# Change Log ## 0.2.4 - Support examples/custom_draw_text.rb - Support stable `text` control nestable under `area` - Support `string` control property `background` - Support `string` control property `font` - Support `string` control property `underline` - Enhance `combobox` to accept `String` value for `selected` item instead of just `Integer` index - Add `selected_item` read-only property to `combobox` to return selected item `String` value - Fix `color` property support for `string` to accept 255-based rgb values - Fix issue with alternating string colors in examples/basic_draw_text.rb ## 0.2.3 - Update examples/midi_player.rb to read sounds locally from gem - Support examples/basic_draw_text.rb - Support dynamic `text` control to be called in `area` `on_draw` listener - Support `text` control `default_font` property - Support `string` control nestable under `text` to represent an attributed/unattributed string (depending on nestable properties) - Support `string` control property `color` - Support enum symbols for `align` property of `text` control - Support enum symbols for `:italic` font descriptor key (in addition to numbers) - Support enum symbols for `:stretch` font descriptor key (in addition to numbers) - Support enum symbols for `:weight` font descriptor key (in addition to numbers) ## 0.2.2 - Automatically add `vertical_box` parent to `area` if it did not have a box parent (otherwise, it seems not to show up on Linux, even when directly under `grid`) ## 0.2.1 - Have examples/timer.rb show `msg_box` on finish - Have examples/color_the_circles.rb push colored circles when colored behind uncolored circles to keep uncolored circles visible - Fix non-blocking dialog issue on Linux with examples/color_the_circles.rb - Support all `LibUI` methods through `Glimmer::LibUI` (with some enhanced, like `timer` and `queue_main`, which accept blocks) ## 0.2.0 - Support examples/timer.rb - Support examples/color_the_circles.rb - Support `timer` and `queue_main` with simple blocks through `Glimmer::LibUI.timer(time_in_seconds=0.1, repeat: true, &block)` and `Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main(&block)` - Support `radio_menu_item` (similar to `check_menu_item`, but auto-unchecks sibling `radio_menu_item`s when checked) - Support degrees for arc arguments (instead of radians) - Support `circle` shape and use in examples/area_gallery.rb (all versions) - Support `Glimmer::LibUI.x11_colors` to obtain all available X11 color symbols - Support `#include?` method in `circle`, `rectangle`, and `square` to test containment of a point `x`,`y` coordinates ## 0.1.11 - New examples/login.rb - Amend examples/form_table.rb with use of a `search_entry` to support table filtering - Support `password_entry` control - Support `search_entry` control - Fix issue with setting control `enabled` property ## 0.1.10 - Upgrade to glimmer 2.2.1 - Add a 3rd tab to examples/grid.rb showcasing the halign and valign properties - Support `grid` `halign`/`valign` symbol values of `:fill` (default), `:start`, `:center`, `:end` - Add `key_value` to `area_key_event` `Hash` - Add `ext_key_value` to `area_key_event` `Hash` ## 0.1.9 - Support `area` listener: `on_key_event` - Support `area` listener: `on_key_down` - Support `area` listener: `on_key_up` ## 0.1.8 - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_event` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_down` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_up` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_drag_start` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_drag` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_drop` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_crossed` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_enter` - Support `area` listener: `on_mouse_exit` - Support `area` listener: `on_drag_broken` ## 0.1.7 - Support `stroke` `:dashes` and use in examples/area_gallery.rb - Support symbol values for draw_line_cap (`:round`, `:square`, `:flat`) and draw_line_join (`:miter`, `:round`, `:bevel`) and draw_fill_mode (`:winding` and `:alternate`) ## 0.1.6 - Update default `window` `width` to `190` - Improve layout of examples/meta_example.rb - Enhance examples/meta_example.rb to enable choosing versions with a spinbox instead of adding them to examples list - Nest control proxies under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy` namespace - Nest shapes under `Glimmer::LibUI::Shape` namespace - Nest `vertical_box` and `horizontal_box` under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::Box` namespace - Nest columns under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::Column` namespace - Nest menu item proxies under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::MenuItemProxy` namespace - Nest date time picker proxies under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::DateTimePickerProxy` namespace - Nest multiline entry proxies under `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::MultinlineEntryProxy` namespace - Support `time_picker` control explicitly - Support X11 color names (via [color](https://github.com/halostatue/color) gem) - Support passing :red, :green, :blue, :alpha keys to fill/stroke (not just :r,:g,:b,:a) - Support 3-number hex color shorthand - Support ability to set fill/stroke to x11/Integer/String