/* This file gets loaded along with the rest of Ext library at the initial load */ // Check Ext JS version (function(){ var requiredExtVersion = "3.2.1"; var currentExtVersion = Ext.version; if (requiredExtVersion !== currentExtVersion) { alert("Netzke needs Ext " + requiredExtVersion + ". You have " + currentExtVersion + "."); } })(); // Initial stuff Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "/extjs/resources/images/default/s.gif"; Ext.ns('Ext.netzke'); // namespace for extensions that depend on Ext Ext.ns('Netzke'); // Netzke namespace Ext.ns('Netzke.page'); // namespace for all widget instantces on the page Ext.ns('Netzke.pre'); // namespace for pre-built, static JS classes Ext.ns('Netzke.classes'); // namespace for finished netzke widgets Ext.QuickTips.init(); // We don't want no state managment by default, thank you! Ext.state.Provider.prototype.set = function(){}; // Type detection functions Netzke.isObject = function(o) { return (o != null && typeof o == "object" && o.constructor.toString() == Object.toString()); } // Some Ruby-ish String extensions // from http://code.google.com/p/inflection-js/ String.prototype.camelize=function(lowFirstLetter) { var str=this; //.toLowerCase(); var str_path=str.split('/'); for(var i=0;i some_parent__a_kid var idSplit = this.id.split("__"); idSplit.pop(); var parentId = idSplit.join("__"); return parentId === "" ? null : Ext.getCmp(parentId); }, /* Reloads current widget (calls the parent to reload it as its aggregatee) */ reload : function(){ var parent = this.getParent(); if (parent) { parent.loadAggregatee({id:this.localId(parent), container:this.ownerCt.id}); } else { window.location.reload(); } }, /* Gets id in the context of provided parent. For example, the widgets "properties", being a child of "books" has global id "books__properties", which *is* its widegt's real id. This methods, with the instance of "books" passed as parameter, returns "properties". */ localId : function(parent){ return this.id.replace(parent.id + "__", ""); }, /* Instantiates and inserts a widget into a container with layout 'fit'. Arg: an JS object with the following keys: - id: id of the receiving container - config: configuration of the widget to be instantiated and inserted into the container */ renderWidgetInContainer : function(params){ var cont = Ext.getCmp(params.container); if (cont) { cont.instantiateChild(params.config); } else { this.instantiateChild(params.config); } }, /* Reconfigures the widget */ reconfigure: function(config){ this.ownerCt.instantiateChild(config) }, /* Evaluates CSS */ css : function(code){ var linkTag = document.createElement('style'); linkTag.type = 'text/css'; linkTag.innerHTML = code; document.body.appendChild(linkTag); }, /* Evaluates JS */ js : function(code){ eval(code); }, /* Executes a bunch of methods. This method is called almost every time a communication to the server takes place. Thus the server side of a widget can provide any set of commands to its client side. Args: - instructions: array of methods, in the order of execution. Each item is an object in one of the following 2 formats: 1) {method1:args1, method2:args2}, where methodN is a name of a public method of this widget; these methods are called in no particular order 2) {widget:widget_id, methods:arrayOfMethods}, used for recursive call to bulkExecute on some child widget Example: - [ // the same as this.feedback("Your order is accepted") {feedback: "You order is accepted"}, // the same as this.getChildWidget('users').bulkExecute([{setTitle:'Suprise!'}, {setDisabled:true}]) {widget:'users', methods:[{setTitle:'Suprise!'}, {setDisabled:true}] }, // ... etc: {updateStore:{records:[[1, 'Name1'],[2, 'Name2']], total:10}}, {setColums:[{},{}]}, {setMenus:[{},{}]}, ... ] */ bulkExecute : function(instructions){ if (Ext.isArray(instructions)) { Ext.each(instructions, function(instruction){ this.bulkExecute(instruction)}, this); } else { for (var instr in instructions) { if (this[instr]) { this[instr].apply(this, [instructions[instr]]); } else { var childWidget = this.getChildWidget(instr); if (childWidget) { childWidget.bulkExecute(instructions[instr]); } else { throw "Netzke: Unknown method or child widget '" + instr +"' in widget '" + this.id + "'" } } } } }, // Get the child widget getChildWidget : function(id){ if (id === "") {return this}; var split = id.split("__"); if (split[0] === 'parent') { split.shift(); var childInParentScope = split.join("__"); return this.getParent().getChildWidget(childInParentScope); } else { return Ext.getCmp(this.id+"__"+id); } }, // Common handler for all widget's actions. comp is the Component that triggered the action (e.g. button or menu item) actionHandler : function(comp){ var actionName = comp.name; // If firing corresponding event doesn't return false, call the handler if (this.fireEvent(actionName+'click', comp)) { var action = this.actions[actionName]; var customHandler = action.initialConfig.customHandler; var methodName = (customHandler && customHandler.camelize(true)) || "on" + actionName.camelize(); if (!this[methodName]) {throw "Netzke: action handler '" + methodName + "' is undefined"} // call the handler passing it the triggering component this[methodName](comp); } }, // Common handler for tools toolActionHandler : function(tool){ // If firing corresponding event doesn't return false, call the handler if (this.fireEvent(tool.id+'click')) { var methodName = "on"+tool.camelize(); if (!this[methodName]) {throw "Netzke: handler for tool '"+tool+"' is undefined"} this[methodName](); } }, // Returns API url based on provided API point buildApiUrl: function(apip){ return "/netzke/" + this.id + "__" + apip; }, // Does the call to the server and processes the response callServer : function(intp, params, callback, scope){ if (!params) params = {}; Ext.Ajax.request({ params: params, url: this.buildApiUrl(intp), callback: function(options, success, response){ if (success) { // execute commands from server this.bulkExecute(Ext.decode(response.responseText)); // provide callback if needed if (typeof callback == 'function') { if (!scope) scope = this; callback.apply(scope, [this.latestResult]); } } }, scope : this }); }, setResult: function(result) { this.latestResult = result; }, /* Normalize an array of abstracted button configs into an array of Ext button configs according to the following rules: - if the element is a string and scope has an action with this name, replace this element with that action; if scope has no corresponding action, don't do anything (Ext will take care of it - display as text, or a separator, etc) - if the element is an object, then: -- if this object has a menu property - it's a nested menu; the value is expected to be an array of abstracted button configs, so, proceed recursively. -- if this object has a handler property and the value correspond to a function in scope - replace this value with the reference to that function */ normalizeMenuItems: function(arry, scope){ var res = []; // new array Ext.each(arry, function(o){ if (typeof o === "string") { var camelized = o.camelize(true); if (scope.actions[camelized]){ res.push(scope.actions[camelized]); } else { // if there's no action with this name, maybe it's a separator or text or whatever res.push(o); } } else if (Netzke.isObject(o)) { // look inside the objects... if (o.menu) { // ... and recursively process nested menus o.menu = this.normalizeMenuItems(o.menu, scope); } else if (o.handler && Ext.isFunction(scope[o.handler.camelize(true)])) { // This button config has a handler specified as string - replace it with reference to a real function if it exists o.handler = scope[o.handler.camelize(true)]; } res.push(o); } }, this); delete arry; return res; }, locateMenus : function(o) { var keyWords = ["bbar", "tbar", "fbar"]; if (Ext.isObject(o)) { Ext.each(keyWords, function(key){ if (o[key]) { o[key] = this.normalizeMenuItems(o[key], this); }; }, this); for (var key in o) { if (keyWords.indexOf(key) == -1) { this.locateMenus(o[key]); } } } else if (Ext.isArray(o)) { Ext.each(o, function(el){ this.locateMenus(el); }, this); } }, // Code run before calling Ext's constructor - normalizing config to provide Netzke additional functionality commonBeforeConstructor : function(config){ // Dynamically create methods for api points, so that we could later call them like: this.myApiMethod() var apiPoints = config.netzkeApi || []; apiPoints.push('load_aggregatee_with_cache'); // all netzke widgets get this API point Ext.each(apiPoints, function(intp){ this[intp.camelize(true)] = function(args, callback, scope){ this.callServer(intp, args, callback, scope); } }, this); // This will contain Ext.Action instances this.actions = {}; // Create Ext.Action instances based on config.actions if (config.actions) { for (var name in config.actions) { // Create an event for each action (so that higher-level widgets could interfere) this.addEvents(name+'click'); // Configure the action var actionConfig = config.actions[name]; actionConfig.customHandler = actionConfig.handler || actionConfig.fn; //DEPRECATED: .fn is kept for backward compatibility, preferred way is to specify handler actionConfig.handler = this.actionHandler.createDelegate(this); // ! this is the "wrapper-handler", which is common for all actions! actionConfig.name = name; this.actions[name] = new Ext.Action(actionConfig); } // TODO: need to rethink