// @page Pattern Library/Components // @name Table toolbar // // @description // The table toolbar sits above comparison tables and holds search refinement and filtering tools. // // @markup //

How much would you like to transfer?

// //
// //
// Note that this is illustrative and this figure does not reflect the credit limit you will be offered. //

Sort by:

// //
.us-table-toolbar { background: $c-bggrey; padding: $gutter-width / 2; border-bottom: 1px solid $c-keylinegrey; margin: 0 auto $gutter-width / 2; @include respond-to(tablet) { display: flex; background-color: transparent; border-bottom: 0; padding: $gutter-width $gutter-width / 2; flex-direction: row; } &__wrapper { display: flex; flex: 1 1; &:first-child { margin-bottom: $gutter-width / 2; @include respond-to(tablet) { margin-bottom: 0; } } } &__sort { width: 100%; @include respond-to(tablet) { width: auto; } select { width: 100%; @include respond-to(tablet) { width: auto; } } } &__wrapper--right { justify-content: flex-end; } &__heading { font-size: 18px; } }