# Copyright: Copyright 2009 Topic Maps Lab, University of Leipzig. # License: Apache License, Version 2.0 module RTM::IO # Import for TMAPI Topic Maps # Utilizing the TMAPIX libary http://code.google.com/p/tmapix/ # Consequently the deserializers provided here are only wrappers module TmapiXFrom module TopicMap def from_anything(reader_class, *args) raise "Only supported for TMAPI backends!!" unless self.kind_of?(Java::OrgTmapiCore::TopicMap) || self.kind_of?(Java::OrgTmapiCore::TopicMapSystem) params = {} # See if we got a params hash. It must be at the end, if it is given. # Take it off, so it won't be unshifted later. params = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) # Take the source as next (i.e. second after the writer) positional parameter or from hash. # Leave nil if neither found. source = args.shift || params[:source] # Take the base_iri as next (i.e. third after the file) positional parameter or from the hash. # Use the topic maps's base_iri if neither found. base_iri = args.shift || params[:base_iri] unless base_iri if self.kind_of?(RTM::TopicMap) base_iri = self.base_iri else base_iri = "imported:FIXME" end end if self.kind_of?(RTM::TopicMap) topic_map = self else topic_map = create(base_iri) end # TODO catch java.io.FileNotFoundException reader = reader_class.new(topic_map, java.io.File.new(source), base_iri) if reader_class == Java::OrgTmapixIo::LTMTopicMapReader reader.setLegacyMode(true) end reader.read topic_map end # Reads a Topic Map from an LTM File # whose location is given as String parameter. # # :call-seq: # from_ltm(filename) # def from_ltm(*args) from_anything(Java::OrgTmapixIo::LTMTopicMapReader, *args) end # Reads a Topic Map from an CTM File # whose location is given as String parameter. # # :call-seq: # from_ctm(filename) # def from_ctm(*args) from_anything(Java::OrgTmapixIo::CTMTopicMapReader, *args) end # Reads a JSON Topic Maps (JTM) File # whose location is given as String parameter. # # :call-seq: # from_jtm(filename) # def from_jtm(*args) from_anything(Java::OrgTmapixIo::JTMTopicMapReader, *args) end # Reads a Friendly Topic Maps XML (TM/XML) File # independent of the version # whose location is given as String parameter. # # :call-seq: # from_tmxml(filename) # def from_tmxml(*args) from_anything(Java::OrgTmapixIo::TMXMLTopicMapReader, *args) end # Reads a XML Topic Maps (XTM) File # independent of the version # whose location is given as String parameter. # # :call-seq: # from_xtm(filename) # def from_xtm(*args) from_anything(Java::OrgTmapixIo::XTMTopicMapReader, *args) end alias :from_xtm21 :from_xtm alias :from_xtm20 :from_xtm alias :from_xtm2 :from_xtm alias :from_xtm10 :from_xtm alias :from_xtm1 :from_xtm # Reads a Notation3 (N3) File # whose location is given as String . # The source vocabulary must # provide the mapping vocabulary. # The syntax of the vocabulary is guessed. # # :call-seq: # from_n3(filename, source vocabulary) # def from_n3(filename, vocab) raise "Only supported for TMAPI backends!!" unless self.kind_of? Java::OrgTmapiCore::TopicMap reader = Java::OrgTmapixIo::N3TopicMapReader.new self, java.io.File.new(filename) reader.setMappingSource(java.io.File.new(vocab)) reader.read end # Reads a RDF/XML File # whose location is given as String # The source vocabulary must # provide the mapping vocabulary. # The syntax of the vocabulary is guessed. # # :call-seq: # from_rdfxml(filename, source vocabulary) # def from_rdfxml(filename, vocab) raise "Only supported for TMAPI backends!!" unless self.kind_of? Java::OrgTmapiCore::TopicMap reader = Java::OrgTmapixIo::RDFXMLTopicMapReader.new self, java.io.File.new(filename) reader.setMappingSource(java.io.File.new(vocab)) reader.read end end TopicMapSystem = TopicMap # We want importers for both, TopicMap and TopicMapSystem RTM.register_extension(self) end end