# Frill
Simple decoration of objects for presentation. Out of the box integration with Rails.
## Installation
Throw this in your Gemfile:
gem "frill"
## In a nutshell
Decorate your objects for presentation.
$ rails g frill FooFrill
Frills are just modules that decorate your objects with extra functionality. The `frill?` method on the module tells `Frill` when
to decorate an object with a module:
module FooFrill
def self.frill? object, context
def foo
h.content_tag :b, "#{super} bar"
The `h` method gives you access to all of the view helpers you would normally expect to use inside a view or a helper.
It's aliased to `helpers`, so feel free to use either.
Opt objects in your controllers into frill with the `frill` method:
class FooController < ApplicationController
def foo
@foo = frill Foo.find(params[:id])
Then just use the `foo` method on your Foo objects to get their decorated functionality:
Awesome foo page!
Instead of manually opting objects into decoration via the `frill` method, you can have all of your controller
instance variables automatically decorated via the `auto_frill` macro:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
Now you don't need to use the `frill` method to decorate objects. They'll be automatically decorated
before being passed off to your view.
class FooController < ApplicationController
def foo
@foo = Foo.find params[:id]
### 'frill' decorates individual objects _and_ collections
The `frill` helper will decorate both single objects and collections of objects. You can use it both within your controller
and within your views.
For example, inside a controller:
class FoosController < ApplicationController
def index
@foos = frill Foo.all
def show
@foo = frill Foo.find(params[:id])
Or, in a view:
<%= render frill(@foo.comments) %>
### 'frill' with only a subset of frills
You can tell `frill` to consider only a subset of frills for decoration with the `with` option:
<%= render frill(@posts, with: [TextPostFrill, PicturePostFrill, VideoPostFrill])
### Order your frill dependencies
If you want to specify the order in which frills are applied, you can use `before` and `after` in your frill modules:
module FooFrill
before BarFrill
module BazFrill
after BarFrill
module BarFrill
With this setup, `frill` will attempt to apply the modules in the following order: `FooFrill`, `BarFrill`, `BazFrill`.
## A longer story
Your product manager writes the following story for you:
Feature: Consistent Timestamp Presentation
As a user
I want "created at" timestamps presented in a uniform, localized way on the site
So that I can easily discover the age of content on the site
Scenario: Presenting timestamps
When I navigate to a page that displays a created_at timestamp
Then I should see that timestamp marked up as bold and formatted for the client's locale as follows: Month DD, YYYY HH:MM
You see this and roll your eyes. You're thinking about all of the places that you show `created_at`
timestamps on the site. Reluctantly, you roll up your sleeves and start by writing the following helper and partial:
module ApplicationHelper
def format_timestamp(t)
render partial: "shared/timestamp", locals: { time: l(t, format: :long) }
You then begin the tedious task of tracking down all of the places you render timestamps on the site and wrapping them with `format_timestamp` helper calls:
Written on <%=format_timestamp @article.created_at %>
You hate this approach.
1. It's tedious
1. It's procedural
1. Developers have to remember to manually wrap timestamps with your `format_timestamp` helper.
After you deliver the story, your product owner says "Great! But what about the format of timestamps in the JSON api? Here's another story."
Feature: Consistent Timestamp Presentation in the API
As an API consumer
I want "created at" timestamps presented in the API in uniform way
So that I can easily discover the age of data I consume
Scenario: Presenting timestamps
When I retrieve content with a "created_at" timestamp via the JSON API
Then I should see that timestamp formatted for the client's locale as follows: Month DD, YYYY HH:MM
You attempt to salvage the helper, updating it with concerns for the JSON format:
module ApplicationHelper
def format_timestamp(t)
time = l t, format: :long
if request.format.html?
render partial: "shared/timestamp", locals: { time: time }
elsif request.format.json?
And now you begin the tedious task of updating all of the JSON views with the helper:
json.created_at format_timestamp(@article.created_at)
At this point, you're banging your head against a table.
### Enter Frill
Let's refactor this using the decorator pattern. First, revert all of your changes. Next, add the `frill` gem to your Gemfile, run `bundle`, then generate a frill: `rails g frill TimestampFrill`:
module TimestampFrill
include Frill
def self.frill? object, context
def created_at
helpers.l super, format: :long
The `frill?` method tells `Frill` when to extend an object with this module. Then we redefine the `created_at` method,
calling super and then formatting the date with the rails localization helper `l`. The `helpers` method is made available to
frill'ed objects; it contains the same view context that you have access to inside of views and inside of helper methods.
You can use the `h` method as well - it's simply an alias for `helpers`.
Simple enough.
