require 'spiderfw/model/mixins/state_machine' require 'spiderfw/model/element' require 'spiderfw/model/integrated_element' require 'spiderfw/model/junction' require 'iconv' module Spider; module Model # The main class for interacting with data. # When not dealing with legacy storages, subclasses should use Managed instead, which provides an id and # other conveniences. # # Each BaseModel subclass defines a model; instances can be used as "data objects": # they will interact with the Mapper loading and saving the values associated with the BaseModel's defined elements. # # Each element defines an instance variable, a getter and a setter. If the instance is set to #autoload, # when a getter is first called the mapper will fetch the value from the Storage . # # Elements can be of one of the base types (Spider::Model.base_types), of a DataType, or other models. In the last # case, they define a relationship between models. # # Basic usage: # model Food < BaseModel # element :name, String # end # model Animal < BaseModel # element :name, String # many :friends, Animal # choice :favorite_food, Food # end # # salmon = => 'Salmon') # # cat = => 'Cat', :favorite_food = salmon) # weasel = => 'Weasel', :friends => [cat]) # # cat.friends << weasel # # # wizzy = Animal.load(:name => 'Weasel') # p wizzy.friends # => 'Cat' # p wizzy.friends[0].favorite_food # => 'Salmon' # # bear = => 'Bear', :favorite_food = salmon) # # salmon_lovers = Animal.where{ favorite_food == salmon } # p salmon_lovers.length # => 2 # p salmon_lovers[0].name # => 'Cat' class BaseModel include Spider::Logger include DataTypes include Spider::QueryFuncs include EventSource # include StateMachine # The BaseModel class itself. Used when dealing with proxy objects. attr_reader :model # An Hash of loaded elements attr_reader :loaded_elements # Model instance or QuerySet containing the object attr_accessor :_parent # If _parent is a model instance, which element points to this one attr_accessor :_parent_element # attr_accessor :_check_if_saved # If this object is used as a superclass in class_table_inheritance, points to the current subclass attr_accessor :_subclass_object # This object won't be put into the identity mapper attr_accessor :_no_identity_mapper # Elements that were modified since a load or a save (note: this only keeps track of changed references on the object; # it doesn't consider if a associated object or QuerySet has changed. Use element_modified? to get that information) attr_reader :_modified_elements class < corresponding integrated element name. attr_reader :integrated_models # An Hash of polymorphic models => polymorphic params attr_reader :polymorphic_models # An Array of named sequences. attr_reader :sequences end # Copies this class' elements to the subclass. def self.inherited(subclass) #:nodoc: # FIXME: might need to clone every element @subclasses ||= [] @subclasses << subclass each_element do |el| unless el.attributes[:local_pk] cl_el = el.clone cl_el.definer_model = el.definer_model subclass.add_element(cl_el) end end subclass.instance_variable_set("@mapper_modules", @mapper_modules.clone) if @mapper_modules subclass.instance_variable_set("@extended_models", @extended_models.clone) if @extended_models em = subclass.const_set(:ElementMethods, subclass.send(:include, em) super end def self.subclasses @subclasses || [] end # Returns the parent Spider::App of the module def return @app if @app app = self while app && !app.include?(Spider::App) app = app.parent_module end @app = app end ####################################### # Model definition methods # ####################################### # Defines an element. # Arguments are element name (a Symbol), element type, and a Hash of attributes. # # Type may be a Class: a base type (see Spider::Model.base_types), a DataType subclass, # or a BaseModel subclass; or an Array or a Hash, in which case an InlineModel will be created. # # An Element instance will be available in Model::BaseModel.elements; getter and setter methods will be defined on # the class. # # If a block is passed to this method, type will be 'extended': a custom junction association will be created, # effectively adding elements to the type only in this model's context. # Example: # class Animal < BaseModel # element :name, String # element :friends, Animal, :multiple => true do # element :how_much, String # end # end # cat = => 'Cat') # dog = => 'Dog') # cat.friends << dog # cat.friend[0].how_much = 'Not very much' # # Returns the created Element. # # Some used attributes: # :primary_key:: (bool) The element is a primary key # :length:: (number) Maximum length of the element (if meaningful) # :required:: (bool) The element must always have a value # :multiple:: (bool) defines a 1|n -> n relationship # :label:: (string) a short description, used by the UI # :association:: (symbol) A named association (such as :choice, :multiple_choice, etc.) # :lazy:: (bool, array or symbol) If true, the element will be placed in the :default lazy group; # if a symbol or an array of symbols is passed, the element will be placed in those groups. # (see Element#lazy_groups) # :reverse:: (symbol) The reverse element in the relationship to the other model # :add_reverse:: (symbol) Adds an element on the other model, and sets it as the association reverse. # :add_multiple_reverse:: (symbol) Adds a multiple element on the other model, and sets it as the association reverse. # :element_position:: (number) inserts the element at the specified position in the elements order # :auto:: (bool) Informative: the value is set automatically through some mechanism # :autoincrement:: (bool) The value (which must be a Fixnum) will be autoincremented by the mapper # :integrate:: (bool or symbol) type's elements will be available to this class # as if they were defined here (see #integrate) # :integrated_from:: (symbol) the name of the element from which this element is integrated # :integrated_from_element:: (symbol) the name of the element of the child object from which this element is integrated # :hidden:: (bool) a hint that the element shouldn't be shown by the UI # :computed_from:: (array of symbols) the element is not mapped; its value is computed # by the class from the given elements. # :unmapped:: (bool) the element is not mapped. # :sortable:: (bool or Array of symbols) specifies that an unmapped element can be used for sorting. # The model must provide a meaningful order using the prepare_query method. # :check:: (a Proc, or a Regexp, or a Hash of messages => Regexp|Proc). See #check # :through:: (a BaseModel subclass) model representing the many to many relationship. # :read_only:: (bool) hint to the UI that the element should not be user modifiable. # :owned:: (bool) only this model holds references to type # :condition:: (hash or Condition) Restricts an association always adding the condition. # :order:: (true or Fixnum) When doing queries, sort by this element. More than one element can have the # :order attribute; if it is a Fixnum, it will mean the position in the ordering. # :default:: (Proc or value) default value for the element. If it is a Proc, it will be passed # the object. # :desc:: (true or Fixnum) Use this element for the to_s string. Multiple elements # with the :desc attribute will be joined by spaces; order may be specified if # a Fixnum is used for the parameter # # Other attributes may be used by DataTypes (see #DataType::ClassMethods.take_attributes), and other code. # See also Element. def self.element(name, type, attributes={}, &proc) name = name.to_sym @elements ||= {} @elements_order ||= [] raise "Element called #{name} already exists in #{self}" if @elements[name] if type.class == Class default_attributes = case when 'String' {:length => 255} else {} end else default_attributes = {} end attributes = default_attributes.merge(attributes) # if (type.class == Class && Model.base_type(type)) # type = Model.base_type(type) # els if (type.class <= Hash) type = create_inline_model(name, type, attributes) attributes[:inline] = true end if (attributes[:integrated_from]) if (attributes[:integrated_from].class == String) parts = attributes[:integrated_from].split('.') attributes[:integrated_from] = @elements[parts[0].to_sym] attributes[:integrated_from_element] = parts[1].to_sym if parts[1] elsif (attributes[:integrated_from].is_a?(Symbol)) attributes[:integrated_from] = @elements[attributes[:integrated_from]] end if (!attributes[:integrated_from_element]) attributes[:integrated_from_element] = name end end if (attributes[:condition] && !attributes[:condition].is_a?(Condition)) attributes[:condition] =[:condition]) end if attributes[:computed_from] && !attributes[:computed_from].is_a?(Enumerable) attributes[:computed_from] = [attributes[:computed_from]] end attributes[:embedded] = true if attributes[:owned] && attributes[:embedded].nil? type.set_element_attributes(attributes) if type < Spider::DataType orig_type = type assoc_type = nil if (proc || attributes[:junction] || (attributes[:multiple] && (!attributes[:add_reverse]) && (!attributes[:has_single_reverse]) && \ # FIXME! the first check is needed when the referenced class has not been parsed yet # but now it assumes that the reverse is not multiple if it is not defined (attributes[:has_single_reverse] == false || !attributes[:reverse] || (!type.elements[attributes[:reverse]] || type.elements[attributes[:reverse]].multiple?)))) attributes[:anonymous_model] = true attributes[:owned] = true unless attributes[:owned] != nil first_model = self.first_definer(name, type) assoc_type_name = Spider::Inflector.camelize(name) create_junction = true if (attributes[:through]) assoc_type = attributes[:through] create_junction = false elsif (first_model.const_defined?