# frozen_string_literal: true class WebhookTemplate < Template audited include Authorizable extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name include Parameterizable::ByIdName class << self # we have to override the base_class because polymorphic associations does not detect it correctly, more details at # http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods/has_many#1010-Polymorphic-has-many-within-inherited-class-gotcha def base_class self end end self.table_name = 'templates' before_destroy EnsureNotUsedBy.new(:webhooks) has_many :webhooks, foreign_key: :webhook_template_id validates :name, uniqueness: true include Taxonomix scoped_search on: :name, complete_value: true, default_order: true scoped_search on: :locked, complete_value: { true: true, false: false } scoped_search on: :snippet, complete_value: { true: true, false: false } scoped_search on: :template scoped_search on: :default, only_explicit: true, complete_value: { true: true, false: false } # with proc support, default_scope can no longer be chained # include all default scoping here default_scope lambda { with_taxonomy_scope do order("#{Template.table_name}.name") end } def self.default_render_scope_class ForemanWebhooks::Renderer::Scope::WebhookTemplate end def taxonomy_foreign_conditions { webhook_template_id: id } end def self.acceptable_template_input_types [:user] end def self.log_render_results? true end def support_single_host_render? false end def support_preview? false end end