require 'spec_helper' module Mac describe Host do let(:options) { @options ? @options : {} } let(:platform) { if @platform { :platform => @platform) } else { :platform => 'osx-10.9-x86_64' ) } end } let(:host) { make_host( 'name', options.merge(platform) ) } describe '#puppet_agent_dev_package_info' do it 'raises an error if puppet_collection isn\'t passed' do expect { host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info(nil, 'maybe') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises as error if puppet_agent_version isn\'t passed' do expect { host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info('maybe', nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'returns two strings that include the passed parameters' do allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ) { true } return1, return2 = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'pc1', 'pav1' ) expect( return1 ).to match( /pc1/ ) expect( return2 ).to match( /pav1/ ) end it 'gets the correct file type' do allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ) { true } _, return2 = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'pc1', 'pav1' ) expect( return2 ).to match( /\.dmg$/ ) end it 'adds the version dot correctly if not supplied' do @platform = 'osx-109-x86_64' allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ) { true } release_path_end, release_file = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'PC3', 'pav3' ) expect( release_path_end ).to match( /10\.9/ ) expect( release_file ).to match( /10\.9/ ) end it 'runs the correct install for osx platforms (newest link format)' do allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ) { true } release_path_end, release_file = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'PC4', 'pav4' ) # verify the mac package name starts the name correctly expect( release_file ).to match( /^puppet-agent-pav4-/ ) # verify the "newest hotness" is set correctly for the end of the mac package name expect( release_file ).to match( /#{Regexp.escape("-1.osx10.9.dmg")}$/ ) # verify the release path end is set correctly expect( release_path_end ).to be === "apple/10.9/PC4/x86_64" end it 'runs the correct install for osx platforms (new link format)' do allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ).and_return( false, true ) release_path_end, release_file = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'PC7', 'pav7' ) # verify the mac package name starts the name correctly expect( release_file ).to match( /^puppet-agent-pav7-/ ) # verify the "new hotness" is set correctly for the end of the mac package name expect( release_file ).to match( /#{Regexp.escape("-1.mavericks.dmg")}$/ ) # verify the release path end isn't changed in the "new hotness" case expect( release_path_end ).to be === "apple/10.9/PC7/x86_64" end it 'runs the correct install for osx platforms (old link format)' do allow( host ).to receive( :link_exists? ) { false } release_path_end, release_file = host.puppet_agent_dev_package_info( 'PC8', 'pav8' ) # verify the mac package name starts the name correctly expect( release_file ).to match( /^puppet-agent-pav8-/ ) # verify the old way is set correctly for the end of the mac package name expect( release_file ).to match( /#{Regexp.escape("-osx-10.9-x86_64.dmg")}$/ ) # verify the release path end is set correctly to the older method expect( release_path_end ).to be === "apple/PC8" end end end end