"schema_type": "object",
"schema_version": "1.0",
"name": "highlight",
"path": "packages/ree_text/package/ree_text/functions/highlight.rb",
"mount_as": "fn",
"class": "ReeText::Highlight",
"factory": null,
"methods": [
"doc": "Highlights one or more +phrases+ everywhere in +text+ by inserting it into\na :highlighter string. The highlighter can be specialized by passing :highlighter\nas a single-quoted string with \u0001 where the phrase is to be inserted (defaults to\n\u0001) or passing a block that receives each matched term. By default +text+\nis sanitized to prevent possible XSS attacks.If the input is trustworthy, passing false\nfor :sanitize will turn sanitizing off.\n\n highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails')\n # => You searched for: rails\n\n highlight('You searched for: rails', /for|rails/)\n # => You searched for: rails\n\n highlight('You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh', 'actionpack')\n # => You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh\n\n highlight('You searched for: rails', ['for', 'rails'], highlighter: '\u0001')\n # => You searched for: rails\n\n highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails', highlighter: '\u0001')\n # => You searched for: rails\n\n highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails') { |match| link_to(search_path(q: match, match)) }\n # => You searched for: rails\n\n highlight('ruby on rails', 'rails', sanitize: false)\n # => ruby on rails",
"throws": [
"return": "String",
"args": [
"arg": "text",
"type": "String"
"arg": "phrases",
"type": "Nilor[String, ArrayOf[String], Regexp]"
"arg": "opts",
"type": "Ksplat[:highlighter? => String, :sanitize? => Bool]"
"arg": "block",
"type": "Block"
"links": [
"target": "sanitize_html",
"package_name": "ree_text",
"as": "sanitize_html",
"imports": [