(assoc_type_name) ) assoc_type = first_model.const_get(assoc_type_name) if (!assoc_type.attributes[:sub_model]) # other kind of inline model assoc_type_name += 'Junction' create_junction = false if (first_model.const_defined?(assoc_type_name)) else create_junction = false end end attributes[:junction] = true attributes[:junction_id] = :id unless attributes.has_key?(:junction_id) if (attributes[:junction_our_element]) self_name = attributes[:junction_our_element] else self_name = first_model.short_name.gsub('/', '_').downcase.to_sym end attributes[:reverse] = self_name unless attributes[:junction_their_element] other_name = Spider::Inflector.underscore(orig_type.short_name == self.short_name ? : orig_type.short_name).gsub('/', '_').downcase.to_sym other_name = :"#{other_name}_ref" if (orig_type.elements[other_name]) attributes[:junction_their_element] = other_name end other_name = attributes[:junction_their_element] if (create_junction) assoc_type = first_model.const_set(assoc_type_name, assoc_type.attributes[:sub_model] = self assoc_type.attributes[:sub_model_element] = name embedder = attributes[:junction_embedded] == false ? false : true assoc_type.element(attributes[:junction_id], Spider::DataTypes::PK, :primary_key => true, :autoincrement => true, :hidden => true) if attributes[:junction_id] assoc_type.element(self_name, self, :hidden => true, :reverse => name, :association => :choice, :junction_reference => true, :embedder => embedder) # FIXME: must check if reverse exists? # FIXME! fix in case of clashes with existent elements assoc_type.element(other_name, orig_type, :association => :choice, :junction_reference => true, :embedded => attributes[:embedded]) assoc_type.integrate(other_name, :hidden => true, :no_pks => true) # FIXME: in some cases we want the integrated elements assoc_type.send(:include, Spider::Model::Junction) if (proc) # to be hidden, but the integrated el instead attributes[:extended] = true attributes[:keep_junction] = true assoc_type.class_eval(&proc) end end orig_type.referenced_by_junctions << [assoc_type, other_name] attributes[:keep_junction] = true if (attributes[:through] && attributes[:keep_junction] != false) attributes[:association_type] = assoc_type if attributes[:polymorph] assoc_type.elements[attributes[:junction_their_element]].attributes[:polymorph] = attributes[:polymorph] attributes.delete(:polymorph) end attributes[:embedded] = true unless attributes[:junction_embedded] == false end add_element(, type, attributes)) if (attributes[:add_reverse] && attributes[:add_reverse].is_a?(Symbol)) attributes[:add_reverse] = {:name => attributes[:add_reverse]} end if (attributes[:add_multiple_reverse] && attributes[:add_multiple_reverse].is_a?(Symbol)) attributes[:add_multiple_reverse] = {:name => attributes[:add_multiple_reverse]} end if (attributes[:add_reverse]) unless (orig_type.elements[attributes[:add_reverse]]) attributes[:reverse] ||= attributes[:add_reverse][:name] rev = attributes[:add_reverse].merge(:reverse => name, :added_reverse => true, :delete_cascade => attributes[:reverse_delete_cascade]) rev_name = rev.delete(:name) if assoc_type rev[:junction] = true rev[:keep_junction] = false rev[:through] = assoc_type rev[:junction_their_element] = self_name rev[:junction_our_element] = other_name end if attributes[:embedded] && !attributes[:junction] rev[:embedder] = true end orig_type.element(rev_name, self, rev) end elsif (attributes[:add_multiple_reverse]) unless (orig_type.elements[attributes[:add_reverse]]) attributes[:reverse] ||= attributes[:add_multiple_reverse][:name] rev = attributes[:add_multiple_reverse].merge(:reverse => name, :multiple => true, :added_reverse => true, :delete_cascade => attributes[:reverse_delete_cascade]) rev_name = rev.delete(:name) if assoc_type rev[:junction] = true rev[:through] = assoc_type rev[:junction_their_element] = self_name rev[:junction_our_element] = other_name end orig_type.element(rev_name, self, rev) end end if (attributes[:lazy] == nil) # if attributes[:primary_key] # attributes[:lazy] = true # els if (type < BaseModel && (attributes[:multiple] || attributes[:polymorph])) # FIXME: we can load eagerly single relations if we can do a join attributes[:lazy] = true else attributes[:lazy_check_owner] = true if type < BaseModel attributes[:lazy] = :default end end # class element getter unless respond_to?(name) (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method("#{name}") do @elements[name] end end end define_element_methods(name) attr_reader "#{name}_junction" if attributes[:junction] && !attributes[:keep_junction] if (attributes[:integrate]) integrate_params = attributes[:integrate].is_a?(Hash) ? attributes[:integrate] : {} integrate(name, integrate_params) end if self.attributes[:integrated_from_elements] self.attributes[:integrated_from_elements].each do |imod, iel| imod.integrate_element(iel, self.elements[name]) unless imod.elements[name] || (self.elements[name].reverse == iel && self.elements[name].type == imod) end end if (@subclasses) @subclasses.each do |sub| next if sub == type && attributes[:added_reverse] && sub.elements[attributes[:reverse]].type == self # subclass ref to parent next if sub.elements[name] # if subclass already defined an element with this name, don't overwrite it sub.elements[name] = @elements[name].clone sub.elements_order << name end end element_defined(@elements[name]) @elements[name].model? return @elements[name] end def self.define_element_methods(name) ivar = :"@#{ name }" unless self.const_defined?(:ElementMethods) em = self.const_set(:ElementMethods, include em end element_methods = self.const_get(:ElementMethods) #instance variable getter element_methods.send(:define_method, name) do element = self.class.elements[name] raise "Internal error! Element method #{name} exists, but element not found" unless element return element.attributes[:fixed] if element.attributes[:fixed] if (element.integrated?) integrated = get( return integrated.send(element.integrated_from_element) if integrated return nil end if element_has_value?(name) || element_loaded?(name) val = instance_variable_get(ivar) val.set_parent(self, name) if val && element.model? && !val._parent # FIXME!!! return val end # Spider.logger.debug("Element not loaded #{name} (i'm #{self.class} #{self.object_id})") if autoload? && primary_keys_set? if (autoload? == :save_mode) mapper.load_element!(self, element) else mapper.load_element(self, element) end val = instance_variable_get(ivar) end if !val && element.model? && (element.multiple? || element.attributes[:extended_model]) val = instance_variable_set(ivar, instantiate_element(name)) end if !val && element.attributes[:default] if element.attributes[:default].is_a?(Proc) val = element.attributes[:default].call(self) else val = element.attributes[:default] end val = if element.model? && !val.is_a?(BaseModel) end val.set_parent(self, name) if element.model? && val && val.respond_to?(:parent) && !val._parent # FIXME!!! return val end alias_method :"#{name}?", name if self.elements[name].type <= Spider::DataTypes::Bool #instance_variable_setter element_methods.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |val| element = self.class.elements[name] raise "Internal error! Element method #{name}= exists, but element not found" unless element return if element.attributes[:fixed] was_loaded = element_loaded?(element) #@_autoload = false unless element.primary_key? if (element.integrated?) integrated_obj = get(element.integrated_from) unless integrated_obj integrated_obj = instantiate_element( set(element.integrated_from, integrated_obj) end #integrated_obj.autoload = false begin res = integrated_obj.send("#{element.integrated_from_element}=", val) rescue IdentityMapperException set(element.integrated_from, Spider::Model.get(integrated_obj)) get(element.integrated_from).merge!(integrated_obj) end if !element.primary_key? && integrated_obj.element_modified?(name) @_modified_elements[name] = true end return res end if (val && element.model?) if (element.multiple?) unless (val.is_a?(QuerySet)) qs = instantiate_element(name) if (val.is_a?(Enumerable)) val.each do |row| row = unless row.is_a?(BaseModel) qs << row end else qs << val end val = qs end else val = element.model.get(val) unless val.is_a?(BaseModel) end end val = prepare_child(, val) _check(name, val) notify_observers(name, val) @_has_values = true unless @_primary_keys_set if self.class.elements[].primary_key? && primary_keys_set? @_primary_keys_set = true if Spider::Model.identity_mapper Spider::Model.identity_mapper.put(self, true, true) else Spider::Model.unit_of_work.add(self) if Spider::Model.unit_of_work end end end old_val = instance_variable_get(ivar) @_modified_elements[name] = true if !element.primary_key? && (!was_loaded || val != old_val) instance_variable_set(ivar, val) set_reverse(element, val) if element.model? if val && element.model? && !self.class.attributes[:no_type_check] klass = val.is_a?(QuerySet) ? val.model : val.class if val && !(klass <= element.type || klass <= element.model) raise TypeError, "Object #{val} (#{klass}) is of the wrong type for element #{} in #{self.class} (expected #{element.model})" end end val #extend_element(name) end end def self.add_element(el) @elements ||= {} @elements[] = el el.definer_model ||= self @elements_order ||= [] if (el.attributes[:element_position]) @elements_order.insert(el.attributes[:element_position], else @elements_order << end @primary_keys ||= [] if el.attributes[:primary_key] && !