# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' require 'mdwa/dsl' module Mdwa module Generators class CodeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) attr_accessor :all_entities, :code_changes, :random_migration_key argument :entities, :type => :array, :banner => 'Specific entities', :default => [] class_option :run_migrations, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Run rake db:migrate directly' class_option :only_interface, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Generate only user interface' class_option :prototype, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Generate prototype files instead of ERB templates' # # Constructor # Require all entities to load the DSL of the application def initialize(*args, &block) super # include files with entities # select entities that will be generated inside Rails.root do require_all MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH unless Dir.glob("#{MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH}/*.rb").count.zero? end if entities.count.zero? @all_entities = MDWA::DSL.entities.all else @all_entities = entities.collect{ |e| MDWA::DSL.entity(e) } end # entity changes and migrations @changes = [] @random_migration_key = rand.to_s.gsub('.','').to_i end # # Generate code for entities or entity changes. # Generate migration for field changes. # def entities_and_changes return false if options.only_interface @all_entities.each do |entity| # if it's not a resource, ignore next unless entity.resource? # if model has not a database yet, run the generate command begin # if model does not exist, should generate scaffold model_class = entity.generator_model.model_class rescue model_class = nil end if entity.force? or model_class.nil? or !model_class.table_exists? puts "====================================================" puts "Generating code for '#{entity.name}'" puts "====================================================" generation_string = "#{entity.generate} #{'--skip_rake_migrate' unless options.run_migrations} #{'--force' if options.force} --skip-questions" generate generation_string # append generated code to entity append_to_file "#{MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH}#{entity.file_name}.rb", "\n\nMDWA::DSL.entity('#{entity.name}').code_generations << '#{generation_string}'" next # nothing's changed, go to the next entity end next if entity.user? # check what changed model_class.columns.each do |column| # ignore rails default columns and attributes used in associations next if column.name == 'id' or column.name == 'created_at' or column.name == 'updated_at' or column.name.end_with? '_id' entity_attribute = entity.attributes[column.name] # model attribute exists, but not in entity -> was erased if entity_attribute.nil? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column => column.name, :attr_type => column.type} # attribute exists in model and entity, but changed type elsif entity_attribute.type.to_sym != column.type.to_sym next if entity_attribute.type.to_sym == :file or entity_attribute.type.to_sym == :password @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'change_column', :column => column.name, :attr_type => entity_attribute.type, :from => column.type} end end # new attributes entity.attributes.each do |key, attr| # no column with that name -> column must be added if model_class.columns.select {|c| c.name == attr.name}.count.zero? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => attr.name, :attr_type => attr.type} end end # new foreign keys # belongs_to and nested_one associations that are in the entity, but not database entity.generator_model.associations.select{|a| a.belongs_to? or a.nested_one?}.each do |assoc| if model_class.columns.select{|c| c.name == assoc.model2.singular_name.foreign_key}.count.zero? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => assoc.model2.name.foreign_key, :attr_type => 'integer'} end end end # generate changed code unless @changes.empty? migration_template 'migration.rb', "db/migrate/alter_#{@changes.collect{|c| c[:entity].file_name}.join('_')}#{@random_migration_key}.rb" end end # # Generate entities interface. # def entities_interface return nil unless options.only_interface @all_entities.each do |entity| # if it's not a resource, ignore next unless entity.resource? # if model has not a database yet, run the generate command begin # if model does not exist, should generate scaffold model_class = entity.generator_model.model_class rescue model_class = nil end puts "====================================================" puts "Generating code for '#{entity.name}'" puts "====================================================" generation_string = "#{entity.generate} --only_interface #{'--force' if options.force}" generate generation_string # append generated code to entity append_to_file "#{MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH}#{entity.file_name}.rb", "\n\nMDWA::DSL.entity('#{entity.name}').code_generations << '#{generation_string}'" end end # # Generate actions for entities. # Generate controller actions and routes # def entities_actions @all_entities.each do |entity| # next iteration if entity doesn't have specifications next if entity.actions.actions.count.zero? model = entity.generator_model path_to_controller = "app/controllers/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}_controller.rb" controller_string = File.read("#{Rails.root}/#{path_to_controller}") path_to_routes = 'config/routes.rb' # # inject methods in the controller # decide if code is included after class declaration or after cancan load code. cancan_load = "load_and_authorize_resource :class => \"#{model.klass}\"" if controller_string.include? cancan_load after = cancan_load else inherit_controller = 'A::BackendController' if model.space == 'a' after = "class #{model.controller_name}Controller < #{inherit_controller || 'ApplicationController'}" end # insert in controller insert_into_file path_to_controller, :after => after do actions = [] entity.actions.generate_controller.each do |action_name, generation_string| # write the generated code only if it is not declared in the controller actions << "\n\n#{generation_string}" unless controller_string.include? "def #{action_name}" end actions.join end # inject routes declarations insert_into_file path_to_routes, :after => "controller :#{model.plural_name} do" do routes = [] entity.actions.generate_routes.each do |action_name, generation_string| routes << "\n\t\t\t#{generation_string}" end routes.join end # inject routes testing if File.exist?(Rails.root + "/spec/routing/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}_routing_spec.rb") insert_into_file "spec/routing/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}_routing_spec.rb", :after => 'describe "routing" do' do routes = [] entity.actions.actions.values.select {|a| !a.resource}.each do |action| routes << "\n\n\t\tit 'routes to ##{action.name}' do" routes << "\n\t\t\t#{action.method.to_s}('#{action.entity.generator_model.to_route_url}/#{'1/' if action.member?}#{action.name}').should route_to('#{action.entity.generator_model.to_route_url}##{action.name}' #{', :id => "1"' if action.member?})" routes << "\n\t\tend" end routes.join end end # generate the corresponding files entity.actions.actions.values.select{ |a| !a.resource? }.each do |action| action.template_names.each do |request, file_name| case request.to_sym when :modalbox, :html template 'views/view.html.erb', "app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" unless File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}") when :ajax template 'views/view.js.erb', "app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" unless File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}") when :ajax_js template 'views/view.json.erb', "app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" unless File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}") else template 'views/view.custom.erb', "app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" unless File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/#{model.space}/#{model.plural_name}/#{file_name}") end end end end # iteration over entities end # method # # Generate code for entities specify. # Generate unit testing code for models. # def entites_specifications @all_entities.each do |entity| # next iteration if entity doesn't have specifications next if entity.specifications.count.zero? model = entity.generator_model path_to_spec = "spec/models/#{model.space}/#{model.singular_name}_spec.rb" insert_into_file path_to_spec, :after => "describe #{model.klass} do" do specs = [] file_string = File.read("#{Rails.root}/#{path_to_spec}") entity.specifications.each do |specification| unless file_string.include? specification.description specs << "\n\n\tdescribe '#{specification.description}' do" specification.details.each do |detail| unless file_string.include? detail specs << "\t\tit '#{detail}' do" specs << "\t\tend" end end specs << "\tend" end end specs.join("\n") end end end # # Run rake db:migrate # def rake_db_migrate if options.run_migrations rake 'db:migrate' end end private # Implement the required interface for Rails::Generators::Migration. def self.next_migration_number(dirname) #:nodoc: if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else "%.3d" % (current_migration_number(dirname) + 1) end end def inverse_migration_type(type) case type.to_sym when :add_column then 'remove_column' when :remove_column then 'add_column' when :change_column then 'change_column' end end end # class end # generators end # mdwa