require "helper" module Nokogiri module XML class TestNodeSet < Nokogiri::TestCase def setup super @xml = Nokogiri::XML(, XML_FILE) @list = @xml.css('employee') end def test_remove_attr @list.each { |x| x['class'] = 'blah' } assert_equal @list, @list.remove_attr('class') @list.each { |x| assert_nil x['class'] } end def test_add_class assert_equal @list, @list.add_class('bar') @list.each { |x| assert_equal 'bar', x['class'] } @list.add_class('bar') @list.each { |x| assert_equal 'bar', x['class'] } @list.add_class('baz') @list.each { |x| assert_equal 'bar baz', x['class'] } end def test_remove_class_with_no_class assert_equal @list, @list.remove_class('bar') @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['class'] } @list.each { |e| e['class'] = '' } assert_equal @list, @list.remove_class('bar') @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['class'] } end def test_remove_class_single @list.each { |e| e['class'] = 'foo bar' } assert_equal @list, @list.remove_class('bar') @list.each { |e| assert_equal 'foo', e['class'] } end def test_remove_class_completely @list.each { |e| e['class'] = 'foo' } assert_equal @list, @list.remove_class @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['class'] } end def test_attribute_set @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['foo'] } [ ['attribute', 'bar'], ['attr', 'biz'], ['set', 'baz'] ].each do |t| @list.send(t.first.to_sym, 'foo', t.last) @list.each { |e| assert_equal t.last, e['foo'] } end end def test_attribute_set_with_block @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['foo'] } [ ['attribute', 'bar'], ['attr', 'biz'], ['set', 'baz'] ].each do |t| @list.send(t.first.to_sym, 'foo') { |x| t.last } @list.each { |e| assert_equal t.last, e['foo'] } end end def test_attribute_set_with_hash @list.each { |e| assert_nil e['foo'] } [ ['attribute', 'bar'], ['attr', 'biz'], ['set', 'baz'] ].each do |t| @list.send(t.first.to_sym, 'foo' => t.last) @list.each { |e| assert_equal t.last, e['foo'] } end end def test_attribute_no_args @list.first['foo'] = 'bar' assert_equal @list.first.attribute('foo'), @list.attribute('foo') end def test_search_empty_node_set set = assert_equal 0, set.css('foo').length assert_equal 0, set.xpath('.//foo').length assert_equal 0,'foo').length end def test_xpath_with_custom_object set = @xml.xpath('//staff') custom_employees = set.xpath('//*[awesome(.)]', { def awesome ns { |n| == 'employee' } end }.new) assert_equal @xml.xpath('//employee'), custom_employees end def test_css_with_custom_object set = @xml.xpath('//staff') custom_employees = set.css('*:awesome', { def awesome ns { |n| == 'employee' } end }.new) assert_equal @xml.xpath('//employee'), custom_employees end def test_search_with_custom_object set = @xml.xpath('//staff') custom_employees ='//*[awesome(.)]', { def awesome ns { |n| == 'employee' } end }.new) assert_equal @xml.xpath('//employee'), custom_employees end def test_css_searches_match_self html = Nokogiri::HTML("
") set = html.xpath("/html/body/div") assert_equal set.first, set.css(".a").first end def test_search_with_css_matches_self html = Nokogiri::HTML("
") set = html.xpath("/html/body/div") assert_equal set.first,".a").first end def test_double_equal assert node_set_one = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert node_set_two = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_not_equal node_set_one.object_id, node_set_two.object_id assert_equal node_set_one, node_set_two end def test_node_set_not_equal_to_string node_set_one = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_not_equal node_set_one, "asdfadsf" end def test_out_of_order_not_equal one = @xml.xpath('//employee') two = @xml.xpath('//employee') two.push two.shift assert_not_equal one, two end def test_shorter_is_not_equal node_set_one = @xml.xpath('//employee') node_set_two = @xml.xpath('//employee') node_set_two.delete(node_set_two.first) assert_not_equal node_set_one, node_set_two end def test_pop set = @xml.xpath('//employee') last = set.last assert_equal last, set.pop end def test_shift set = @xml.xpath('//employee') first = set.first assert_equal first, set.shift end def test_shift_empty set = assert_nil set.shift end def test_pop_empty set = assert_nil set.pop end def test_first_takes_arguments