path");"select", {"parent":parent, "view":next}); } // do sub transition like transition from "tabScene,tab1" to "tabScene,tab2" if(subIds){ return this._doTransition(subIds, opts, params, next); //dojo.DeferredList } } }); });