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L.S.[ .c(.kS.sY.{b@L.;AC0GCQCQCQ]NCoverExplorer.Console.exeEntryPointNCoverExplorer.ConsolemscorlibSystemObject.ctorMain_DisplayConsoleHeader_ShowHelpUnhandledExceptionEventArgsCurrentDomain_UnhandledExceptionSystem.ReflectionAssemblyResolveEventArgsCurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve_ShowAssemblyMissingMessageAndExitException_ShowExceptionMessage_ExitApplicationargssenderemessageReasonexexitCodeAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyConfigurationAttributeAssemblyTrademarkAttributeAssemblyCultureAttributeSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesComVisibleAttributeGuidAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeAssemblyFileVersionAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeCLSCompliantAttributeSystem.DiagnosticsDebuggableAttributeDebuggingModesSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesCompilationRelaxationsAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributeSTAThreadAttributeNCover.UtilitiesNCoverKeyLicenseErrorCheckLicenseForErrorsTextForLicenseErrorConsoleWriteLineAppDomainget_CurrentDomainUnhandledExceptionEventHandleradd_UnhandledExceptionResolveEventHandleradd_AssemblyResolveStringop_EqualityToLowerNCover.FrameworkNCover.Framework.ReportsConsoleSettingParseStartupArgumentsCoverageReportSettingFactoryCoverageReportSettingConvertFromConsoleSettingReportingSettingsSystem.Collections.GenericList`1NCover.InterfacesNCover.Interfaces.ReportingICoverageReportSettingsAddset_ConsoleSettingsget_NoLogset_NoLogget_SaveSettingsFileNameset_SaveSettingsToReportingProcessorSystem.IOTextWriterget_Outset_OutputTuple`2Processget_Itemget_Value1Environmentget_NewLineget_MessageConcatDllNotFoundExceptionUtilityFunctionsGetStandardApplicationTitleget_ExceptionObjectget_NameStartsWithNCover.Framework.UtilitiesConsoleExceptionHelperRenderExceptionInt32Exit/? /help+Received this error:  This message is often due to these dlls not being present in this folder or your path: msvcm80.dll; msvcp80.dll; msvcr80.dll; Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest-NCoverExplorer.Console5(c) 2007 - 2009 Gnoso Inc.-[NCoverExplorer.Console [inputfiles] [options]}Processes a set of NCover coverage xml files from the console.OIntended for usage in automated builds.Options:o /c[config]: Path to an alternative settings file.{ Defaults to that used by NCoverExplorer.exee /cs[configSave]: Path to save a settings file to. /h[html]: Generate an html report with specified filename.y If no name defaults to CoverageReport.html /x[xml]: Generate an xml report with specified filename.w If no name defaults to CoverageReport.xml /r[report]: Type of report to produce (default=ModuleSummary):- NoneI FullCoverageReport? ModuleSummaryK ModuleMethodSummaryQ ModuleNamespaceSummaryI ModuleClassSummaryY ModuleClassFunctionSummary[ ModuleMethodFunctionSummary /s[save]: Specify the filename for the merged coverage xml.u If no name defaults to CoverageMerge.xml /e[excluded]: Whether to show excluded nodes in report footer.} /p[project]: Name of the project to appear in the report.e /m[minCoverage]: Specifies the minimum coverage % /f[failMinimum]: Fail build if any assembly coverage < minCoverage.5 /fc[failCombinedMinimum]:{ Fail build if total coverage < minCoverage.w /so[sort]: Specify the sorting if any for the report:5 0 = Name? 1 = ClassLinec 2 = CoveragePercentageAscendinge 3 = CoveragePercentageDescendingm 4 = UnvisitedSequencePointsAscendingo 5 = UnvisitedSequencePointsDescendingS 6 = VisitCountAscendingU 7 = VisitCountDescending_ 8 = FunctionCoverageAscendinga 9 = FunctionCoverageDescending} /fi[filter]: Specify the filtering if any for the report:5 0 = NoneG 1 = HideUnvisitedM 2 = HideFullyCoveredU 3 = HideThresholdCoveredk /q[quiet]: Minimise the console message outputi /? Displays this help (or use /help).Exit Codes: 0 - OK. 2 - Exception.[ 3 - Failed minimum coverage threshold check.cExample 1: Producing Module xml report for CC.Netu ncoverexplorer.console coverage.xml /xml /r:ModuleSummaryOExample 2: Producing Module html reportw ncoverexplorer.console coverage.xml /html /r:ModuleSummaryExample 3: Producing Module Class html report for named project ncoverexplorer.console coverage.xml /h:MyCoverage.html /r:ModuleClassSummary /p:MyAppqExample 4: Merging multiple coverage files to a new filei ncoverexplorer.console *.coverage.xml /s:merged.xmluExample 5: Failing a build if minimum 80% coverage not met[ ncoverexplorer.console coverage.xml /m:80 /fcExample 6: Reading from an external settings fileS ncoverexplorer.console /c:MyApp.settingsENCoverExplorer.Core.XmlSerializers7Unable to locate assembly: eYour NCoverExplorer installation is not complete. Please ensure all the necessary NCover and NCoverExplorer assemblies are located in this folder.KNCoverExplorer.Console will now exit.5Exiting with return code: A(B8FZz\V4      Q eem  q u }}         # e}  NCoverExplorer.ConsoleQLNCover 2.x reporting tool in cluded in NCover 3.x for backward compatability)$3b1a496f-e9c1-446f-b105-2d3949867721 Gnoso Inc.NCover Coverage Profiler*%Copyright © 2007 - 2009 - Gnoso Inc.TWrapNonExceptionThrows{!JP2RSDSa@HCc:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\ed1ddb440d980ff2\Main\NCoverExplorer.Console\obj\Release\NCoverExplorer.Console.pdb@Q^Q PQ_CorExeMainmscoree.dll% @ 8Ph`PdP4VS_VERSION_INFOCC?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0MCommentsNCover 2.x reporting tool in cluded in NCover 3.x for backward compatability8 CompanyNameGnoso Inc.XFileDescriptionNCoverExplorer.Console8 FileVersion3.3.2.6211XInternalNameNCoverExplorer.Console.exep%LegalCopyrightCopyright 2007 - 2009 - Gnoso Inc.`OriginalFilenameNCoverExplorer.Console.exeTProductNameNCover Coverage Profiler< ProductVersion3.3.2.6211@ Assembly Version3.3.2.6211 P p1