== 2011-10-09 version 0.2.7 * Access logger checks respond_to?(:to_msgpack) for each values of params == 2011-10-06 version 0.2.6 * Divided 'uri' column into 'path' and 'host' columns in access logs * Access log merges params which are not filtered by config.filter_parameters * Access logger doesn't overwrite exist keys even if its value is null * Access log uses 'agent' column instead of 'ua' which is same as '$ td import --format=apache' * Run IO threads lazily for Unicorn and Passenger == 2011-09-30 version 0.2.5 * Use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR instead of REMOTE_ADDR if it's available * Don't enable ActiveRecord extension unless defined?(ActiveRecord) * Ignore OPTIONS method * Use Symbol for keys of access log * Removed defined?(RAILS_ENV) and defined?(RAILS_ROOT) to suppress wornings == 2011-09-13 version 0.2.4 * Increase flush_interval from 10 sec to 5 mins gradually * Flush buffered logs when Rails stops * Adds 'elapsed' column to access logs * Use TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY environment variable by default * Enable event logger if apikey is available with default database name and access log table name == 2011-09-08 version 0.2.3 * Loggers use STDERR instead of STDOUT * Use flush_interval 5 min. == 2011-09-08 version 0.2.2 * Use ERB before loading conf/treasure_data.yml == 2011-09-03 version 0.2.1 * Logs HTTP method, URI and UA by default in access log. * Fixes Rails 3.1 compatibility == 2011-08-28 version 0.2.0 * Rewritten * Supported access logging: td_access_log or TreasureData.access_log * Supported model change logging: td_enable_model_tracer * Supported other logging: TreasureData.log == 2011-08-21 version 0.1.1 * Updated library dependencies == 2011-08-21 version 0.1.1 * Added missing lib/td-logger.rb file * Fixed description of the gem == 2011-08-21 version 0.1.0 * First release