Exodus - a migration framework for MongoDb ============= # Intro ## A migration Framework for a schemaless database ?? After working with Mongo for long time now I can tell you working with a schemaless database does not mean you will never need any migrations. Within the same collection Mongo allows to have documents with a complete different structure, however in some case is you might want to keep data consistency; Especially when your code is live in production and used by millions of users. There is a plenty of way to modify documents data structure and after a deep reflexion I realized it makes more sens to use migration framework. A migration framework provides a lot of advantages, such as: * It allows you to know at any time which migration has been ran on any given system * It's Auto runnable on deploy * When switching enviromment (dev, pre-prod, prod) you don't need to worry if the script has been ran or not. The framework takes care of it for you # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: $ gem 'exodus' And then execute bundle install: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install exodus # Configuration You need to configure 4 things before using Exodus: the database name, the mongodb connection, the config file location and the path to the directory that will include your migrations: require 'exodus' Exodus.configure do |config| config.db = 'migration_db' config.connection = Mongo::MongoClient.new("", 27017, :pool_size => 5, :pool_timeout => 5) config.config_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/config.yml' config.migrations_directory = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/models/migrations' end Then you just need to loads the migrations tasks by adding the following line to your rakefile: load Exodus.tasks ... And you're all set! # Basic knowledge * All Migrations have to be ruby classes that inherits from Migration class. * Migrations have a direction (UP or DOWN) * UP means the migration has been migrated * DOWN means the migration has not been run or has been rollbacked * All migrations have a current_status and status_complete * When current_status is equal to 0 it means the migration has not been run or has been succesfully rollbacked * When current_status is equal to status_complete it means the migration has been succefully migrated * We decided to keep track of migration by enumerating them. * Migrations will run in order using the migration_number * Migrations can be rerunnable safe, rerunnable safe migrations will run on each db:migrate even if the migration has already been run! ## To Do when writting your own * Give it a migration_number class MyMigration < Exodus::Migration self.migration_number = 1 end * Initialize it and define status_complete and description * Write the UP method that will be call when migrating the migration * Write the DOWN method that will be call when rolling back the migration * If your migration contains distinct steps that you want to split up I recommand using the "step" DSL ## Good example class RenameNameToFirstName < Exodus::Migration self.migration_number = 1 def initialize(args = {}) super(args) self.status_complete = 3 self.description = 'Change name to first_name' end def up step("Creating first_name index", 1) do puts Account.collection.ensure_index({:first_name => 1}, {:unique => true, :sparse => true}) end step("Renaming", 2) do puts Account.collection.update({'name' => {'$exists' => true}}, {'$rename' => {'name' => 'first_name'}},{:multi => true}) end step("Dropping name index", 3) do puts Account.collection.drop_index([[:name,1]]) end self.status.message = "Migration Executed!" end def down step("Creating name index", 2) do puts Account.collection.ensure_index({:name => 1}, {:unique => true, :sparse => true}) end step("Renaming", 1) do puts Account.collection.update({'first_name' => {'$exists' => true}}, {'$rename' => {'first_name' => 'name'}},{:multi => true}) end step("Dropping first_name index", 0) do puts Account.collection.drop_index([[:first_name,1]]) end self.status.message = "Rollback Executed!" end end # Commands ## db:migrate Executes all migrations that haven't run yet. You can the STEP enviroment to run only the first x ones. rake db:migrate rake db:migrate STEP=2 ## db:rollback Rolls back all migrations that haven't run yet. You can set the STEP enviroment variable to rollback only the last x ones. rake db:rollback rake db:rollback STEP=2 ## db:migrate_custom Executes all custom migrations that haven't run yet. You can pass custom migrations in parameters, otherwise custom migrations will be loaded from config/migration.yml. You can use an extra parameter to run only the last x ones. rake db:migrate_custom rake db:migrate_custom STEP=2 ## db:rollback_custom Executes all custom migrations that haven't run yet. You can pass custom migrations in parameters, otherwise custom migrations will be loaded from config/migration.yml. You can use an extra parameter to run only the last x ones. rake db:rollback_custom rake db:rollback_custom STEP=2 ## db:migrate:list Lists all the migrations. rake db:migrate:list ## db:migrate:status Gives a preview of what as been run on the current database. rake db:migrate:status ## db:migrate:yml_status Prints on the screen the content of the yml configuration file rake db:migrate:yml_status ## db:mongo_info Prints on the screen information about the current mongo connection rake db:mongo_info