@primary_keys.include?(el) @primary_keys << el end end # Removes a defined element def self.remove_element(el) return unless @elements el = if el.is_a?(Element) element = @elements[el] if self.attributes[:integrated_from_elements] self.attributes[:integrated_from_elements].each do |mod, iel| i = mod.elements[el] mod.remove_element(el) if i && i.integrated? && == iel end end{ |e| e.integrated? && == el}.each{ |e| remove_element(e) } self.const_get(:ElementMethods).send(:remove_method, :"#{el}") rescue NameError self.const_get(:ElementMethods).send(:remove_method, :"#{el}=") rescue NameError @extended_models.delete(element.type) if element && @extended_models && @extended_models[element.type] == el @elements.delete(el) @elements_order.delete(el) @primary_keys.delete_if{ |pk| == el} # if (@subclasses) # @subclasses.each do |sub| # sub.remove_element(el) # end # end end def self.element_defined(el) if (@on_element_defined && @on_element_defined[]) @on_element_defined[].each do |proc| end end end def self.on_element_defined(el_name, &proc) @on_element_defined ||= {} @on_element_defined[el_name] ||= [] @on_element_defined[el_name] << proc end # Integrates an element: any call to the child object's elements will be passed to the child. # The element must not be multiple. # Example: # class Address < BaseModel # element :street, String # element :area_code, String # end # class Person < BaseModel # element :name, String # element :address, Address # integrate :address # end # p = # p.street == p.address.street def self.integrate(element_name, params={}) params ||= {} elements[element_name].attributes[:integrated_model] = true model = elements[element_name].type self.attributes[:integrated_models] ||= {} self.attributes[:integrated_models][model] = element_name params[:except] ||= [] model.each_element do |el| next if params[:except].include?( next if elements[] unless params[:overwrite] # don't overwrite existing elements next if el.reverse == element_name && el.type == self integrate_element(element_name, el, params) end model.attributes[:integrated_from_elements] ||= [] model.attributes[:integrated_from_elements] << [self, element_name] end def self.integrate_element(element_name, element_element, params={}) el = element_element el = self.elements[element_name].model.elements[el] if el.is_a?(Symbol) integrated_attributes = {} integrated_attributes[:primary_key] = false if params[:no_pks] integrated_attributes[:hidden] = params[:hidden] unless (params[:hidden].nil?) integrated_attributes[:primary_key] = false unless (params[:keep_pks]) # attributes.delete(:required) # attributes.delete(:integrate) # attributes.delete(:local_pk) integrated_attributes[:local_pk] = false integrated_attributes[:lazy] = element_name name = params[:mapping] && params[:mapping][] ? params[:mapping][] : add_element(, self, element_name,, integrated_attributes)) define_element_methods(name) end def self.remove_integrate(element_name) element = element_name.is_a?(Element) ? element_name : self.elements[element_name] model = element.model{ |el| el.attributes[:integrated_from] && el.attributes[:integrated_from].name == }.each do |el| self.remove_element(el) end model.attributes[:integrated_from_elements].reject!{ |item| item[0] == self } end # Sets additional attributes on the element # # _Warning:_ for attributes which are parsed by the BaseModel during element definition, # this will not have the desired effect; remove and redefine the element instead. def self.element_attributes(element_name, attributes) elements[element_name].attributes = elements[element_name].attributes.merge(attributes) if attributes[:primary_key] && !@primary_keys.include?(elements[element_name]) @primary_keys << elements[element_name] elsif !attributes[:primary_key] @primary_keys.delete(elements[element_name]) end end # Defines a multiple element. Equivalent to calling # element(name, type, :multiple => true, :association => :many, ...) def self.many(name, type, attributes={}, &proc) attributes[:multiple] = true attributes[:association] ||= :many element(name, type, attributes, &proc) end # Defines an element with choice association. Shorthand for # element(name, type, :association => :choice, ...) def self.choice(name, type, attributes={}, &proc) attributes[:association] = :choice element(name, type, attributes, &proc) end # Defines a multiple element with :multiple_choice association. Shorthand for # many(name, type, :association => :multiple_choice, ...) def self.multiple_choice(name, type, attributes={}, &proc) attributes[:association] = :multiple_choice many(name, type, attributes, &proc) end def self.element_query(name, element_name, attributes={}) orig_element = self.elements[element_name] set_el_query = lambda do orig_element = self.elements[element_name] attributes = attributes.merge(orig_element.attributes) attributes[:unmapped] = true attributes[:element_query] = element_name attributes[:association] = :element_query attributes[:lazy] = true attributes.delete(:add_reverse) attributes.delete(:add_multiple_reverse) if (orig_element.attributes[:condition]) cond = orig_element.attributes[:condition].clone cond = cond.and(attributes[:condition]) if attributes[:condition] attributes[:condition] = cond end element(name, orig_element.type, attributes) end if (orig_element) else on_element_defined(element_name, &set_el_query) end end # Saves the element definition and evals it when first needed, avoiding problems with classes not # available yet when the model is defined. # FIXME: remove? def self.define_elements(&proc) #:nodoc: @elements_definition = proc end # Creates an inline model def self.create_inline_model(name, hash, attributes={}) #:nodoc: model = self.const_set(Spider::Inflector.camelize(name), model.instance_eval do if attributes[:inline_model] attributes[:inline_model].each do |el| element(el[0], el[1], el[2] || {}) end else hash.each do |key, val| key = key.to_s if key.is_a?(Symbol) element(:id, key.class, :primary_key => true) if (val.class == Hash) # TODO: allow passing of multiple values like {:element1 => 'el1', :element2 => 'el2'} else element(:desc, val.class, :desc => true) end break end end end = hash return model end # An array of other models this class points to. def self.submodels{ |name, el| el.model? }.map{ |name, el| el.model } end def self.extend_model(model, params={}) #:nodoc: if (model == superclass) # first undo table per class inheritance @elements = {} @elements_order = [] @extended_models.delete(model.superclass) if @extended_models end primary_keys.each{ |k| remove_element(k) } if (params[:replace_pks]) model.primary_keys.each{ |k| remove_element(k) } integrated_name = params[:name] if (!integrated_name) integrated_name = (self.parent_module == model.parent_module) ? model.short_name : integrated_name = Spider::Inflector.underscore(integrated_name).gsub('/', '_') end integrated_name = integrated_name.to_sym @extended_models ||= {} @extended_models[model] = integrated_name attributes = {} attributes[:hidden] = true unless params[:hide_integrated] == false attributes[:delete_cascade] = params[:delete_cascade] attributes[:extended_model] = true attributes[:embedded] = true unless params[:embedded] == false attributes[:add_reverse] = params[:reverse] integrated = element(integrated_name, model, attributes) integrate_options = {:keep_pks => true}.merge((params[:integrate_options] || {})) integrate(integrated_name, integrate_options){ |el| el.attributes[:local_pk] }.each{ |el| remove_element( } unless (params[:no_local_pk] || !{ |el| el.attributes[:local_pk] }.empty?) # FIXME: check if :id is already defined pk_name = @elements[:id] ? :"id_#{self.short_name.downcase}" : :id element(pk_name, Fixnum, :autoincrement => true, :local_pk => true, :hidden => true) end model.polymorphic(self, :through => integrated_name) end # Externalizes the superclass elements making the superclass an external integrated element. # Parameters may be: # * :name (symbol) name of the created element # * :delete_cascade (bool) delete cascade the superclass instance. True by default. # * :no_local_pk (bool) do not define an id for this class def self.class_table_inheritance(params={}) self.extend_model(superclass, params) end # Makes the class use the superclass storage def self.inherit_storage self.attributes[:inherit_storage] = true (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method(:storage) do end end end # Sets a fixed condition. def self.condition(condition) self.attributes[:condition] = condition end # #-- # TODO: document me def, &proc) #:nodoc: proxy ='_', self) proxy.instance_eval(&proc) proxy.each_element do |el| element(name.to_s+'_', el.type, el.attributes.clone) end define_method(name) do @proxies ||= {} return @proxies[name] ||= end end # Add a subclass, allowing polymorphic queries on it. def self.polymorphic(model, options) through = options[:through] || Spider::Inflector.underscore('/', '_') through = through.to_sym @polymorphic_models ||= {} @polymorphic_models[model] = {:through => through} end # Sets or gets class attributes (a Hash). # If given a hash of attributes, will merge them with class attributes. # Model attributes are generally empty, and can be used by apps. def self.attributes(val=nil) @attributes ||= {} if (val) @attributes.merge!