# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ruby-progressbar' module RuboCop module Formatter # This formatter displays the list of offended cops with a count of how # many offenses of their kind were found. Ordered by desc offense count # # Here's the format: # # 26 LineLength # 3 OneLineConditional # -- # 29 Total in 5 files class OffenseCountFormatter < BaseFormatter attr_reader :offense_counts def started(target_files) super @offense_counts = Hash.new(0) @offending_files_count = 0 @style_guide_links = {} return unless output.tty? file_phrase = target_files.count == 1 ? 'file' : 'files' # 185/407 files |====== 45 ======> | ETA: 00:00:04 # %c / %C | %w > %i | %e bar_format = " %c/%C #{file_phrase} |%w>%i| %e " @progressbar = ProgressBar.create( output: output, total: target_files.count, format: bar_format, autostart: false ) @progressbar.start end def file_finished(_file, offenses) offenses.each { |o| @offense_counts[o.cop_name] += 1 } if options[:display_style_guide] offenses.each { |o| @style_guide_links[o.cop_name] ||= o.message[/ \(http\S+\)\Z/] } end @offending_files_count += 1 unless offenses.empty? @progressbar.increment if instance_variable_defined?(:@progressbar) end def finished(_inspected_files) report_summary(@offense_counts, @offending_files_count) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def report_summary(offense_counts, offending_files_count) per_cop_counts = ordered_offense_counts(offense_counts) total_count = total_offense_count(offense_counts) output.puts column_width = total_count.to_s.length + 2 per_cop_counts.each do |cop_name, count| output.puts "#{count.to_s.ljust(column_width)}#{cop_information(cop_name)}" end output.puts '--' output.puts "#{total_count} Total in #{offending_files_count} files" output.puts end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize def ordered_offense_counts(offense_counts) offense_counts.sort_by { |k, v| [-v, k] }.to_h end def total_offense_count(offense_counts) offense_counts.values.sum end def cop_information(cop_name) cop = RuboCop::Cop::Registry.global.find_by_cop_name(cop_name).new if cop.correctable? safety = cop.safe_autocorrect? ? 'Safe' : 'Unsafe' correctable = Rainbow(" [#{safety} Correctable]").yellow end "#{cop_name}#{correctable}#{@style_guide_links[cop_name]}" end end end end