# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :spotlight do desc 'Create an initial admin user' task initialize: :environment do puts 'Creating an initial admin user.' u = prompt_to_create_user Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, resource: Spotlight::Site.instance, role: 'admin') puts 'User created.' end desc 'Add application-wide admin privileges to a user' task admin: :environment do u = prompt_to_create_user Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, resource: Spotlight::Site.instance, role: 'admin') end task seed_admin_user: [:environment] do email = 'admin@localhost' password = 'testing' u = Spotlight::Engine.user_class.find_or_create_by!(email: email) do |user| user.password = password end Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, resource: Spotlight::Site.instance, role: 'admin') puts "Admin user created with email: #{email} (password: '#{password}')" end desc 'Create a new exhibit' task exhibit: :environment do title = prompt_for_title slug = prompt_for_slug exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.create!({ title: title, slug: slug }) puts 'Who can admin this exhibit?' u = prompt_to_create_user Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, resource: exhibit, role: 'admin') puts 'Exhibit created.' end desc 'Import an exhibit' task :import, [:exhibit_slug] => :environment do |_, args| contents = if ENV['FILE'] File.read(ENV['FILE']) else STDIN.read end data = JSON.parse(contents) slug = args[:exhibit_slug] || data['slug'] exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.find_or_create_by! slug: slug do |e| e.title = data['title'] end exhibit.import data exhibit.save! exhibit.reindex_later end desc 'Export an exhibit as JSON' task :export, [:exhibit_slug] => :environment do |_, args| exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.find_by(slug: args[:exhibit_slug]) puts Spotlight::ExhibitImportExportService.new(exhibit).to_json end desc 'Migrate to IIIF' task :migrate_to_iiif, [:hostname] => :environment do |_, args| if args[:hostname] require 'migration/iiif' Migration::IIIF.run args[:hostname] else warn "\nUsage: rake spotlight:migrate_to_iiif[hostname]\n\n Example: rake spotlight:migrate_to_iiif[https://exhibits.stanford.edu]\n\n" end end desc 'Migrate page\'s FriendlyId::Slug to a scoped language' task migrate_pages_language: :environment do require 'migration/page_language' Migration::PageLanguage.run end def prompt_to_create_user Spotlight::Engine.user_class.find_or_create_by!(email: prompt_for_email) do |u| puts 'User not found. Enter a password to create the user.' u.password = prompt_for_password end rescue StandardError => e puts e retry end def prompt_for_email return ENV['SPOTLIGHT_USER_EMAIL'] if ENV['SPOTLIGHT_USER_EMAIL'] print 'Email: ' $stdin.gets.chomp end def prompt_for_password return ENV['SPOTLIGHT_USER_PASSWORD'] if ENV['SPOTLIGHT_USER_PASSWORD'] begin system 'stty -echo' print 'Password (must be 8+ characters): ' password = $stdin.gets.chomp puts "\n" ensure system 'stty echo' end password end def prompt_for_title return ENV['SPOTLIGHT_EXHIBIT_TITLE'] if ENV['SPOTLIGHT_EXHIBIT_TITLE'] print 'Exhibit title: ' $stdin.gets.chomp end def prompt_for_slug return ENV['SPOTLIGHT_EXHIBIT_SLUG'] if ENV['SPOTLIGHT_EXHIBIT_SLUG'] print 'Exhibit URL slug: ' $stdin.gets.chomp end namespace :check do desc 'Check the Solr connection and controller configuration' task :solr, [:model_name] => ['blacklight:check:solr', :environment] do |_, _args| errors = 0 puts "[#{Blacklight.default_index.connection.uri}]" print ' - atomic updates:' begin id = 'test123' field = "test_#{Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.string_suffix}" sample_doc = { Spotlight::Engine.blacklight_config.document_model.unique_key => id, field => { set: 'a-new-string' } } Blacklight.default_index.connection.add Spotlight::Engine.blacklight_config.document_model.unique_key.to_sym => id, field => 'some-string' Blacklight.default_index.connection.update data: [sample_doc].to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } Blacklight.default_index.connection.delete_by_id id print " OK\n" rescue StandardError => e errors += 1 puts e.to_s end exit 1 if errors > 0 end end task :reindex, [:exhibit_slug] => :environment do |_, args| exhibits = if args[:exhibit_slug] Spotlight::Exhibit.where(slug: args[:exhibit_slug]) else Spotlight::Exhibit.all end exhibits.find_each do |e| puts " == Reindexing #{e.title} ==" e.reindex_later end end task db_ready: :environment do if I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.table_exists? exit 0 else exit 1 end end end