var MadChatter = { init: function(ws_host){ if (typeof WebSocket === 'undefined') { alert("Your browser does not support websockets.") return false; } MadChatter.init_websocket(ws_host); $('#chatroom').hide(); MadChatter.wait_for_join(); MadChatter.wait_for_chat_submit(); }, init_websocket: function(ws_host){ var ws = new WebSocket(ws_host); ws.onopen = function(){}; ws.onclose = function(){ MadChatter.display_status('You have been disconnected'); }; ws.onmessage = function(evt){ //console.log( var data = JSON.parse(; MadChatter.message_received(data.type, data.username, data.message); }; = ws; }, wait_for_join: function(){ $('#username').keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { // The enter key. MadChatter.join_chat(); } }); $('#join').click(function(){ MadChatter.join_chat(); }); }, wait_for_chat_submit: function(){ var keyboard = $("#keyboard textarea"); keyboard.keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { // The enter key. MadChatter.send_message(keyboard.val()); keyboard.val(''); } }); }, join_chat: function(){ var username = $.trim($('#username').val()); if (username.length == 0) { alert('Please enter your name.'); return false; } MadChatter.send_message('/join ' + username); $('#login_screen').hide(); $('#chatroom').show(); }, message_received: function(type, username, message){ if (type == 'error') { console.log('Client error: ' + message) return; } if (type == 'token') { MadChatter.client_token = message; return; } if (type == 'users') { MadChatter.update_users_list(message); return; } if (type == 'status') { MadChatter.display_status(message); } if (type == 'action') { MadChatter.exec_action(message); } if (type == 'message') { MadChatter.display_message(username, message); if (typeof(MadChatterGrowl) != 'undefined') { MadChatterGrowl.send_(username, message); } } MadChatter.scroll_to_bottom_of_chat(); }, update_users_list: function(users){ $("#members").html(''); $.each(users, function(index, username) { $("#members").append('
" + message + "
"); }, display_message: function(username, message){ $("#messages").append(" "); }, scroll_to_bottom_of_chat: function(){ $("body")[0].scrollTop = $("#messages")[0].scrollHeight; }, send_message: function(message){ if (message == '/clear') { MadChatter.clear_messages(); } else { MadChatter.send_json('message', message); } }, send_json: function(type, msg){ var json = { type: type, token: MadChatter.client_token, message: msg };; }, clear_messages: function(){ $('#messages').empty(); }, get_current_time: function(){ var time = new Date(); var hours = time.getHours(); var minutes = time.getMinutes(); var ampm = 'am'; if (hours > 11) { ampm = 'pm'; } if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } if (hours == 0) { hours = 12; } if (hours > 12) { hours = hours - 12; } return hours + ':' + minutes + ampm; } };