color directly (e.g. `fill 'steelblue'` , optionally with extra hash key/value pairs e.g. `fill 0x238232, a: 0.5`) - Support ability to set color_button.color to {color: x11/Integer/String} - Default main_window_proxy first argument for `msg_box`/`msg_box_error` (and empty strings for following args if not passed) - Default main_window_proxy argument for `open_file` and `save_file` ## 0.1.5 - Support examples/histogram.rb - Support examples/basic_transform.rb - Support `color_button` `color=`/`set_color` setter - Switch `color_button` `color` API to return a hash of `{:r, :g, :b, :a}` instead of an array for consistency with other libui APIs (like fill and stroke brush) - Implement `color_button` fine-grained setters (e.g. `cg.red = 144`) - Support hex colors in `color_button` (by passing an Integer 0xFFBBAA or String hex 'ffbbaa') and `path` `fill` and `stroke` (with `:color` key) - Eliminate need for passing `area_draw_params` to `path` when declared underneath `area` `on_draw` listener - Support `path` `transform` property for building `matrix` objects (either through `path { transform {operations} }` directly or through `m1 = matrix {operations}; path { transform m1 }` to reuse a matrix) - Support `area` `transform` property for building `matrix` objects (either through `area { transform {operations} }` directly or through `m1 = matrix {operations}; area { transform m1 }` to reuse a matrix) - Ensure `matrix` `rotate` method accepts degrees (not radians) - Support `matrix` `multiply` method that accepts a `Glimmer::LibUI::MatrixProxy` object - Support `matrix` `invertible?` property that returns a Boolean - Automatically reparent an `area` that is added directly under `window` with `vertical_box`. This fixes issue with display of `area` added directly under `window` in Linux. ## 0.1.4 - Update examples/basic_table_progress_bar.rb with a listener - Set default values for shape parameters and support passing shape parameters as properties inside their body (e.g. `rectangle {x 2; y 3; width 400; height 800}`) - New examples/area_gallery2.rb (utilizing properties instead of args) - New examples/area_gallery3.rb (semi-declarative on_draw dynamic paths) - New examples/area_gallery4.rb (utilizing properties instead of args with semi-declarative on_draw dynamic paths) ## 0.1.3 - New examples/area_gallery.rb - Support `figure(x = nil, y = nil) {}` (`draw_path_new_figure`) - Support `closed true` property inside nested figure (`draw_path_close_figure`) - Support `line` - Support `bezier` - Support `arc` (`draw_path_arc_to` if `draw_path_new_figure` was called already or `draw_path_new_figure_with_arc` if parent is a figure without x,y) - Support `square` with `x`, `y`, and `length` properties ## 0.1.2 - Support re-opening a control by using `#content {...}` - Ensure destroying `path`/`rectangle` after drawing if it is declared inside `on_draw` - Observe `path` `fill` and `stroke` hashes for changes and automatically redraw area accordingly - New examples/dynamic_area2.rb (using stable paths) ## 0.1.1 - Support `area` listener: `on_draw` - New examples/basic_area2.rb ## 0.1.0 - Support examples/basic_area.rb - Support `area` control - Support `path(fill_mode)` control - Support `rectangle(x, y, width, height)` figure - Support `path` `fill` property - Support `path` `stroke` property ## 0.0.28 - Support automatic table row change when updating a row in `cell_rows` (e.g. `data[3] = ['new', 'row', 'cell', 'values']`) - Support `editable` property for `checkbox_column` (checkbox editing only works in Windows due to a [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) limitation) - Support `editable`, `editable_checkbox`, and `editable_text` properties for `checkbox_text_column` (checkbox editing only works in Windows due to a [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) limitation) - Fix examples/basic_table_checkbox_text.rb by removing `editable` property ## 0.0.27 - New examples/form_table.rb - Support automatic table row insertion upon inserting data rows into `cell_rows` ## 0.0.26 - New examples/basic_table_progress_bar.rb - Support table `progress_bar_column` ## 0.0.25 - New examples/basic_table_checkbox_text.rb - Support table `checkbox_text_column` ## 0.0.24 - New examples/basic_table_checkbox.rb - Support table `checkbox_column` - Improve support for table row deletion upon actual `cell_rows` deletion by handling multiple-row deletion not just single-row deletion ## 0.0.23 - Have `image` not require `width` and `height` if it only has one `image_part` (defaults to `image_part` `width` and `height`) - Upgrade to LibUI version 0.0.10 ## 0.0.22 - New examples/basic_table_button.rb - Support table `button_column` - Support table `button_column` `enabled` property - Support `on_clicked` listener for `button_column` - Support automatic table cell value reading management (table row deletion upon actual `cell_rows` deletion due to implicit data-binding) ## 0.0.21 - New examples/editable_column_table_image_text.rb - Support table `image_text_column` ## 0.0.20 - New examples/editable_column_table.rb - Support `editable` property for `text_column` ## 0.0.19 - New examples/editable_table.rb - Support editable `table` control - Fix issue with table `text_column` repeating the first column as the second ## 0.0.18 - Support examples/basic_table_image.rb - Support table `image_column` - Support `image` and `image_part` for building images from rgba byte arrays - Rename `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy.all_control_proxies` to `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy.control_proxies` - Add `Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy.image_proxies` ## 0.0.17 - Support examples/basic_table.rb - Support non-editable `table` control - Support table `text_column` - Support table `cell_rows` property as an `Array` (rows) of `Array`s (row columns) of cell values ## 0.0.16 - Support ability to instantiate without args and set args as properties afterwards inside block (e.g. `window { title 'Greeter'; content_size 300, 400; button {text 'Greet'; on_clicked {puts 'Hi'}} }`) - window (was supported before, but changed default title to empty string) - button - checkbox - group - label ## 0.0.15 - New examples/form.rb - Support `form` control and child attributes of `stretchy` and `label` - Smart defaults for `form` child attributes `stretchy` (`true`) and `label` (`''`) ## 0.0.14 - New examples/grid.rb - Support `grid` control and child attributes of `left`, `top`, `xspan`, `yspan`, `hexpand`, `halign`, `vexpand`, and `valign` - Smart defaults for `grid` child attributes `left` (`0`), `top` (`0`), `xspan` (`1`), `yspan` (`1`), `hexpand` (`false`), `halign` (`0`), `vexpand` (`false`), and `valign` (`0`) ## 0.0.13 - Support examples/date_time_picker.rb - Support `date_time_picker`, `date_picker`, and `time_picker` controls having `time`/`time=`/`set_time` property ## 0.0.12 - Have examples/meta_example.rb allow code editing to enable experimentation and learning - Fix issue with examples/meta_example using puts_debuggerer (a development gem) ## 0.0.11 - New examples/basic_color.rb - Support `color_button` `color` property - Proper destroy of controls (deleting from parent `box`, `window`, or `group` first) - On the Mac only, if no menu is specified, add a Quit menu item automatically to allow quitting with CMD+Q ## 0.0.10 - Support examples/font_button.rb - Support `font_button` control - Add File -> Quit menu item to examples/meta_example.rb - Glimmer Style Guide added to README.md ## 0.0.9 - Build a meta-example (example of examples) ## 0.0.8 - Add `?` suffixed aliases to all boolean property methods - Make C bool properties return boolean in Ruby (not `1` or `0`) - Support passing boolean values to C bool properties in addition to `1` or `0` - Support passing boolean values to C bool constructor args in addition to `1` or `0` - Update all examples to utilize booleans - Make `window` properties `title`=`'Glimmer'`, `content_size`=`150`,`150` & `has_menubar`=`1` if not specified as args in constructor - Have string properties (e.g. `text` and `title`) return `String` not fiddle pointer ## 0.0.7 - Make `padded 1` the default in `horizontal_box` and `vertical_box` to achieve nicer looking GUI by default - Make `margined 1` the default in `group` to achieve nicer looking GUI by default - Destroy main window upon hitting quit on quit menu item - Rename `ControlProxy::all_controls` to `ControlProxy::all_control_proxies` to more accurately describe its contents - Add `ControlProxy::main_window_proxy` method to retrieve main window proxy - Define a `#window_proxy` method on `ControlProxy` to retrieve `window` control proxy for any control ## 0.0.6 - Make listener block provide Ruby proxy object as optional argument (not Fiddle pointer) - Handle `tab_item` scenario where it has an empty block or no block (auto-generate empty `horizontal_box` content as a smart default to avoid crashing) - Support `non_wrapping_multiline_entry` propeties/operations via `LibUI.multiline_entry_*` methods (enhancing them to accept Ruby objects in addition to pointers) - Support splatting `items` array for `radio_buttons`, `editable_combobox`, and `combobox` items - Fix issue with `menu_item` `on_clicked` listeners crashing in examples/control_gallery.rb due to garbage collection ## 0.0.5 - Support examples/control_gallery.rb - Support `open_file` and `save_file` - Support `quit_menu_item` with `on_clicked` listener - Support `preferences_menu_item` and `about_menu_item` - Support `check_menu_item` and `separator_menu_item` - Support `enabled=` & `set_enabled` on all controls (making `enabled` property read/write by relying on `enable`/`disable` operations) - Support `visible=` & `set_visible` on all controls (making `visible` property read/write by relying on `show`/`hide` operations) - Support `horizontal_box` and `vertical_box` propeties (`padded`) & operations (`append`, `delete`) via `LibUI.box_*` methods - Support `editable_combobox`, `radio_buttons`, and `group` - Support `tab` and `tab_item` - Fix issue with always setting menu item text to 'Version' (correctly set to passed argument instead) ## 0.0.4 - Support examples/midi_player.rb - Support `combobox` `items` attribute to append text value array declaratively - Support `menu` and `menu_item` controls ## 0.0.3 - Support examples/simple_notepad.rb ## 0.0.2 - Support `vertical_box` and `horizontal_box` - Support examples/basic_entry.rb ## 0.0.1 - LibUI general control and window support - LibUI listener support - LibUI property support - girb (Glimmer IRB) - Support examples/basic_window.rb - Support examples/basic_button.rb