assert node_set = @xml.xpath('//employee') assert_equal 2, node_set.first(2).length end def test_dup assert node_set = @xml.xpath('//employee') dup = node_set.dup assert_equal node_set.length, dup.length do |a,b| assert_equal a, b end end def test_xmlns_is_automatically_registered doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<-eoxml) eoxml set = doc.css('foo') assert_equal 1, set.css('xmlns|bar').length assert_equal 0, set.css('|bar').length assert_equal 1, set.xpath('//xmlns:bar').length assert_equal 1,'xmlns|bar').length assert_equal 1,'//xmlns:bar').length assert'//xmlns:bar') assert'xmlns|bar') assert'bar') end def test_children_has_document set = @xml.root.children assert_instance_of(NodeSet, set) assert_equal @xml, set.document end def test_length_size assert node_set ='//employee') assert_equal node_set.length, node_set.size end def test_to_xml assert node_set ='//employee') assert node_set.to_xml end def test_inner_html doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<-eohtml)
eohtml assert html = doc.css('div').inner_html assert_match '', html end def test_at assert node_set ='//employee') assert_equal node_set.first, end def test_percent assert node_set ='//employee') assert_equal node_set.first, node_set % 0 end def test_to_ary assert node_set ='//employee') foo = [] foo += node_set assert_equal node_set.length, foo.length end def test_push node ='foo', @xml) node.content = 'bar' assert node_set ='//employee') node_set.push(node) assert node_set.include?(node) end def test_delete_with_invalid_argument employees ="//employee") positions ="//position") assert_raises(ArgumentError) { employees.delete(positions) } end def test_delete_when_present employees ="//employee") wally = employees.first assert employees.include?(wally) # testing setup length = employees.length result = employees.delete(wally) assert_equal result, wally assert ! employees.include?(wally) assert length-1, employees.length end def test_delete_when_not_present employees ="//employee") phb ="//position").first assert ! employees.include?(phb) # testing setup length = employees.length result = employees.delete(phb) assert_nil result assert length, employees.length end def test_unlink xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Bar Bar Bar Hello world Bar Awesome Awesome eoxml set = xml.xpath('//a') set.unlink set.each do |node| assert !node.parent #assert !node.document assert !node.previous_sibling assert !node.next_sibling end assert_no_match(/Hello world/, xml.to_s) end def test_nodeset_search_takes_namespace @xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<-eoxml) Michelin Model XGV I'm a bicycle tire! eoxml set = @xml/'root' assert_equal 1, set.length bike_tire ='//bike:tire', 'bike' => "") assert_equal 1, bike_tire.length end def test_new_nodeset node_set = assert_equal(0, node_set.length) node ='form', @xml) node_set << node assert_equal(1, node_set.length) assert_equal(node, node_set.last) end def test_search_on_nodeset assert node_set ='//employee') assert sub_set ='.//name') assert_equal(node_set.length, sub_set.length) end def test_negative_index_works assert node_set ='//employee') assert_equal node_set.last, node_set[-1] end def test_large_negative_index_returns_nil assert node_set ='//employee') assert_nil(node_set[-1 * (node_set.length + 1)]) end def test_node_set_fetches_private_data assert node_set ='//employee') set = node_set assert_equal(set[0], set[0]) end def test_node_set_returns_0 assert node_set ='//asdkfjhasdlkfjhaldskfh') assert_equal(0, node_set.length) end def test_wrap employees = (@xml/"//employee").wrap("") assert_equal 'wrapper', employees[0] assert_equal 'employee',"//wrapper").first.children[0].name end def test_wrap_preserves_document_structure assert_equal "employeeId", @xml.at_xpath("//employee").children.detect{|j| ! j.text? }.name @xml.xpath("//employeeId[text()='EMP0001']").wrap("") assert_equal "wrapper", @xml.at_xpath("//employee").children.detect{|j| ! j.text? }.name end def test_plus_operator names ="name") positions ="position") names_len = names.length positions_len = positions.length assert_raises(ArgumentError) { result = names + positions.first } result = names + positions assert_equal names_len, names.length