module Eps class LinearRegression < BaseEstimator def coefficients @evaluator.coefficients end def r2 @r2 ||= (sst - sse) / sst end def adjusted_r2 @adjusted_r2 ||= (mst - mse) / mst end private # def _summary(extended: false) coefficients = @coefficients str ="") len = [, 15].max if extended str += "%-#{len}s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n" % ["", "coef", "stderr", "t", "p"] else str += "%-#{len}s %12s %12s\n" % ["", "coef", "p"] end coefficients.each do |k, v| if extended str += "%-#{len}s %12.2f %12.2f %12.2f %12.3f\n" % [display_field(k), v, std_err[k], t_value[k], p_value[k]] else str += "%-#{len}s %12.2f %12.3f\n" % [display_field(k), v, p_value[k]] end end str += "\n" str += "r2: %.3f\n" % [r2] if extended str += "adjusted r2: %.3f\n" % [adjusted_r2] str end def _train(**options) raise "Target must be numeric" if @target_type != "numeric" check_missing_value(@train_set) check_missing_value(@validation_set) if @validation_set data = prep_x(@train_set) if data.size < data.columns.size + 2 raise "Number of data points must be at least two more than number of features" end x = data.map_rows(&:to_a) intercept = @options.key?(:intercept) ? @options[:intercept] : true if intercept data.size.times do |i| x[i].unshift(1) end end gsl = options.key?(:gsl) ? options[:gsl] : defined?(GSL) v3 = if gsl x = GSL::Matrix.alloc(*x) y = GSL::Vector.alloc(data.label) w = GSL::Vector.alloc(data.weight) if data.weight c, @covariance, _, _ = w ? GSL::MultiFit.wlinear(x, w, y) : GSL::MultiFit.linear(x, y) c.to_a else x = Matrix.rows(x) y = Matrix.column_vector(data.label) # weighted OLS # w = Matrix.diagonal(*data.weight) if data.weight removed = [] # # unfortunately, this method is unstable # haven't found an efficient way to do QR-factorization in Ruby # the extendmatrix gem has householder and givens (givens has bug) # but methods are too slow xt = x.t xt *= w if w begin @xtxi = (xt * x).inverse rescue ExceptionForMatrix::ErrNotRegular # matrix cannot be inverted # constant = {} (1...x.column_count).each do |i| constant[i] = constant?(x.column(i)) end # remove constant columns removed = { |_, v| v }.keys # remove non-independent columns { |_, v| !v }.keys.combination(2) do |c2| if !x.column(c2[0]).independent?(x.column(c2[1])) removed << c2[1] end end vectors = x.column_vectors # delete in reverse of indexes stay the same removed.sort.reverse.each do |i| # @coefficient_names.delete_at(i) vectors.delete_at(i) end x = Matrix.columns(vectors) xt = x.t xt *= w if w # try again begin @xtxi = (xt * x).inverse rescue ExceptionForMatrix::ErrNotRegular raise "Multiple solutions - GSL is needed to select one" end end # huge performance boost # by multiplying xt * y first # for weighted, w is already included in wt v2 = @xtxi * (xt * y) # convert to array v2 = { |xi| xi[0].to_f } # add back removed removed.sort.each do |i| v2.insert(i, 0) end @removed = removed v2 end if @xtxi && @xtxi.each(:diagonal).any? { |v| v < 0 } raise UnstableSolution, "GSL is needed to find a stable solution for this dataset" end @coefficient_names = data.columns.keys @coefficient_names.unshift("_intercept") if intercept @coefficients = Hash[] @coefficients, features: @features, text_features: @text_features) end def prep_x(x) x = x.dup @features.each do |k, type| if type == "categorical" values = x.columns.delete(k) labels = values.uniq[1..-1] labels.each do |label| x.columns[[k, label]] = { |v| v == label ? 1 : 0 } end end end prep_text_features(x) x end def constant?(arr) arr.all? { |x| x == arr[0] } end # add epsilon for perfect fits # consistent with GSL def t_value @t_value ||= Hash[ { |k, v| [k, v / (std_err[k] + Float::EPSILON)] }] end def p_value @p_value ||= begin Hash[ do |k, _| tp = if @gsl GSL::Cdf.tdist_P(t_value[k].abs, degrees_of_freedom) else Eps::Statistics.tdist_p(t_value[k].abs, degrees_of_freedom) end [k, 2 * (1 - tp)] end] end end def std_err @std_err ||= begin Hash[ { |v| Math.sqrt(v) })] end end def diagonal @diagonal ||= begin if covariance.respond_to?(:each) d = covariance.each(:diagonal).to_a @removed.each do |i| d.insert(i, 0) end d else covariance.diagonal.to_a end end end def covariance @covariance ||= mse * @xtxi end def y_bar @y_bar ||= mean(@train_set.label) end def y_hat @y_hat ||= predict(@train_set) end # total sum of squares def sst @sst ||= { |y| (y - y_bar)**2 }.sum end # sum of squared errors of prediction # not to be confused with "explained sum of squares" def sse @sse ||= { |y, yh| (y - yh)**2 }.sum end def mst @mst ||= sst / (@train_set.size - 1) end def mse @mse ||= sse / degrees_of_freedom end def degrees_of_freedom @train_set.size - @coefficients.size end def mean(arr) arr.sum / arr.size.to_f end end end