(val) end @attributes end # Sets a model attribute. See #self.attributes def self.attribute(name, value) @attributes ||= {} @attributes[name] = value end # Adds a sequence to the model. def self.sequence(name) @sequences ||= [] @sequences << name end # Model sequences. def self.sequences @sequences ||= [] end # Does nothing. This method is to keep note of elements created in other models. def self._added_elements(&proc) end def self.referenced_by_junctions @referenced_by_junctions ||= [] end ##################################################### # Methods returning information about the model # ##################################################### # Underscored local name (without namespaces) def self.short_name return Inflector.underscore([^:]+)$/)[1]) end # False for BaseModel (true for Spider::Model::Managed). def self.managed? return false end # Name def self.to_s end # Sets the singolar and/or the plural label for the model # Returns the singlular label def self.label(sing=nil, plur=nil) @label = sing if sing @label_plural = plur if plur unless sing Spider::GetText.in_domain({ _(@label || || '') } end end # Sets/retrieves the plural form for the label def self.label_plural(val=nil) @label_plural = val if (val) unless val Spider::GetText.in_domain({ _(@label_plural || || '') } end end def self.label_ @label end def self.label_plural_ @label_plural end def self.auto_primary_keys?{ |k| !k.autogenerated? }.empty? end def self.containing_module par = self.parent_module while par <= BaseModel par = par.parent_module end par end def self.get_element(el) el = if el.is_a?(Element) el = el.to_sym raise "No element called #{el} in #{self}" unless @elements[el] @elements[el] end def self.junction? !!self.attributes[:sub_model] end def self.not_embeddable @embeddable = false end def self.embeddable? @embeddable.nil? ? true : @embeddable end def self.only_embedded @only_embedded = true end def self.only_embedded? @only_embedded end ######################################################## # Methods returning information about the elements # ######################################################## # An Hash of Elements, indexed by name. def self.elements @elements end # An array of the model's Elements. def self.elements_array{ |key| @elements[key] } end # Yields each element in order. def self.each_element return unless @elements_order @elements_order.each do |name| yield elements[name] end end # Returns true if the model has given element name. def self.has_element?(name) return elements[name] ? true : false end # An array of elements with primary_key attribute set. def self.primary_keys @primary_keys end # Returns the model actually defining element_name; that could be the model # itself, a superclass, or an integrated model. def self.first_definer(element_name, type=nil) type ||= self.elements[element_name].type if @extended_models && @extended_models[self.superclass] && self.superclass.elements[element_name] && \ self.superclass.elements[element_name].type == type return self.superclass.first_definer(element_name, type) end if self.attributes[:integrated_models] self.attributes[:integrated_models].keys.each do |mod| return mod.first_definer(element_name, type) if (mod.elements[element_name] && mod.elements[element_name].type == type) end end return self end # Returns true if the element with given name is associated with the passed # association. # This method should be used instead of querying the element's association directly, # since subclasses and mixins may extend this method to provide association equivalence. def self.element_association?(element_name, association) return true if elements[element_name].association = association end # An Hash of extended models => element name of the extended model element def self.extended_models @extended_models ||= {} end ############################################################## # Storage, mapper and loading (Class methods) # ############################################################## # The given module will be mixed in any mapper used by the class. def self.mapper_include(mod) @mapper_modules ||= [] @mapper_modules << mod end def self.mapper_include_for(params, mod) params = [params] unless params.is_a?(Array) @mapper_modules_for ||= [] @mapper_modules_for << [params, mod] end # The given proc will be mixed in the mapper used by this class # Note that the proc will be converted to a Module, so any overridden methods will still have # access to the super method. def self.with_mapper(&proc) mod = mod.send(:include, Spider::Model::MapperIncludeModule) mod.module_eval(&proc) mapper_include(mod) end # Like #with_mapper, but will mixin the block only if the mapper matches params. # Possible params are: # - a String, matching the class' use_storage def self.with_mapper_for(*params, &proc) mod = mod.send(:include, Spider::Model::MapperIncludeModule) mod.module_eval(&proc) mapper_include_for(params, mod) end # Sets the url or the name of the storage to use def self.use_storage(name=nil) @use_storage = name if name @use_storage ||= self.attributes[:sub_model].use_storage if self.attributes[:sub_model] @use_storage ||= self.superclass.use_storage if self.superclass.respond_to?(:use_storage) && self.superclass.use_storage @use_storage end # Returns the current default storage for the class # The storage to use can be set with #use_storage def return @storage if @storage st = self.use_storage return st ? get_storage(st) : get_storage end def @storage = val end # Returns an instancethe storage corresponding to the storage_string if it is given, # or of the default storage otherwise. # The storage string can be a storage url (see #Storage.get_storage), or a named storage # defined in configuration #-- # Mixin! def self.get_storage(storage_string='default') storage_regexp = /([\w\d]+?):(.+)/ orig_string = nil if (storage_string !~ storage_regexp) orig_string = storage_string storage_conf = Spider.conf.get('storages')[storage_string] storage_string = storage_conf['url'] if storage_conf if (!storage_string || storage_string !~ storage_regexp) raise ModelException, "No storage '#{orig_string}' found" end end type, url = $1, $2 storage = Storage.get_storage(type, url) storage.instance_name = orig_string storage.configure(storage_conf) if storage_conf return storage end # Returns an instance of the default mapper for the class. def self.mapper @mapper ||= get_mapper(storage) end # Returns an instance of the mapper for the given storage def self.get_mapper(storage) # map_class = self.attributes[:inherit_storage] ? superclass : self mapper = storage.get_mapper(self) if (@mapper_modules) @mapper_modules.each{ |mod| mapper.extend(mod) } end if (@mapper_modules_for) @mapper_modules_for.each do |params, mod| if (params.length == 1 && params[0].class == String) mapper.extend(mod) if self.use_storage == params[0] end end end return mapper end # Syncs the schema with the storage. def self.sync_schema(options={}) options = ({ :force => false, :drop_fields => false, :update_sequences => false, :no_foreign_key_constraints => true }).merge(options) Spider::Model.sync_schema(self, options[:force], options) end # Executes #self.where, and calls QuerySet#load on the result. # Returns nil if the result is empty, the QuerySet otherwise # See #self.where for parameter syntax def self.find(*params, &proc) qs = self.where(*params, &proc) return qs.empty? ? nil : qs end # Executes #self.where, returning the first result. # See #self.where for parameter syntax. def self.load(*params, &proc) qs = self.where(*params, &proc) qs.only_one return qs[0] end # Returns a queryset without conditions def self.all return self.where end # Returns a queryset with the objects that should be shown to the user. By default # returns self.all def self.list return self.all end # Constructs a Query based on params, and returns a QuerySet # Allowed parameters are: # * a Query object # * a Condition and an (optional) Request, or anything that can be parsed by and # If a block is provided, it is passed to Condition.parse_block. # Examples: # felines = Animals.where({:family => 'felines'}) # felines = Animals.where({:family => 'felines'}, [:name, :description]) # cool_animals = Animals.where{ (has_fangs == true) | (has_claws == true)} # See also Condition#parse_block def self.where(*params, &proc) if (params[0] && params[0].is_a?(Query)) query = params[0] qs =, query) elsif(proc) qs = qs.autoload = true qs.where(&proc) else condition = Condition.and(params[0]) request =[1]) query =, request) qs =, query) end return qs end # Returns the condition for a "free" text query # Examples: # condition = News.free_query_condition('animals') # animal_news = News.where(condition) def self.free_query_condition(q) c = Condition.or self.elements_array.each do |el| if (el.type == String || el.type == Text) c.set(, 'ilike', '%'+q+'%') end end return c end # Returns the number of objects in storage def self.count(condition=nil) mapper.count(condition) end # Can be defined to provide functionality to this model's querysets. def self.extend_queryset(qs) end ################################################# # Instance methods # ################################################# # The constructor may take: # * an Hash of values, that will be set on the new instance; or # * a BaseModel instance; its values will be set on the new instance; or # * a single value; it will be set on the first primary key. def initialize(values=nil) @_autoload = true @_has_values = false @loaded_elements = {} @_modified_elements = {} @value_observers = nil @all_values_observers = nil @_extra = {} @model = self.class @_primary_keys_set = false set_values(values) if values # if primary_keys_set? # @_primary_keys_set = true # if Spider::Model.identity_mapper # Spider::Model.identity_mapper.put(self, true) # else # Spider::Model.unit_of_work.add(self) if Spider::Model.unit_of_work # end # else # #nil # end end # Returns an instance of the Model with #autoload set to false def self.static(values=nil) obj = obj.autoload = false obj.set_values(values) if values return obj end def self.create(values) obj = self.static(values) obj.insert return obj end def self.load_or_create(values) self.load(values) || self.create(values) end def self.get(values) return unless Spider::Model.identity_mapper values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Hash) || values.is_a?