assert_equal positions_len, positions.length assert_equal names.length + positions.length, result.length names += positions assert_equal result.length, names.length end def test_union names ="name") assert_equal(names.length, (names |"name")).length) end def test_minus_operator employees ="//employee") females ="//employee[gender[text()='Female']]") employees_len = employees.length females_len = females.length assert_raises(ArgumentError) { result = employees - females.first } result = employees - females assert_equal employees_len, employees.length assert_equal females_len, females.length assert_equal employees.length - females.length, result.length employees -= females assert_equal result.length, employees.length end def test_array_index employees ="//employee") other ="//position").first assert_equal 3, employees.index(employees[3]) assert_nil employees.index(other) end def test_slice_too_far employees ="//employee") assert_equal employees.length, employees[0, employees.length + 1].length assert_equal employees.length, employees[0, employees.length].length end def test_array_slice_with_start_and_end employees ="//employee") assert_equal [employees[1], employees[2], employees[3]], employees[1,3].to_a end def test_array_index_bracket_equivalence employees ="//employee") assert_equal [employees[1], employees[2], employees[3]], employees[1,3].to_a assert_equal [employees[1], employees[2], employees[3]], employees.slice(1,3).to_a end def test_array_slice_with_negative_start employees ="//employee") assert_equal [employees[2]], employees[-3,1].to_a assert_equal [employees[2], employees[3]], employees[-3,2].to_a end def test_array_slice_with_invalid_args employees ="//employee") assert_nil employees[99, 1] # large start assert_nil employees[1, -1] # negative len assert_equal [], employees[1, 0].to_a # zero len end def test_array_slice_with_range employees ="//employee") assert_equal [employees[1], employees[2], employees[3]], employees[1..3].to_a assert_equal [employees[0], employees[1], employees[2], employees[3]], employees[0..3].to_a end def test_intersection_with_no_overlap employees ="//employee") positions ="//position") assert_equal [], (employees & positions).to_a end def test_intersection employees ="//employee") first_set = employees[0..2] second_set = employees[2..4] assert_equal [employees[2]], (first_set & second_set).to_a end def test_include? employees ="//employee") yes = employees.first no ="//position").first assert employees.include?(yes) assert ! employees.include?(no) end def test_children employees ="//employee") count = 0 employees.each do |employee| count += employee.children.length end set = employees.children assert_equal count, set.length end def test_inspect employees ="//employee") inspected = employees.inspect assert_equal "[#{ { |x| x.inspect }.join(', ')}]", inspected end def test_should_not_splode_when_accessing_namespace_declarations_in_a_node_set xml = Nokogiri::XML "" node_set = xml.xpath("//namespace::*") assert_equal 1, node_set.size node = node_set.first node.to_s # segfaults in 1.4.0 and earlier # if we haven't segfaulted, let's make sure we handled it correctly assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::Namespace, node end def test_should_not_splode_when_arrayifying_node_set_containing_namespace_declarations xml = Nokogiri::XML "" node_set = xml.xpath("//namespace::*") assert_equal 1, node_set.size node_array = node_set.to_a node = node_array.first node.to_s # segfaults in 1.4.0 and earlier # if we haven't segfaulted, let's make sure we handled it correctly assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::Namespace, node end def test_should_not_splode_when_unlinking_node_set_containing_namespace_declarations xml = Nokogiri::XML "" node_set = xml.xpath("//namespace::*") assert_equal 1, node_set.size node_set.unlink end def test_reverse xml = Nokogiri::XML "bd" children = xml.root.children assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet, children reversed = children.reverse assert_equal reversed[0], children[4] assert_equal reversed[1], children[3] assert_equal reversed[2], children[2] assert_equal reversed[3], children[1] assert_equal reversed[4], children[0] assert_equal children, children.reverse.reverse end end end end