# # hb_footer.rb # # はてなブックマーク (http://b.hatena.ne.jp/) のコメントを該当日付に貼り付けるtDiaryプラグイン # 改造版rss_recent Version 0.0.5i2と共に使用する # # Licence: GPL # Author: ishinao <ishinao@ishinao.net> # add_body_leave_proc(Proc.new do |date| if @mode == 'day' or @mode == 'latest' diary = @diaries[date.strftime('%Y%m%d')] pnum = 1 hbsrc = '' diary.each_section do |para| td_url = "http://tdiary.ishinao.net/#{date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.html%23p#{'%02d' % pnum}" hb_url = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/#{td_url}" rss_url = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/rss/#{td_url}" template_head = %Q[<div class="section">\n<h3><a href="#{CGI.escapeHTML(hb_url)}">はてなブックマークの反応</a></h3>\n<ul class="hb_footer">\n] template_list = '<li><span class="date">#{time.strftime("%Y年%m月%d日")}</span> <span class="hatenaid"><a href="#{CGI.escapeHTML(url)}">#{CGI.escapeHTML(title)}</a></span> <span class="comment">#{CGI.escapeHTML(description.to_s)}</span></li>' template_foot = "</ul>\n</div>\n" cache_time = 3600; if date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') != Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') cache_time = 3600 * 12; end hbsrc << hb_footer(rss_url, 50, cache_time, template_head, template_list, template_foot) pnum+=1 end hbsrc else '' end end) # rss-recent.rb: RSS recent plugin # # rss_recnet: show recnet list from RSS # parameters (default): # url: URL of RSS # max: max of list itmes(5) # cache_time: cache time(second) of RSS(60*60) # template_head: rendering header part # template_list: rendering RSS item part(with loop) # template_foot: rendering footer part # # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kouhei Sutou <kou@cozmixng.org> # Distributed under the GPL # # Modified using template string and content:encoded # Version 0.0.5i2 by ishinao <ishinao@ishinao.net> # require "rss/rss" RSS_RECENT_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "\0" RSS_RECENT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR = "\1" RSS_RECENT_VERSION = "0.0.5i2" RSS_RECENT_HTTP_HEADER = { "User-Agent" => "tDiary RSS recent plugin version #{RSS_RECENT_VERSION}. " << "Using RSS parser version is #{::RSS::VERSION}.", } def hb_footer(url, max = 5, cache_time = 3600, \ template_head = "<ul>\n", \ template_list = '<li><span class="#{hb_footer_modified_class(time)}"><a href="#{CGI.escapeHTML(url)}" title="#{CGI.escapeHTML(title)}">#{CGI::escapeHTML(title)}</a></span></li>\n', \ template_foot = "</ul>\n") url.untaint cache_file = "#{@cache_path}/rss-recent.#{CGI.escape(url)}" hb_footer_cache_rss(url, cache_file, cache_time.to_i) return '' unless test(?r, cache_file) rv = template_head i = 0 hb_footer_read_from_cache(cache_file).each do |title, url, time, content, description| break if i >= max next if (url.nil? or title.nil?) rv << eval('%Q[' + template_list + ']') i += 1 end rv << template_foot if i > 0 rv else '' end end class InvalidResourceError < StandardError; end def hb_footer_cache_rss(url, cache_file, cache_time) cached_time = nil cached_time = File.mtime(cache_file) if File.exist?(cache_file) if cached_time.nil? or Time.now > cached_time + cache_time require 'time' require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' require 'uri/generic' require 'rss/parser' require 'rss/1.0' require 'rss/2.0' require 'rss/dublincore' require 'rss/content' begin uri = URI.parse(url) raise URI::InvalidURIError if uri.scheme != "http" rss_source = hb_footer_fetch_rss(uri, cached_time) raise InvalidResourceError if rss_source.nil? # parse RSS rss = ::RSS::Parser.parse(rss_source, false) raise ::RSS::Error if rss.nil? # pre processing begin rss.output_encoding = @conf.charset || charset rescue ::RSS::UnknownConversionMethodError end rss_infos = rss.items.collect do |item| hb_footer_pubDate_to_dc_date(item) [item.title, item.link, item.dc_date, item.content_encoded, item.description] end hb_footer_write_to_cache(cache_file, rss_infos) rescue URI::InvalidURIError hb_footer_write_to_cache(cache_file, [['Invalid URI', url]]) rescue InvalidResourceError, ::RSS::Error # hb_footer_write_to_cache(cache_file, [['Invalid Resource', url]]) # when cannot get valid RSS, use old cache end end end def hb_footer_fetch_rss(uri, cache_time) rss = nil begin uri.open(hb_footer_http_header(cache_time)) do |f| case f.status.first when "200" rss = f.read # STDERR.puts "Got RSS of #{uri}" when "304" # not modified # STDERR.puts "#{uri} does not modified" else raise InvalidResourceError end end rescue TimeoutError, SocketError, StandardError, SecurityError # occured in redirect raise InvalidResourceError end rss end def hb_footer_http_header(cache_time) header = RSS_RECENT_HTTP_HEADER.dup if cache_time.respond_to?(:rfc2822) header["If-Modified-Since"] = cache_time.rfc2822 end header end def hb_footer_write_to_cache(cache_file, rss_infos) File.open(cache_file, 'w') do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) rss_infos.each do |info| f << info.join(RSS_RECENT_FIELD_SEPARATOR) f << RSS_RECENT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR end f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) end end def hb_footer_read_from_cache(cache_file) require 'time' infos = [] File.open(cache_file) do |f| while info = f.gets(RSS_RECENT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR) info = info.chomp(RSS_RECENT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR) infos << info.split(RSS_RECENT_FIELD_SEPARATOR) end end infos.collect do |title, url, time, content, description| [ hb_footer_convert(title), hb_footer_convert(url), hb_footer_convert(time) {|time| Time.parse(time)}, hb_footer_convert(content), hb_footer_convert(description), ] end end def hb_footer_convert(str) if str.nil? or str.empty? nil else if block_given? yield str else str end end end # from RWiki def hb_footer_modified(t) return '-' unless t dif = (Time.now - t).to_i dif = dif / 60 return "#{dif}m" if dif <= 60 dif = dif / 60 return "#{dif}h" if dif <= 24 dif = dif / 24 return "#{dif}d" end # from RWiki def hb_footer_modified_class(t) return 'dangling' unless t dif = (Time.now - t).to_i dif = dif / 60 return "modified-hour" if dif <= 60 dif = dif / 60 return "modified-today" if dif <= 24 dif = dif / 24 return "modified-month" if dif <= 30 return "modified-year" if dif <= 365 return "modified-old" end def hb_footer_pubDate_to_dc_date(target) if target.respond_to?(:pubDate) class << target alias_method(:dc_date, :pubDate) end end end