(Array) if values.is_a?(Array) vals = {} self.primary_keys.each_with_index do |k, i| vals[] = values[i] end values = vals end curr = Spider::Model.identity_mapper.get(self, values) return curr if curr obj = Spider::Model.identity_mapper.put(obj) obj end def set_values(values) if (values.is_a? Hash){ |k| k = if k.is_a?(Element) self.class.elements[k.to_sym] && self.class.elements[k.to_sym].primary_key? }.each do |k| set!(k, values[k]) end values.each do |key, val| set!(key, val) end elsif (values.is_a? BaseModel) values.each_val do |name, val| set(name, val) if self.class.has_element?(name) end elsif (values.is_a? Array) self.class.primary_keys.each_index do |i| set(self.class.primary_keys[i], values[i]) end # Single unset key, single value elsif ((empty_keys ={ |key| !element_has_value?(key) }).length == 1) set(empty_keys[0], values) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to construct a #{self.class} from #{values.inspect}" end end # Returns the instance's IdentityMapper def identity_mapper return Spider::Model.identity_mapper if Spider::Model.identity_mapper @identity_mapper ||= end # Sets the instance's IdentityMapper. def identity_mapper=(im) @identity_mapper = im end # Returns a new instance for given element name. def instantiate_element(name) element = self.class.elements[name] if element.model? if element.multiple? val = QuerySet.static(element.model) val.modified = true else val = val.autoload = autoload? end end val = prepare_child(name, val) instance_variable_set("@#{name}", val) set_reverse(element, val) if element.model? val end # Prepares an object that is being set as a child. def prepare_child(name, obj) element = self.class.elements[name] if obj.nil? obj = QuerySet.static(element.model) if element.multiple? return obj end if (element.model?) # convert between junction and real type if needed if element.attributes[:junction] if obj.is_a?(QuerySet) obj.no_autoload do if (element.attributes[:keep_junction] && obj.model == element.type) qs = obj.each{ |el_obj| qs << {element.reverse => self, element.attributes[:junction_their_element] => el_obj} } obj = qs elsif (!element.attributes[:keep_junction] && obj.model == element.model) instance_variable_set("@#{}_junction", obj) qs =,{ |el_obj| el_obj.get(element.attributes[:junction_their_element])}) obj = qs end end else if (!element.attributes[:keep_junction] && obj.class == element.model) obj = obj.get(element.attributes[:junction_their_element]) end end end{ |el| el.attributes[:fixed] }.each do |el| if el.integrated_from == element obj.set(el.integrated_from_element, el.attributes[:fixed]) end end obj.identity_mapper = self.identity_mapper if obj.respond_to?(:identity_mapper) if (element.multiple? && element.attributes[:junction] && element.attributes[:keep_junction]) obj.append_element = element.attributes[:junction_their_element] end if (element.attributes[:set] && element.attributes[:set].is_a?(Hash)) element.attributes[:set].each{ |k, v| obj.set(k, v) } obj.reset_modified_elements(*element.attributes[:set].keys) # FIXME: is it always ok to not set the element as modified? But otherwise sub objects # are always saved (and that's definitely no good) end if element.type == self.class.superclass && self.class.extended_models[element.type] && self.class.extended_models[element.type] == obj._subclass_object = self end else obj = prepare_value(element, obj) end return obj end # Returns all children that can be reached from the current path. # Path is expressed as a dotted String. def all_children(path) children = [] no_autoload do el = path.shift if self.class.elements[el] && element_has_value?(el) && children = get(el) if path.length >= 1 children = children.all_children(path) end end end return children end # Sets the object currently containing this one (BaseModel or QuerySet) def set_parent(obj, element) @_parent = obj @_parent_element = element end def set_reverse(element, obj) return unless element.model? && obj if element.has_single_reverse? && (!element.attributes[:junction] || element.attributes[:keep_junction]) unless element.multiple? val = obj.get_no_load(element.reverse) return if val && val.object_id == self.object_id end obj.set(element.reverse, self) end end # Returns the object's embedder element, if any def embedder{ |el| el.attributes[:embedder] && self.element_has_value?(el) }[0] end ################################################# # Get and set # ################################################# # Returns an element. # The element may be a symbol, or a dotted path String. # Will call the associated getter. # cat.get('') def get(element) element = if element.is_a?(Element) first, rest = element.to_s.split('.', 2) if (rest) sub_val = send(first) return nil unless sub_val return sub_val.get(rest) end return send(element) end # Returns an element without autoloading it. def get_no_load(element) res = nil no_autoload do res = get(element) end return res end # Sets an element. # The element can be a symbol, or a dotted path String. # Will call the associated setter. # cat.set('', 'Salmon') def set(element, value, options={}) element = if element.is_a?(Element) first, rest = element.to_s.split('.', 2) if (rest) first_val = send(first) unless first_val if (options[:instantiate]) first_val = instantiate_element(first.to_sym) set(first, first_val) else raise "Element #{first} is nil, can't set #{element}" end end return first_val.set(rest, value, options) end return send("#{element}=", value) end # Sets an element, instantiating intermediate objects if needed def set!(element, value, options={}) options[:instantiate] = true set(element, value, options) end # Calls #get on element; whenever no getter responds, returns the extra data. # See #[]= def [](element) element = if element.is_a?(Element) begin get(element) rescue NoMethodError return @_extra[element] end end # If element is a model's element, calls #set. # Otherwise, stores the value in an "extra" hash, where it will be accessible by #[] def []=(element, value) element = if element.is_a?(Element) if (self.class.elements[element]) set(element, value) else @_extra[element] = value end end # Sets each value of a Hash. def set_hash(hash) hash.each { |key, val| set(key, val) } end # Prepares a value going to be set on the object. Will convert the value to the # appropriate type. def self.prepare_value(element, value) element = self.class.elements[element] unless element.is_a?(Element) if element.type < Spider::DataType && element.type.force_wrap? value = element.type.from_value(value) unless value.is_a?(element.type) if value element.type.take_attributes.each do |a| if element.attributes[a].is_a?(Proc) value.attributes[a] = value.instance_eval(&element.attributes[a]) else value.attributes[a] = element.attributes[a] end end value = value.prepare end elsif element.model? value.autoload(autoload?, true) if value && value.respond_to?(:autolad) else type = element.type type = mapper.base_type(type) if type < Spider::DataType && type.mapper_dependant? case when 'Date', 'DateTime' return nil if value.is_a?(String) && value.empty? parsed = nil if (value.is_a?(String)) begin parsed = element.type.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") rescue parsed = nil parsed ||= element.type.lparse(value, :short) rescue parsed = nil parsed ||= element.type.parse(value) rescue ArgumentError => exc raise, value, _("'%s' is not a valid date")) end value = parsed end when 'String' when 'Spider::DataTypes::Text' value = value.to_s when 'Fixnum' value = value.to_i end end value end def prepare_value(element, value) self.class.prepare_value(element, value) end # Sets a value without calling the associated setter; used by the mapper. def set_loaded_value(element, value, mark_loaded=true) element_name = element.is_a?(Element) ? : element element = self.class.elements[element_name] if element.integrated? integrated = get(element.integrated_from) integrated.set_loaded_value(element.integrated_from_element, value) if integrated else value = prepare_child(, value) current = instance_variable_get("@#{element_name}") current.set_parent(nil, nil) if current && current.is_a?(BaseModel) value.set_parent(self, if value.is_a?(BaseModel) instance_variable_set("@#{element_name}", value) end value.loaded = true if (value.is_a?(QuerySet)) element_loaded(element_name) if mark_loaded set_reverse(element, value) if element.model? && value @_modified_elements[element_name] = false end # Records that the element has been loaded. def element_loaded(element_name) element_name = self.class.get_element(element_name).name @loaded_elements[element_name] = true end # Returns true if the element has been loaded by the mapper. def element_loaded?