Next, generate another frill for presenting timestamps via HTML (`rails g frill HtmlTimestampFrill`):
module HtmlTimestampFrill
include Frill
after TimestampFrill
def self.frill? object, context
object.respond_to?(:created_at) && context.request.format.html?
def created_at
h.render partial: "shared/timestamp", locals: { time: super }
There's three important things to note:
1. This frill comes after `TimestampFrill`. That tells `Frill` that it should only attempt to extend an object with this module after attempting to extend it with `TimestampFrill`.
1. The `frill?` method only returns true if it's an HTML request, meaning this frill won't be extended onto objects for your JSON api.
1. The `h` method gives you access to all of the normal view helper methods you expect to you use inside your views. You can also use `helpers`.
Lastly, opt objects into frilling inside your controllers by using the `frill` method:
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json, :html
def show
@article = frill Article.find(params[:id])
respond_with @article
And that's it. You don't have to update any of your views. Why? When you call the `frill` method inside your controller and pass it an object (or a collection of objects),
frill will attempt to extend the object with any applicable frills (i.e., frills that return `true` for the `frill?` method when passed the object and the request context).
That way, you can simply render your `created_at` attributes without any helpers, and they will automatically present themselves appropriately for their context (e.g., HTML v. JSON requests).
Note that if you prefer, you can configure your controllers to automatically frill all objects for presentation by calling the `auto_frill` method inside your `ApplicationController`, instead of manually having to opt them it via the `frill` method:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
Now, you could remove the `frill` from your `ArticlesController`:
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json, :html
def show
@article = Article.find(params[:id])
respond_with @article
Now, any instance variables you create in your controllers will be automatically frilled before handed off to your views.
## Testing
If you're using frill inside a Rails application, you can take advantage of the "frill" rspec helper:
require 'spec_helper'
describe HtmlTimestampFrill do
let(:model) {
Class.new do
def created_at
DateTime.new(2012, 1, 1)
context "html request" do
subject { frill model }
its(:created_at) { should == "January 01, 2012 00:00" }
context "non-html request" do
subject { frill model, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" }
its(:created_at) { should == "January 01, 2012 00:00" }
It will assume an html request context, and it will embue your model with `h` and `helpers` methods.
If you're attempting to test the `MyFrill.frill?` method, you'll need to supply it with stubs:
require 'spec_helper'
describe HtmlTimestampFrill do
let(:context) { double :view_context }
subject { HtmlTimestampFrill.frill? double(:model, created_at: "foo"), context }
context "given an HTML request" do
before { context.stub_chain(:request, :format, :html?).and_return true }
it { should be_true }
context "given a non-HTML request" do
before { context.stub_chain(:request, :format, :html?).and_return false }
it { should be_false }
Note (2012/09/05): because of a subtle bug in RSpec, the above stub chain `stub_chain(:request, :format, :html?)` fails on the latest RSpec release (2.11.0) but is fixed in master. See issue [#587](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/issues/587) and the [commit that fixes it](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/commit/05741e90083280c1b9e069350d7e3afbf4a45456).
Since frills are just modules, it's possible to test your frills in relative isolation.
require 'spec_helper'
describe TimestampFrill do
let(:object) do
double :object,
created_at: DateTime.new(2012, 1, 1),
h: ApplicationController.new.view_context
subject { object.extend TimestampFrill }
its(:created_at) { should == "January 01, 2012 00:00" }
When it comes to view methods that render partials, etc., you could choose to test them with integration:
require 'spec_helper'
class SomeModel
def h
@view_context ||= ApplicationController.new.view_context
def created_at
describe HtmlTimestampFrill do
let(:object) { SomeModel.new.extend TimestampFrill }
subject { object.extend HtmlTimestampFrill }
describe "#created_at" do
it "should render the timestamp partial" do
subject.created_at.strip.should == "January 01, 2012 00:00"
Or you could test them by stubbing out the view context, and simply setting up expectations on them:
require 'spec_helper'
class SomeModel
def h; end
def created_at; end
describe HtmlTimestampFrill do
let(:object) { SomeModel.new }
subject { object.extend HtmlTimestampFrill }
describe "#created_at" do
it "should render the timestamp partial" do
The latter can be nice if you're really just interested in testing conditional logic inside your decoration.
## Usage outside Rails
There are really just three integrations in a Rails app: the `frill`
method inside of your controller, the `auto_frill` macro for controllers,
plus the ability to call view helper methods inside of your module methods.
To kickoff the decoration of an object outside of a Rails application,
simply call `Frill.decorate`:
Frill.decorate my_object, my_context
## Contributors
* Ben Moss
* Nicholas Greenfield
## License