$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') require 'test/unit' require 'valuable.rb' require 'mocha/setup' class Signature < String end class Cube < String def initialize(number) super "Lives in Cube #{number}" end end class DevCertifications < Valuable has_value :a_plus, :default => false has_value :mcts, :default => false has_value :hash_rocket, :default => false end class Dev < Valuable has_value :has_exposure_to_sunlight, :default => false has_value :mindset has_value :name, :default => 'DHH Jr.', :klass => String has_value :signature, :klass => Signature has_value :cubical, :klass => Cube has_value :hacker, :default => true has_value :certifications, :default => DevCertifications.new has_value :quote has_collection :favorite_gems end # Previously, we used :klass => Klass instead of :klass => :klass. # I decided it was just plain dirty. On refactoring, I realized that # most it would continue to work. Other stuff, unfortunately, would # break horribly. (Integer.new, for instance, makes Ruby very angry.) # The purpose of these tests is to verify that everything _either_ # breaks horribly or works, where the third option is fails silently # and mysteriously. class DeprecatedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_that_attributes_can_be_klassified dev = Dev.new(:signature => 'brah brah') assert_equal Signature, dev.signature.class end def test_that_randomly_classed_attributes_persist_nils assert_equal nil, Dev.new.signature end def test_that_randomly_classed_attributes_respect_defaults assert_equal 'DHH Jr.', Dev.new.name end def test_that_constructor_casts_attributes assert_equal 'Lives in Cube 20', Dev.new(:cubical => 20).cubical end def test_that_setter_casts_attributes golden_boy = Dev.new golden_boy.cubical = 20 assert_equal 'Lives in Cube 20', golden_boy.cubical end def test_that_properly_klassed_values_are_not_rekast why_hammer = Signature.new('go ask your mom') Signature.expects(:new).with(why_hammer).never hammer = Dev.new(:signature => why_hammer) end def test_that_default_values_can_be_set_to_nothing assert_equal nil, Dev.new(:hacker => nil).hacker end end