== 0.2.3 2008-02-25 * Various task and recipe fixes. * Taking sh -c default out of script, doesn't escape right == 0.2.2 2008-02-24 * Fixes to setup tasks. * Removing with_user on add_user task. == 0.2.1 2008-02-24 * Removing all my brain dead recipes. * Added build options for install tasks. * Updating documentation == 0.1.9 2008-02-23 * Adding config_script to mongrel_cluster recipe * Creating upload plugin that streams data == 0.1.8 2008-02-22 * Fixing up documentation * Creating recipe documentation recipe * New website generation * Moved some recipes around == 0.1.7 2008-02-21 * Renamed to 'capitate' * Moving centos specific recipes into separate namespace * Plugin: script.make_install * Documentation and explicitly fetching vars (for install tasks), showing useful error messages == 0.1.4 2008-02-07 * Using capistrano's plugin architecture instead of hacking around == 0.1.3 2008-02-06 * Fixing local recipes == 0.1.2 2008-02-06 * Loading recipes from gem == 0.1.1 2008-02-06 * Initial import