this action related stuff config.actions = this.actions; } this.locateMenus(config); // config.bbar = config.bbar && this.normalizeMenuItems(config.bbar, this); // config.tbar = config.tbar && this.normalizeMenuItems(config.tbar, this); // config.fbar = config.fbar && this.normalizeMenuItems(config.fbar, this); config.contextMenu = config.contextMenu && this.normalizeMenuItems(config.contextMenu, this); config.menu = config.menu && this.normalizeMenuItems(config.menu, this); // Normalize tools if (config.tools) { var normTools = []; Ext.each(config.tools, function(tool){ // Create an event for each action (so that higher-level widgets could interfere) this.addEvents(tool.id+'click'); var handler = this.toolActionHandler.createDelegate(this, [tool]); normTools.push({id : tool, handler : handler, scope : this}); }, this); config.tools = normTools; } // Set title if (config.mode === "config"){ if (!config.title) { config.title = '[' + config.id + ']'; } else { config.title = config.title + ' [' + config.id + ']'; } } else { if (!config.title) { config.title = config.id.humanize(); } } }, // At this moment component is fully initializied commonAfterConstructor : function(config){ // From everywhere accessible FeedbackGhost this.feedbackGhost = new Netzke.FeedbackGhost(); // Add the menus if (this.initialConfig.menu) {this.addMenu(this.initialConfig.menu, this);} // generic events this.addEvents( 'widgetload' // fired when a child is dynamically loaded ); // Cleaning up on destroy this.on('beforedestroy', function(){ this.cleanUpMenu(); }, this); this.callbackHash = {}; if (this.afterConstructor) this.afterConstructor(config); }, feedback:function(msg){ if (this.initialConfig && this.initialConfig.quiet) { return false; } if (this.feedbackGhost) { this.feedbackGhost.showFeedback(msg); } else { // there's no application to show the feedback - so, we do it ourselves if (typeof msg == 'string'){ alert(msg); } else { var compoundResponse = ""; Ext.each(msg, function(m){ compoundResponse += m.msg + "\n" }); if (compoundResponse != "") { alert(compoundResponse); } } } }, addMenu : function(menu, owner){ if (!owner) { owner = this; } if (!!this.hostMenu) { this.hostMenu(menu, owner); } else { if (this.ownerWidget) { this.ownerWidget.addMenu(menu, owner); } } }, cleanUpMenu : function(owner){ if (!owner) { owner = this; } if (!!this.unhostMenu) { this.unhostMenu(owner); } else { if (this.ownerWidget) { this.ownerWidget.cleanUpMenu(owner); } } }, onWidgetLoad:Ext.emptyFn // gets overridden }; // Netzke extensions for Ext.Container Ext.override(Ext.Container, { /** Get Netzke widget that this Ext.Container is part of (*not* the parent widget, for which call getParent) It searches up the Ext.Container hierarchy until it finds a Container that has isNetzke property set to true (or until it reaches the top). */ getOwnerWidget : function(){ if (this.initialConfig.isNetzke) { return this; } else { if (this.ownerCt){ return this.ownerCt.getOwnerWidget() } else { return null } } }, // Get the widget that we are hosting getWidget: function(){ return this.items ? this.items.get(0) : null; // need this check in case when the container is not yet rendered, like an inactive tab in the TabPanel }, // Remove the child removeChild : function(){ this.remove(this.getWidget()); }, // Given a scoped class name, returns the actual class, e.g.: "Netzke.GridPanel" => Netzke.classes.Netzke.GridPanel classifyScopedName : function(n){ var klass = Netzke.classes; Ext.each(n.split("."), function(s){ klass = klass[s]; }); return klass; }, // Instantiates an aggregatee by its config. If it appears to be a window, shows it instead of adding as item. instantiateChild : function(config){ var klass = this.classifyScopedName(config.scopedClassName); var instance = new klass(config); if (instance.isXType("netzkewindow")) { instance.show(); } else { this.remove(this.getWidget()); // first delete previous widget this.add(instance); this.doLayout(); } } }); // Feedback Ghost Netzke.FeedbackGhost = function(){}; Ext.apply(Netzke.FeedbackGhost.prototype, { showFeedback: function(msg){ var createBox = function(s, l){ return ['
', '
', '
', s, '
', '
', '
'].join(''); } var showBox = function(msg, lvl){ if (!lvl) {lvl = 'notice'}; var msgCt = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {'class':'netzke-feedback'}, true); var m = Ext.DomHelper.append(msgCt, {html:createBox(msg,lvl)}, true); m.slideIn('t').pause(2).ghost("b", {remove:true}); } if (typeof msg != 'string') { var compoundMsg = ""; Ext.each(msg, function(m){ compoundMsg += m.msg + '
'; }); if (compoundMsg != "") showBox(compoundMsg, null); // the second parameter will be level } else { showBox(msg); } } });