(element) element = self.class.get_element(element).name return @loaded_elements[element] end # Apply element checks for given element name and value. (See also #element, :check attribute). # Checks may be defined by the DataType, or be given as an element attribute. # The check can be a Regexp, that will be checked against the value, or a Proc, which is expected to # return true if the check is succesful, and false otherwise. # Will raise a Model::FormatError when a check is not succesful. # If the :check attribute is an Hash, the Hash keys will be used as messages, which will be passed # to the FormatError. def _check(name, val) element = self.class.elements[name] element.type.check(val) if (element.type.respond_to?(:check)) if (checks = element.attributes[:check]) checks = {("'%s' is not in the correct format") => checks} unless checks.is_a?(Hash) checks.each do |msg, check| test = case check when Regexp val.blank? ? true : check.match(val.to_s) when Proc end raise, val, msg) unless test end end end # Converts the object to the instance of a subclass for which this model is polymorphic. def polymorphic_become(model) return self if self.is_a?(model) unless self.class.polymorphic_models && self.class.polymorphic_models[model] sup = model.superclass while sup < Spider::Model::BaseModel && !self.class.polymorphic_models[sup] sup = sup.superclass end raise ModelException, "#{self.class} is not polymorphic for #{model}" unless self.class.polymorphic_models[sup] sup_poly = polymorphic_become(sup) return sup_poly.polymorphic_become(model) end el = self.class.polymorphic_models[model][:through] obj = => self) obj = Spider::Model.identity_mapper.get(obj) if Spider::Model.identity_mapper obj.element_loaded(el) return obj end def become(model) return self if self.class == model obj = polymorphic_become(model) rescue ModelException return obj end # Converts the object to the instance of a subclass. This will instantiate the model # passed as an argument, and set each value of the current object on the new one. # No checks are made that this makes sense, so the method will fail if the "subclass" does # not contain all of the current model's elements. def subclass(model) obj = self.class.elements_array.each do |el| obj.set(el, self.get(el)) if element_has_value?(el) && model.elements[] end return obj end # Returns the current autoload status def autoload? @_autoload end # Enables or disables autoloading. # An autoloading object will try to load all missing elements on first access. # (see also Element#lazy_groups) def autoload=(val) autoload(val, false) end # Sets autoload mode # The first parameter the value of autoload to be set; it can be true, false or :save_mode (see #save_mode)) # the second bool parameter specifies if the value should be propagated on all child objects. def autoload(a, traverse=true) #:nodoc: return if @_tmp_autoload_walk @_tmp_autoload_walk = true @_autoload = a if (traverse){ |el| el.model? && \ (element_has_value?( || el.attributes[:extended_model])}.each do |el| val = get(el) val.autoload = a if val.respond_to?(:autoload=) end end @_tmp_autoload_walk = nil end # Disables autoload. # If a block is given, the current autoload setting will be restored after yielding. def no_autoload prev_autoload = autoload? self.autoload = false if block_given? yield self.autoload = prev_autoload end return prev_autoload end # Sets autoload to :save_mode; elements will be autoloaded only one by one, so that # any already set data will not be overwritten # If a block is given, the current autoload setting will be restored after yielding. def save_mode prev_autoload = autoload? self.autoload = :save_mode unless prev_autoload == false if (block_given?) yield self.autoload = prev_autoload end return prev_autoload end ############################################################## # Methods for getting information about element values # ############################################################## # Returns true if other is_a?(self.class), and has the same values for this class' primary keys. def ==(other) return false unless other return false unless other.is_a?(self.class) self.class.primary_keys.each do |k| return false unless get(k) == other.get(k) end return true end # Like ==, but other must be of the same class (no subclasses) def eql?(other) return false unless other.class == self.class return self == other end ############################################################## # Iterators # ############################################################## # Iterates over elements and yields name-value pairs def each # :yields: element_name, element_value self.class.elements.each do |name, el| yield name, get(name) end end # Iterates over non-nil elements, yielding name-value pairs def each_val # :yields: element_name, element_value{ |name, el| element_has_value?(name) }.each do |name, el| yield name, get(name) end end # Returns an array of current primary key values def primary_keys{ |k| val = get(k) k.model? && val ? val.primary_keys : val } end # Returns an hash of primary keys names and values def primary_keys_hash h = {} self.class.primary_keys.each{ |k| h[] = get(k) } h end # Returns a string with the primary keys joined by ',' def keys_string self.class.keys_string(self.primary_keys) end def self.keys_string(keys) keys.join(',') end def self.split_keys_string(string) string.split(',') end # Returns true if the element instance variable is set #-- # FIXME: should probably try to get away without this method # it is the only method that relies on the mapper def element_has_value?(element) element = self.class.get_element(element) if (element.integrated?) return false unless obj = instance_variable_get(:"@#{}") return obj.element_has_value?(element.integrated_from_element) end if (element.attributes[:computed_from]) element.attributes[:computed_from].each{ |el| return false unless element_has_value?(el) } return true end ivar = nil ivar = instance_variable_get(:"@#{}") if instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{}") return nil == ivar ? false : true # FIXME: is this needed? # if (!mapper.mapped?(element) # return send("#{element_name}?") if (respond_to?("#{element_name}?")) # return get(element) == nil ? false : true if (!mapper.mapped?(element)) # end end # Returns true if the element value has been modified since instantiating or loading def element_modified?(element) element = self.class.get_element(element) set_mod = @_modified_elements[] return set_mod if set_mod if element.integrated? return false unless integrated = get_no_load(element.integrated_from) return integrated.element_modified?(element.integrated_from_element) end if element_has_value?(element) val = get(element) # don't call modified? on QuerySets, since we don't need to query sub objects (this could lead to infinite loops) return val.modified if val.is_a?(QuerySet) return val.modified? if val.respond_to?(:modified?) end return false end # Returns true if any of elements has been modified def elements_modified?(*elements) elements = elements[0] if elements[0].is_a?(Array) elements.each{ |el| return true if element_modified?(el) } return false end # Returns true if any element, or any child object, has been modified def modified? return true unless @_modified_elements.reject{ |key, val| !val }.empty?{ |el| element_has_value?(el) && (el.type.is_a?(Spider::DataType) || el.multiple?) }.each do |el| obj = get(el) check = obj.is_a?(QuerySet) ? obj.modified : obj.modified? return true if check end return false end def in_storage? return false unless primary_keys_set? return self.class.load(primary_keys_hash) end # Given elements are set as modified def set_modified(request) #:nodoc: request = {request => true} unless request.is_a?(Hash) request.each do |key, val| # FIXME: go deep key = if key.is_a?(Element) @_modified_elements[key] = true el = self.class.elements[key.to_sym] next unless el if el.integrated? && sub = self.get(el.integrated_from) sub.set_modified(el.integrated_from_element) end end end # Resets modified elements def reset_modified_elements(*elements) #:nodoc: if (elements.length > 0) elements.each{ |el_name| @_modified_elements.delete(el_name) } else @_modified_elements = {} end elements ={ |el| } if elements.empty? elements.each do |el_name| val = instance_variable_get("@#{el_name}") val.modified = false if val.is_a?(QuerySet) end{ |el| el.attributes[:integrated_model] && self.element_has_value?(el) }.each do |el| self.get(el).reset_modified_elements(elements) end nil end # Returns true if all primary keys have a value; false if some primary key # is not set or the model has no primary key def primary_keys_set? primary_keys = self.class.primary_keys return false unless primary_keys.length > 0 primary_keys.each do |el| if (el.integrated?) return false unless (int_obj = instance_variable_get(:"@#{}")) #return false unless int_obj.instance_variable_get(:"@#{el.integrated_from_element}") return false unless int_obj.element_has_value?(el.integrated_from_element) else return false unless self.instance_variable_get(:"@#{}") end end return true end # Returns true if no element has a value def empty? return @_has_values end # Sets all values of obj on the current object def merge!(obj, only=nil) return self if obj.object_id == self.object_id{ |el| (only || obj.element_has_value?(el)) && !el.integrated? && !el.attributes[:computed_from] }.each do |el| next if only && !only.key?( val = obj.element_has_value?( ? obj.get_no_load(el) : nil our_val = self.element_has_value?( ? self.get_no_load(el) : nil next if our_val == val if el.model? && only && only[].is_a?