require "rexml/document" require "rexml/xpath" require "uri" require "samlsso/logging" # Class to return SP metadata based on the settings requested. # Return this XML in a controller, then give that URL to the the # IdP administrator. The IdP will poll the URL and your settings # will be updated automatically module Samlsso include REXML class Metadata def generate(settings) meta_doc = root = meta_doc.add_element "md:EntityDescriptor", { "xmlns:md" => "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" } sp_sso = root.add_element "md:SPSSODescriptor", { "protocolSupportEnumeration" => "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol", "AuthnRequestsSigned" =>[:authn_requests_signed], # However we would like assertions signed if idp_cert_fingerprint or idp_cert is set "WantAssertionsSigned" => !!(settings.idp_cert_fingerprint || settings.idp_cert) } if settings.issuer root.attributes["entityID"] = settings.issuer end if settings.single_logout_service_url sp_sso.add_element "md:SingleLogoutService", { "Binding" => settings.single_logout_service_binding, "Location" => settings.single_logout_service_url, "ResponseLocation" => settings.single_logout_service_url, "isDefault" => true, "index" => 0 } end if settings.name_identifier_format name_id = sp_sso.add_element "md:NameIDFormat" name_id.text = settings.name_identifier_format end if settings.assertion_consumer_service_url sp_sso.add_element "md:AssertionConsumerService", { "Binding" => settings.assertion_consumer_service_binding, "Location" => settings.assertion_consumer_service_url, "isDefault" => true, "index" => 0 } end # Add KeyDescriptor if messages will be signed cert = settings.get_sp_cert() if cert kd = sp_sso.add_element "md:KeyDescriptor", { "use" => "signing" } ki = kd.add_element "ds:KeyInfo", {"xmlns:ds" => ""} xd = ki.add_element "ds:X509Data" xc = xd.add_element "ds:X509Certificate" xc.text = Base64.encode64(cert.to_der).gsub("\n", '') end if settings.attribute_consuming_service.configured? sp_acs = sp_sso.add_element "md:AttributeConsumingService", { "isDefault" => "true", "index" => settings.attribute_consuming_service.index } srv_name = sp_acs.add_element "md:ServiceName", { "xml:lang" => "en" } srv_name.text = settings.attribute_consuming_service.attributes.each do |attribute| sp_req_attr = sp_acs.add_element "md:RequestedAttribute", { "NameFormat" => attribute[:name_format], "Name" => attribute[:name], "FriendlyName" => attribute[:friendly_name] } unless attribute[:attribute_value].nil? sp_attr_val = sp_req_attr.add_element "md:AttributeValue" sp_attr_val.text = attribute[:attribute_value] end end end # With OpenSSO, it might be required to also include # # meta_doc <<"1.0", "UTF-8") ret = "" # pretty print the XML so IdP administrators can easily see what the SP supports meta_doc.write(ret, 1) return ret end end end