require "rich" if Object.const_defined?("Rich") Rich.setup do |config| # == Backend configuration # Rich uses Paperclip ( by default. # You will need to add it to your Gemfile, however. # config.backend = :paperclip # # Optionally, you can use CarrierWave ( # You will need to add it to your Gemfile. # config.backend = :carrierwave # == CKEditor configuration # # Rich ships with what I hope are sensible defaults. # You may want to override these. # # For example, the elements available in the formats # dropdown are defined like this: config.editor[:format_tags] = "h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;p;pre" # # By default, Rich visualizes what type of element # you are editing. To disable this: # config.editor[:startupOutlineBlocks] = false # == Image styles # # Rich uses paperclip for image processing. You can # define the styles you would like to use here. You # can use the standard syntax allowed by paperclip. # See: # # When you change these after uploading some files, # remember to re-generate your styles by running: # rake rich:refresh_assets config.image_styles = { mini: '60x60>', thumb: '120x120>', small: '240x240>', medium: '480x480>', large: '960x960>', full: '1480x1480>', huge: '1920x1920>', } # == Convert options # # You can pass additional commands to ImageMagick to set image quality, # apply a blur, and other fancy tricks. config.convert_options = { all: %{ -unsharp 3x1+0.5 -quality 85 -strip -auto-orient -colorspace sRGB } } # == Allowed styles (in file manager) # # Of the styles specified above, which should be user # selectable in the file manager? # # Example: # config.allowed_styles = [ :large, :thumb ] # # Default: # config.allowed_styles = :all # == Default Style # # The style to insert by default. In addition to the # styles defined above you can also use :original to get # the unprocessed file. Make sure this style exists. config.default_style = :medium # == Upload non-image files # # Setting this option to true will add a second Rich filebrowser icon to # the editor toolbar. In this filebrowser you can upload non-image files. # Inserting these files into your editor will result in a direct (A) link. # # Default: config.allow_document_uploads = true # == Set allowed filetypes for non-image files # # If you want, you can restrict the types of documents that users can upload. # Default behavior is to allow any kind of file to be uploaded. You can set # the accepted types by providing an array of mimetypes to check against. # Note that for this to have any effect, you first need to enable document # uploads using the setting above. # # Default, allow any file to be uploaded: # config.allowed_document_types = :all # # Example, only allow PDF uploads: config.allowed_document_types = %w[ text/plain application/pdf application/msword application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document image/jpeg image/png image/gif ] # == Asset insertion # # Set this to true to keep the filebrowser open after inserting an asset. # Also configurable per-use from within the filebrowser. # # Default: # config.insert_many = false # == User Authentication # # When defined, Rich will automatically call this method # in a before filter to ensure that the user is logged in. # # If you do not change this value from the default, anyone # will be able to see your images, and upload files. # # Example for Devise with an AdminUser model: config.authentication_method = :authenticate_admin_user! # # Default (NOT recommended in production environments): # config.authentication_method = :none # == Pagination # # By default, file picker loads up assets in blocks of 34. # # Default: # config.paginates_per = 34 end Rich.insert end