(Hash) && our_val \ && val.is_a?(BaseModel) && our_val.is_a?(BaseModel) val = our_val.merge!(val, only[]) else Spider.logger.warn("Element #{} overwritten in #{obj.inspect}") if our_val && our_val != val end set_loaded_value(el, val, false) # unless val.nil? && element.multiple? end self end def merge_hash(h) h.each do |k, v| self.set(k.to_sym, v) end end # Returns a deep copy of the object def clone obj = obj.merge!(self) return obj end # Returns a new instance with the same primary keys def get_new obj = nil Spider::Model.no_identity_mapper do obj = obj._no_identity_mapper = true self.class.primary_keys.each{ |k| obj.set(k, self.get(k)) } end return obj end # Returns a new static instance with the same primary keys def get_new_static obj = nil Spider::Model.no_identity_mapper do obj = self.class.static obj._no_identity_mapper = true self.class.primary_keys.each{ |k| obj.set(k, self.get(k)) } end return obj end # Returns a condition based on the current primary keys def keys_to_condition c = Condition.and self.class.primary_keys.each do |key| val = get(key) if (key.model?) c[] = val.keys_to_condition else c[] = val end end return c end ################################################# # Object observers methods # ################################################# # The given block will be called whenever a value is modified. # The block will be passed three arguments: the object, the element name, and the previous value # Example: # obj.observe_all_values do |instance, element_name, old_val| # puts "#{element_name} for object #{instance} has changed from #{old_val} to #{instance.get(element_name) }" def observe_all_values(&proc) @all_values_observers ||= [] @all_values_observers << proc end def observe_element(element_name, &proc) @value_observers ||= {} @value_observers[element_name] ||= [] @value_observers[element_name] << proc end def self.observer_all_values(&proc) self.all_values_observers << proc end def self.observe_element(element_name, &proc) self.value_observers[element_name] ||= [] @value_observers[element_name] << proc end def self.value_observers @value_observers ||= {} end def self.all_values_observers @all_values_observers ||= [] end # Calls the observers for element_name def notify_observers(element_name, new_val) #:nodoc: if @value_observers && @value_observers[element_name] @value_observers[element_name].each{ |proc|, element_name, new_val) } end if @all_values_observers @all_values_observers.each{ |proc|, element_name, new_val) } end self.class.notify_observers(element_name, new_val, self) end # Calls the observers for element_name def self.notify_observers(element_name, new_val, obj=nil) if @value_observers && @value_observers[element_name] @value_observers[element_name].each{ |proc|, element_name, new_val) } end if @all_values_observers @all_values_observers.each{ |proc|, element_name, new_val) } end end ############################################################## # Storage, mapper and schema loading (instance methods) # ############################################################## # Returns the current @storage, or instantiates the default calling def storage return @storage || end # Instantiates the storage for the instance. # Accepts a string (url or named storage) which will be passed to Spider::BaseModel.get_storage # Example: # obj.use_storage('my_named_db') # obj.use_storage('db:oracle://username:password@XE') def use_storage(storage) @storage = self.class.get_storage(storage) @mapper = self.class.get_mapper(@storage) end # Returns the current mapper, or instantiates a new one (base on the current storage, if set) def mapper @storage ||= nil if (@storage) @mapper ||= self.class.get_mapper(@storage) else @mapper ||= self.class.mapper end return @mapper end # Sets the current mapper def mapper=(mapper) @mapper = mapper end ############################################################## # Saving and loading from storage methods # ############################################################## # Saves the object to the storage # (see Mapper#save) def save saving(:save) do before_save save! end self end def save! after_save self end # Saves the object and all child objects to the storage # (see Mapper#save_all) def save_all mapper.save_all(self) self end def insert saving(:insert) do before_save insert! end self end # Inserts the object in the storage # Note: if the object is already present in the storage and unique indexes are enforced, # this will raise an error. # (See Mapper#insert). def insert! mapper.insert(self) after_save end # Updates the object in the storage # Note: the update will silently fail if the object is not present in the storage # (see Mapper#update). def update saving(:update) do before_save update! end end def update! mapper.update(self) after_save end def unit_of_work_available? Spider.current[:unit_of_work] && !Spider.current[:unit_of_work].running? end # Deletes the object from the storage # (see Mapper#delete). def delete saving(:delete) do before_delete delete! end end def delete! mapper.delete(self) after_delete end def before_delete end def before_save end def after_save reset_modified_elements autoload(@_saving[:prev_autoload]) if @_saving @_saving = nil end def after_delete end def saving(mode, &proc) @_saving ||= { :prev_autoload => save_mode } if unit_of_work_available? Spider.current[:unit_of_work].add(self, mode) else yield end end def saving? !@_saving.nil? end # Loads the object from the storage # Acceptable arguments are: # * a Query object, or # * a Request object, or a Hash, which will be converted to a Request, or # * a list of elements to request # It will then construct a Condition with current primary keys, and call Mapper#load # Note that an error will be raised by the Mapper if not all primary keys are set. def load(*params) if (params[0].is_a? Query) query = params[0] else return false unless primary_keys_set? query = if (params[0].is_a?(Request)) query.request = params.shift elsif (params[0].is_a?(Hash)) query.request = end elements = params.length > 0 ? params : self.class.elements.keys return true unless{ |el| !element_loaded?(el) }.length > 0 elements.each do |name| query.request[name] = true end query.condition.conjunction = :and self.class.primary_keys.each do |key| query.condition[] = get( end end #clear_values() return mapper.load(self, query) end # Sets all values to nil def clear_values() self.class.elements.each_key do |element_name| instance_variable_set(:"@#{element_name}", nil) end end def remove_association(element, object) mapper.delete_element_associations(self, element, object) end # Method that will be called by the mapper before a query. May be overridden to preprocess the query. # Must return the modified query. Note: to prepare conditions, use prepare_condition, since it will # be called on subconditions as well. def self.prepare_query(query) query end ############################################################## # Method missing # ############################################################## # Tries the method on integrated models def method_missing(method, *args) #:nodoc: # UNUSED # case method.to_s # when /load_by_(.+)/ # element = $1 # if !self.class.elements[element.to_sym].attributes[:primary_key] # raise ModelException, "load_by_ called for element #{element} which is not a primary key" # elsif self.class.primary_keys.length > 1 # raise ModelException, "can't call #{method} because #{element} is not the only primary key" # end # query = # query.condition[element.to_sym] = args[0] # load(query) # else if (self.class.attributes[:integrated_models]) self.class.attributes[:integrated_models].each do |model, name| obj = send(name) if (obj.respond_to?(method)) return obj.send(method, *args) end end end raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{method}' for #{self.class}" #super # end end def respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) return true if super if (self.class.attributes[:integrated_models]) self.class.attributes[:integrated_models].each do |model, name| if (model.method_defined?(symbol)) return true end end end return false end # Returns a descriptive string for the object. # By default this method returns the value of the first String element, if any; otherwise, # the string representation of the first element of any type. # Descendant classes may well provide a better representation. def to_s desc_elements ={ |el| el.attributes[:desc] } unless desc_elements.empty? return desc_elements.sort{ |a, b| ad = a.attributes[:desc]; bd = b.attributes[:desc] if ad == true && bd == true 0 elsif bd == true -1 elsif ad == true 1 else ad <=> bd end }.map{ |el| self.get(el).to_s }.join(' ') end self.class.each_element do |el| if ((el.type == String || el.type == Text) && !el.primary_key?) v = get(el) return v ? v.to_s : '' end end el = self.class.elements_array[0] if element_has_value?(el) v = get(el) return v ? v.to_s : '' end return '' end # A compact representation of the object. # Note: inspect will not autoload the object. def inspect': {' +{ |el| (element_loaded?(el) || element_has_value?