# $Id$ # # Author:: Francis Cianfrocca (gmail: blackhedd) # Homepage:: http://rubyeventmachine.com # Date:: 8 April 2006 # # See EventMachine and EventMachine::Connection for documentation and # usage examples. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. # Gmail: blackhedd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. # # See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # $:.unshift "../lib" require 'eventmachine' require 'socket' require 'test/unit' class TestSendFile < Test::Unit::TestCase module TestModule def post_init send_file_data TestFilename close_connection_after_writing end end module TestClient def data_to(&blk) @data_to = blk end def receive_data(data) @data_to.call(data) if @data_to end def unbind EM.stop end end TestHost = "" TestPort = 9055 TestFilename = "./xxxxxx" def setup end def teardown File.unlink( TestFilename ) if File.exist?( TestFilename ) end def test_send_file File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 5000) } data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, TestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } assert_equal( "A" * 5000, data ) File.unlink TestFilename end # EventMachine::Connection#send_file_data has a strict upper limit on the filesize it will work with. def test_send_large_file File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 1000000) } data = '' ex_class = RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' ? NativeException : RuntimeError assert_raises( ex_class ) { EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, TestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } } File.unlink TestFilename end module StreamTestModule def post_init EM::Deferrable.future( stream_file_data(TestFilename)) { close_connection_after_writing } end end module ChunkStreamTestModule def post_init EM::Deferrable.future( stream_file_data(TestFilename, :http_chunks=>true)) { close_connection_after_writing } end end def test_stream_file_data File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 1000) } data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, StreamTestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } assert_equal( "A" * 1000, data ) File.unlink TestFilename end def test_stream_chunked_file_data File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 1000) } data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, ChunkStreamTestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } assert_equal( "3e8\r\n#{"A" * 1000}\r\n0\r\n\r\n", data ) File.unlink TestFilename end module BadFileTestModule def post_init de = stream_file_data( TestFilename+"..." ) de.errback {|msg| send_data msg close_connection_after_writing } end end def test_stream_bad_file data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, BadFileTestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } assert_equal( "file not found", data ) end def test_stream_large_file_data begin require 'fastfilereaderext' rescue LoadError return end File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 10000) } data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, StreamTestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } assert_equal( "A" * 10000, data ) File.unlink TestFilename end def test_stream_large_chunked_file_data begin require 'fastfilereaderext' rescue LoadError return end File.open( TestFilename, "w" ) {|f| f << ("A" * 100000) } data = '' EM.run { EM.start_server TestHost, TestPort, ChunkStreamTestModule EM.add_timer(2) {EM.stop} # avoid hanging in case of error EM.connect TestHost, TestPort, TestClient do |c| c.data_to { |d| data << d } end } expected = [ "4000\r\n#{"A" * 16384}\r\n" * 6, "6a0\r\n#{"A" * 0x6a0}\r\n", "0\r\n\r\n" ].join assert_equal( expected, data ) File.unlink TestFilename end end