(el)) && !el.hidden? } \ .map{ |el| ":#{} => #{get(}"}.join(',') + '}' end # Returns a JSON representation of the object. # # The tree will be traversed outputting all encountered objects; when an already seen object # is met, the primary keys will be output (as a single value if one, as an array if many) and traversing # will stop. # # For more fine-grained control of the output, it is better to use the #cut method and call to_json on it. def to_json(state=nil, &proc) require 'json' ic ='UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8') if (@tmp_json_seen && !block_given?) pks ={ |k| get(k).to_json } pks = pks[0] if pks.length == 1 return pks.to_json end @tmp_json_seen = true json = "" #Spider::Model.with_identity_mapper do |im|{ |el| el.attributes[:integrated_model] }.each do |el| (int = get(el)) && int.instance_variable_set("@tmp_json_seen", true) end if (block_given?) select_elements ={ true } else select_elements ={ |name, el| !el.hidden? # && # #!el.attributes[:integrated_model] && # (element_has_value?(el) || (el.integrated? && element_has_value?(el.integrated_from))) } end json = "{" +{ |name, el| if (block_given?) val = yield(self, el) val ? "#{name.to_json}: #{val.to_json}" : nil else val = get(name) if (el.type == 'text' || el.type == 'longText') val = ic.iconv(val + ' ')[0..-2] end val = val.to_json "#{name.to_json}: #{val}" end }.select{ |pair| pair}.join(',') + "}" @tmp_json_seen = false{ |el| el.attributes[:integrated_model] }.each do |el| (int = get(el)) && int.instance_variable_set("@tmp_json_seen", false) end #end return json end # Returns a part of the object tree, converted to Hashes, Arrays and Strings. # Arguments can be: # * a String, followed by a list of elements; the String will be sprintf'd with element values # or # * a depth Fixnum; depth 0 means obj.to_s will be returned, depth 1 will return an hash containing the # object's element values converted to string, and so on # or # * a Hash, whith element names as keys, and depths, or Hashes, or Procs as values; each element # will be traversed up to the depth given, or recursively according to the has; or, if a Proc is given, # it will be called with the current object and element name as arguments # or # * a list of elements; this is equivalent to passing a hash of the elements with depth 0. # # Examples: # obj.inspect # => Zoo::Animal: {:name => Llama, :family => Camelidae, :friends => Sheep, Camel} # obj.cut(0) # => 'Llama' # obj.cut(:name, :friends) # => {:name => 'Llama', :friends => 'Sheep, Camel'} # obj.cut(:name => 0, :friends => 1) # => {:name => 'Llama', :friends => [ # {:name => 'Sheep', :family => 'Bovidae', :friends => 'Llama'}, # {:name => 'Camel', :family => 'Camelidae', :friens => 'Dromedary, LLama'} # ]} # obj.cut(:name => 0, :friends => {:name => 0}) # => {:name => 'Llama', :friends => [{:name => 'Sheep'}, {:name => 'Camel'}]} # objs.cut(:name => 0, :friends => lambda{ |instance, element| # instance.get(element).name.upcase # }) # => {:name => 'Llama', :friends => ['SHEEP', 'CAMEL']} # obj.cut("Hi, i'm a %s and my friends are %s", :name, :friends) # => "Hi, i'm a Llama and my friends are Sheep, Camel" def cut(*params, &proc) h = {} if (params[0].is_a?(String)) return sprintf(params[0], *params[1..-1].map{ |el| get(el) }) elsif (params[0].is_a?(Fixnum)) p = params.shift if (p < 1) if (block_given?) return else return self.to_s end end lev = p where = {} self.class.elements_array.each { |el| where[] = lev-1} end if (params[0].is_a?(Hash)) where ||= {} params[0].each{ |k, v| where[k.to_sym] = v} else where ||= {} params.each{ |p| where[p] = 0 if p.is_a?(Symbol)} end Spider::Model.with_identity_mapper do |im| where.keys.each do |name| next unless where[name] if (where[name].is_a?(Proc)) val = where[name].call(self, name) else el = self.class.elements[name] if el val = get(el) val = val.cut(where[name], &proc) if el.model? && val else raise ModelException, "Element #{name} does not exist" unless self.respond_to?(name) val = self.send(name) val = val.cut(where[name], &proc) if val.is_a?(BaseModel) end end h[name] = val end end return h end # Returns a element_name => value Hash def to_hash() h = {}{ |name, el| element_loaded? el }.each do |name, el| h[name] = get(name) end return h end # Returns a yaml representation of the object. Will try to autoload all elements, unless autoload is false; # foreign keys will be expressed as an array if multiple, as a single primary key value otherwise def to_yaml(params={}) require 'yaml' return YAML::dump(to_yaml_h(params)) end def to_yaml_h(params={}) h = {} def obj_pks(obj, klass) unless obj return klass.primary_keys.length > 1 ? [] : nil end pks = obj.primary_keys return pks[0] if pks.length == 1 return pks end self.class.elements_array.each do |el| next if params[:except] && params[:except].include?( if (el.model?) obj = get(el) if !obj h[] = nil elsif (el.multiple?) h[] ={ |o| obj_pks(o, el.model) } else h[] = obj_pks(obj, el.model) end else h[] = get(el) end end h end def self.from_yaml(yaml) h = YAML::load(yaml) obj = self.static h.each do |key, value| el = elements[key.to_sym] if (el.multiple?) el_obj = el.model.static el.model.primary_keys.each do |pk| el_obj.set(pk, value.unshift) end obj.set(el, el_obj) else obj.set(el, value) end end return obj end def dump_to_hash h = {} def obj_pks(obj, klass) unless obj return klass.primary_keys.length > 1 ? [] : nil end pks = obj.primary_keys return pks[0] if pks.length == 1 return pks end self.class.elements_array.each do |el| next unless mapper.have_references?(el) || (el.junction? && el.model.attributes[:sub_model] == self.class) if (el.model?) obj = get(el) if !obj h[] = nil elsif (el.multiple?) h[] ={ |o| obj_pks(o, el.model) } else h[] = obj_pks(obj, el.model) end else val = get(el) if val case when :Date, :DateTime, :Time val = val.strftime end end h[] = val end end h end def self.from_hash_dump(h, options={}) obj = self.static obj._check_if_saved = true if options[:check_if_saved] h.each do |key, val| el = self.elements[key.to_sym] next unless el if el.multiple? && val qs = obj.get(el) val.each do |v| v = el.model.from_hash_dump(v, options) if v.is_a?(Hash) qs << v end else val = el.model.from_hash_dump(val, options) if val.is_a?(Hash) case when :Date, :DateTime val = el.type.parse(val) unless val.blank? end begin obj.set(el, val) rescue # FIXME: should be and option end end end obj end def dump_to_all_data_hash(options={}, h={}, seen={}) Spider::Model.with_identity_mapper do |im| clname = seen[clname] ||= {} return if seen[clname][self.primary_keys] seen[clname][self.primary_keys] = true h[clname] ||= [] h[clname] << self.dump_to_hash self.class.elements_array.each do |el| next unless el.model? next if el.model < Spider::Model::InlineModel next if options[:models] && !options[:models].include?(el.type) next if options[:except_models] && options[:except_models].include?(el.type) el_clname == next if options[:elements] && (options[:elements][el_clname] && !options[:elements][el_clname].include?( next if options[:except_elements] && (options[:except_elements][el_clname] && options[:except_elements][el_clname].include?( val = self.get(el) next unless val val = [val] unless val.is_a?(Enumerable) val.each do |v| v.dump_to_all_data_hash(options, h, seen) end end end h end def self.in_transaction yield end def self.dump_element(el) remove_elements = [] method = case el.attributes[:association] when :many :many when :choice :choice when :multiple_choice :multiple_choice when :tree :tree else :element end type = el.type attributes = el.attributes.clone if (method == :many || method == :multiple_choice) attributes.delete(:multiple) end attributes.delete(:association) if method != :element if (attributes[:association_type]) attributes[:through] = attributes[:association_type] unless attributes[:anonymous_model] attributes.delete(:association_type) end attributes.delete(:lazy) if attributes[:lazy] == :default if (method == :tree) delete_attrs = [:queryset_module, :multiple] delete_attrs.each{ |a| attributes.delete(a) } remove_elements += [attributes[:reverse], attributes[:tree_left], attributes[:tree_right], attributes[:tree_depth]] type = nil end return { :name =>, :type => type, :attributes => attributes, :method => method, :remove_elements => remove_elements } end def self.prepare_to_code modules ='::')[0..-2] included = (self.included_modules - Spider::Model::BaseModel.included_modules).select do |m| !~ /^#{Regexp.quote(}/ end local_name ='::')[-1] superklass = elements = [] remove_elements = [] self.elements_array.each do |el| next if el.integrated? next if (el.reverse && el.model.elements[el.reverse] && \ (el.model.elements[el.reverse].attributes[:add_reverse] || \ el.model.elements[el.reverse].attributes[:add_multiple_reverse])) el_hash = dump_element(el) return nil unless el_hash elements << el_hash remove_elements += el_hash[:remove_elements] end elements.reject!{ |el| remove_elements.include?(el[:name]) } return { :modules => modules, :included => included, :attributes => self.attributes, :elements => elements, :local_name => local_name, :superclass => superklass, :use_storage => @use_storage, :additional_code => [] } end def self.to_code(options={}) c = prepare_to_code str = "" indent = 0 append = lambda do |val| str += " "*indent str += val str end str += c[:modules].map{ |m| "module #{m}" }.join('; ') + "\n" str += "\n" indent = 4 "class #{c[:local_name]} < #{c[:superclass]}\n" indent += 4 c[:included].each do |i| "include #{}\n" end c[:attributes].each do |k, v| "attribute :#{k}, #{v.inspect}" end str += "\n" c[:elements].each do |el|"#{el[:method].to_s} #{el[:name].inspect}") str += ", #{el[:type]}" if el[:type] str += ", #{el[:attributes].inspect[1..-2]}\n" if el[:attributes] && !el[:attributes].empty? end str += "\n" "use_storage '#{c[:use_storage]}'\n" if c[:use_storage] c[:additional_code].each do |block| block.each_line do |line| line end str += "\n" end indent -= 4"end\n") str += c[:modules].map{ "end" }.join(';') return str end end end; end